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Payment form?

RedfloydRedfloyd Member Posts: 8
HI, i am from Brazil and i would like to know if there is any news about the form of payment to acquire the game.If possible by "bank slip" or deposit since i don't use cred card.If possible could someone post a link with an answer?I have looked around on the forums and no one seems to know.Thanks.


  • eainterplayeainterplay Member Posts: 55
    You may know this already, but the easiest way to pay using a bank account would be to checkout with paypal. You can easily link your bank account with it and pay for the game with paypal. Hope this helps.
  • RedfloydRedfloyd Member Posts: 8
  • RedfloydRedfloyd Member Posts: 8
    Hey i just checked this paypal and it's asking for credcard i wish to know some other way without credcard....
  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    Paypal prefers to use your checking least they keep trying to get me to allow them access :P
  • RedfloydRedfloyd Member Posts: 8
    Let me explain this more clearly, i don't want to get a international cred card just to pre-order this my doubt is.There "is" or "will" be any other way to pay for this game here on Brazil without Credit Card?
  • RedfloydRedfloyd Member Posts: 8
    Any news about forms of payment?
  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    Sorry don't think anyone has come up with a viable solution that doesnt include a credit card or paypal.
  • ManveruManveru Member Posts: 75
    Pay pal doesn't require a creditcard. I don't have a creditcard and paid with paypal.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Paypal actually require a credit card in many countries. Brazil is one of them.
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