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Killed the Knights of Somannia!

I'm playing a chaotic evil Sorcerer so naturally I destroyed the pathetic knights before they could speak.

now Tolgaris isn't turning up, please don't tell me I've fudged this up someone give
me some good news please.......


  • KorevacKorevac Member Posts: 40
    Teos, I meant Teos not Tolgaris
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    Erm... As far as I am aware, there is a cutscene that occurs with Reyna prior to Teos appearing. If she's dead, that's probably the reason for Teos not appearing. I think this is the same behaviour as the original game.

    If you want to upload a saved game, I can take a look at fixing that for you. :-)
  • enqenqenqenq Member Posts: 499
    Maybe he's afraid you'll destroy him before he can speak ;)
  • KorevacKorevac Member Posts: 40
    bah! thanks for the offer Troodon but i'll just carry on my merry way with this play through.

    the lives of Every man, woman and child in Trademeet shall be forfeit for this mistake though!
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    Have fun. :-)
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Skaffen said:

    Somehow evil guys always cry unfair when their actions actually have consequences... :)

    Not always - for instance, I laughed hysterically upon reading the mayor's reaction to my poisoning of the Druid grove, and didn't at all expect a statue.
  • KorevacKorevac Member Posts: 40
    jackjack said:

    Skaffen said:

    Somehow evil guys always cry unfair when their actions actually have consequences... :)

    Not always - for instance, I laughed hysterically upon reading the mayor's reaction to my poisoning of the Druid grove, and didn't at all expect a statue.
    I just poisoned the grove and all I got was a telling off and a loss of one rep????
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    @Korevac - Same here. I didn't expect nor did I get a statue, and the mayor's reaction was priceless. Sorry for the ambiguous wording.
  • enqenqenqenq Member Posts: 499
    Korevac said:

    jackjack said:

    Skaffen said:

    Somehow evil guys always cry unfair when their actions actually have consequences... :)

    Not always - for instance, I laughed hysterically upon reading the mayor's reaction to my poisoning of the Druid grove, and didn't at all expect a statue.
    I just poisoned the grove and all I got was a telling off and a loss of one rep????
    I'm surprised you actually had any left rep to lose...
  • TaearTaear Member Posts: 90
    Korevac said:

    jackjack said:

    Skaffen said:

    Somehow evil guys always cry unfair when their actions actually have consequences... :)

    Not always - for instance, I laughed hysterically upon reading the mayor's reaction to my poisoning of the Druid grove, and didn't at all expect a statue.
    I just poisoned the grove and all I got was a telling off and a loss of one rep????
    All the evil options in the game feel so silly. It's like in Fallout New Vegas - you can only really go evil if you don't care about making the game more annoying for yourself.

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