Can't finish the game

So at the end of the game where you get the invitation to the duke coronation... I killed bill and I can't get into the palace I thought I would be able to brute force through but apparently you have to be a little b*tch and do it the other way... Any ways I did that and I still can't enter. It keeps telling me to gather my party so I'm stuck outside of the castle. Have the iPad version so modding is not a option. How the hell was this not fixed prior to release... Need a beta tester? ...
@Gamereaper, best bet would be to upload a saved game for someone to fix by using something like iFunBox.
As Troodon80 said the best way is to open the save in the computer and spawn him again if that's the trouble, that's easy to do in the computer version with the console (and without it if you like editing variables or maybe editing a BCS).
I can't think of a way to fix this in the iPad, really. And killing a guy that's important for the plot wasn't a thing that I've tried when testing, maybe we can just give him a MINHP and done, you can kill people that has that item in BG1 because you can't shapechange into a Mind Flayer and drain his INT to death.
It's like when I was playing fallout and I dropped the holotape I had to get in the glow. I couldn't find where I put it. But atleast I was able to go and get the electronic pick and open the brotherhood door that way. But I had to slaughter every person just to level my lock picking to 100. And who ever said the mutate perk was shit is a lier! Any ways I'm playing bg2 now.. Thanks for the support I wish iPad had a console and mods! Just saying I'd jail break for it.
For me, play as you enjoy. If you have fun fighting bounty hunters every few minutes, have at it. Who am I to say what some people find fun? it does tend to break the story a bit though.
But id like to know why you think this legendary game had a proper "enhancement".
-Support for native resolutions
-New NPCs with unique portraits, voiceset, quests, areas, items and portraits
-No loading times
-New romances
-Evil Thief (that is not an overpowered monster like Valen)
-Improved stat screen
-New kits (No mod has ever been able to make a proper Blackguard)
-Hardcoded bug fixes and cleaning up the code
-It can run on modern systems and it's multi-platform (though no consoles, thankfully)
Some other things also but they don't come to mind right now.
Most important of all. Official and continuous support for the game. That means more updates and more content... for free.
I want to point you at the Dragon Age series which make you pay for every new quest and NPC. Or Mass Effect.
I have played a few dragon age games they are fun, mass effect was amazing but the ending was a let down... I've played drakensang and gothic but I've yet to find a game I'll play over 5 times through.. The only games I can think of is fallout and stalker.