Rasaad on Repeat

To be quick about it: I kicked Rasaad from the party after we defeated Sorrel and discovered the location of the Dark Moon Monks on the Cloud Peaks. I then reinvited Neera to join me at the FAI, completed her quest at Adoy's enclave and then returned to Nashkel to meet Rasaad and kick Neera.
Rasaad joins the party, and then immediately initiates his farewell dialogue, promising to wait for me in Nashkel. He enters the Nashkel inn to reappear on the spot where he is recruited, and then approaches me asking to join me again, immediately after which he initiates his farewell dialogue again. This goes on and on without end or solution.
Rasaad joins the party, and then immediately initiates his farewell dialogue, promising to wait for me in Nashkel. He enters the Nashkel inn to reappear on the spot where he is recruited, and then approaches me asking to join me again, immediately after which he initiates his farewell dialogue again. This goes on and on without end or solution.

I know this bug (experienced it too) but not how to fix it.
@Gate70? Troodon80?
@recklessheart could you upload a saved game? Do you have any mods installed/did any edits?
Winrar it. It's a free software for compressing multiple files.
@Gate70 it seems like a variable messed up (I don't know why) like in Viconia's case in BG2:EE, slightly different anyway.
@Illdyth 5999 rasaad, I can confirm that it is an issue.