Cursed Items

When I originally played BG it was possible to equip items without having to identify them first, which meant that the Ring of Folly, Gauntlets of Fumbling or Cursed Two-Handed Sword actually posed some kind of threat. Even after I had played a couple of times I managed to get the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity and the Girdle of Piercing mixed up and succeeded in turning Khalid into a girl (so no change there then).
However, I think later versions require you to identify items before you can use them, which means cursed items are meaningless because no one can ever get caught out by them.
So, people, my question is, how can we make cursed items fun again?
However, I think later versions require you to identify items before you can use them, which means cursed items are meaningless because no one can ever get caught out by them.
So, people, my question is, how can we make cursed items fun again?
Also, some of the cursed but strictly good items from PS:T are a really good idea as well
and okay, maybe not get rid of identify spell, but make it very rare, like in bg1 (with level cap) make it a lvl 4 spell, in bg2, make it lvl 8/9. It doesn't follow the ruleset of 2e, but it would deffinately make things much more interesting. And i agree about giving cursed items the appearance of other items.
One other thought, a quest you have to take on where you must wear at least 2 or 3 cursed items. Like ring of folly, bracers of fumbling, and can't think of a good third one. But make it so that you mus wear 3 specific cursed items, but give a nice reward at the end.
and please, make it a long quest, not just put this on, go here, have a reward. Make you fight a boss like that :P