Custom Portraits for Ipad (yet again?)

Hello! New here and new to the Enhanced Edition (played original BG on its relase).
From reading various posts on the forum, there seem to be a major hassle if you want custom portraits for the Ipad version. Do you have to jailbreak your ipad to get custom portraits ( something i dont want to do at the moment)?
In the appstore for the game, the version 1.2 says that images for custom portraits will resize as long as they are smaller than 1024x1024 and that you only need one image. Is this something that applies to Ipads or is it misleading?
Thanks in advance.
From reading various posts on the forum, there seem to be a major hassle if you want custom portraits for the Ipad version. Do you have to jailbreak your ipad to get custom portraits ( something i dont want to do at the moment)?
In the appstore for the game, the version 1.2 says that images for custom portraits will resize as long as they are smaller than 1024x1024 and that you only need one image. Is this something that applies to Ipads or is it misleading?
Thanks in advance.
To browse you iPad's files you can use iFunbox, it's certainly good, to do this you won't need a jailbreak, but you'll have to do it every single time you want a new PC with a custom portrait.
1. Create a zip file on the computer.
2. Put the images for the portraits in the zip file. The images has to be 24-bit .bmp files and no more than 8 characters long, as well as smaller than 1024x1024. Only one image required ( it automatically resizes them when needed)
3. Manually change the file extension for the zip file to .bg1portraits .
4. Email the file to yourself and open the file on your ipad with Baldurs Gate. This should automatically start the game.
5. The next time you select portraits, a Custom button has appeared. Clicking on it allows you to select the images you put in the .bg1portrait file.
This should be made publically known.
Likewise, it works for BG2EE if you use .bg2portrait