EE Keeper on ipad?

Im new to this forum
I recently downloaded bg2 EE to my ipad, i cleared out all i could in chapter 3(including 2 dragons), exept for a lich i helped and wasen't able to kill, but ofc i can't use the casyomyr +5 sword i got when i killed firekraag dragon, because i killed the only paladin ingame.(i started as a mage), and since i was so clever to deliver his body to the crowled wizards i cannot enter the planar sphere either and get the other +5 wepon in shadow of amn. Funny how killing 1 man can destroy so much xD
So i really need ee keeper program on my ipad, i tryed to read and understand, it looked like some1 had this wokring on ipad? Im im such a noob on ipads and apple in general that i am not even able to transfer files from a pc to my ipad :P Also, is it possible to transfer folders?
So any1 knows what i can do? Can any1 help me getting this to work on my ipad? Any1 know if ee keeper will come to ipad apple store? :P (i downloaded that ee keeper with app. file)
(p.s any1 know how i can kill that lich wich i have forgotten the name of? My characters are between lvl 12-14, yoshimo is 15 though but ill loose that rat soon) Dragons and other liches i could "snipe" with xxxx death clouds and cloud kill, but when this lich is killed once and enter his true shape he rapes me xD)

Im new to this forum

I recently downloaded bg2 EE to my ipad, i cleared out all i could in chapter 3(including 2 dragons), exept for a lich i helped and wasen't able to kill, but ofc i can't use the casyomyr +5 sword i got when i killed firekraag dragon, because i killed the only paladin ingame.(i started as a mage), and since i was so clever to deliver his body to the crowled wizards i cannot enter the planar sphere either and get the other +5 wepon in shadow of amn. Funny how killing 1 man can destroy so much xD
So i really need ee keeper program on my ipad, i tryed to read and understand, it looked like some1 had this wokring on ipad? Im im such a noob on ipads and apple in general that i am not even able to transfer files from a pc to my ipad :P Also, is it possible to transfer folders?
So any1 knows what i can do? Can any1 help me getting this to work on my ipad? Any1 know if ee keeper will come to ipad apple store? :P (i downloaded that ee keeper with app. file)
(p.s any1 know how i can kill that lich wich i have forgotten the name of? My characters are between lvl 12-14, yoshimo is 15 though but ill loose that rat soon) Dragons and other liches i could "snipe" with xxxx death clouds and cloud kill, but when this lich is killed once and enter his true shape he rapes me xD)
If you can upload your save game somewhere (I've seen some people mention iFunBox), I can make whatever modifications you want done and then give it back to you.
Edit: also, I have not read through all of Apples' terms and conditions extensively, but if it is in any way similar to the Google Play Store, they do not allow programs that alter the 'content' of another application. Saved games would classify as content generated by the Baldur's Gate application, and so programs that modify that would be against the terms of service.
Edit: yeah, their are like Google's terms but more strict
Well, i was able to download directly file to ipad(this mac os, but i guess thats an apple pc program), and extracted it, but the ipad diden't reconised the files.
Anyway i can try to do as you say and transfer the save games from my ipad to my pc. But how do i do this? Does there exist a folder for my bg2EE on my ipad? Where i can transfer either the entire folder or just the save games from? And how do i transfer from ipad to pc? :P I got usb cable. If i need a seperate bg2ee edition for my pc, can i use my fathers steam version? Or can i use bg2 shadow of amn version wich he got on cd-disk? If i wanted to upload the file and then get it to pc and back to ipad again after modifications, could i use something as simple as email then? :P
I'll leave you to answer any other iPad questions that @Gel87 has since I'm not familiar with the workings of iOS. :-)
Well, since im so bad with ipad im not able to inspect/explore apps. Like forexample even finding any savegame files in the BG2EE app. Im also not able to bring the files from my ipad to my pc/mail etc. I tryed out dropbox, and another program that could send apps/files from ipad to dropbox or via network, but my pc dident find the ipad ;d
Im now downloading ibrowse on my laptop, trying to see if i can get some baldurs gate stuff over here.
So could you make a step by step list for me how to find the savegame files, how to send it from ipad to pc, and then how to send them back when i'm done modify them with ee keeper?
Yes thats the guy, i rape his first shape without even him touching me with mage alone casting 3-4 death clouds. But when he comes in his skeleton head shape(demilich) i cant even touch him and he imprisson all my characters until i loose. But i can try this tactic. Im the mage class wich specifies in elemental raw dmg. Arie is not in my team. I use my mage (conjuer??) Zylar, Minsk, Korgan, Jaheira, Amoen, Yoshimuto wich i just lost and replaced with imoen. Most my characters are lvl 12, my mage as well
Looks like this ibrowse works, i now actually found the save files with a windows pc, using a something im used to work with.
Now i just need to get BG2EE installed on this pc and put the quick save folder there? Then i can modify and somehow send back?
Will ee keeper be able to open/import/modify this file?
Anyway, see example picture
Maybe I misunderstood, but if you are looking for a weapon to hit kangaxx, you can use Daystar (a hidden door in the tavern in the City Gate district), or Mace of distruption +2 (mace of distruption is in a pool in Bodhi's lair, you can upgrade to +2 with the illithium if you didn't use it for a quest), or a staff +4 you can purchase in Adventurer's Mart.
I already took out the quicksave to my pc. Since that was the newest save.
Okay, so u mean i can upload it here on forum? And then i can pick it up on other pc with BG2EE installed?
I also can email it right? But can i use steam version of BG2EE edition? Or can i buy the game online somehow? Okay i can look for this daystar if i not already got it ;D Perhaps i sold it dno xD
About the Mace of distruption i choose bodi's side, i dont know if i have found any illitium yet? I also have a +1 sword of earth fire or smt, thats a +5 vs undead, still dont hit ;d I guess i can search in bodi's lair? But i have moved on now and is in spellhold atm, do u even get the chance to travel back later? I can't remember that xD
Can you guys edit this file in EE keeper? I zipped it now
Ah ye i understand, once was going solo with monk i bg2, very effective, 1 stroke down dragons with monk albility etc
I have burning earth +1
I also wanted the +5 hammer/mace wich adds 25str etc on anomen.
Since i killed the only paladin possible to join my team and gave his body to the crowled wizards before i entered the spere i destroyed both my chances to use +5 wepons in shadow of amn xD
I also need the key to the cult in the sewer's, because i did never found that one in windspear hill's.
I was able to transfer my savegame files to pc some while ago and alternate them there
I turned minsc into a paladin
My problem now is that i cannot enter true a door in the underdark... I dident come by ship, i came by portal and im not able to get any furter, into the dragon etc, there is a door there with an drow party in front wich i killed, but i have no chance of getting further true that door...