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If you were a character in Baldur's Gate....

KalesraKalesra Member Posts: 234
What would your race/alignment/stats be? This is inspired by @SharGuidesMyHand 's thread regarding ability scores, where some people mentioned taking a quiz that told them what their D&D ability scores would be based on their real-life abilities.

I took a similar test but found that (in my mind) it severely inflated my ability scores. Of course this would be a heroic version of myself, but still...So I used the categorization of INT scores from the AD&D 2nd Edition Player's Handbook as a reference point to try to score myself somewhat more realistically. I came up with the following scale. Feel free to discuss/disagree with my examples:

3-4 Well below average (the STR & CON of a terminally ill person, the WIS of a 2 year old)
5-7 Below average (the STR of a 60-year-old woman, the DEX of a person with an injured limb)
8-10 Average
11-12 Above average
13-14 Well above average
15-16 Exceptional (with little effort, can do things relevant to the ability that most people find very difficult or impossible--e.g. the CON of an ultra-long-distance runner)
17-18 (18/00 for STR) (a paragon, approaching or at the limits of human ability--the STR/DEX of a record-breaking Olympic gold medalist, the INT of a Nobel Prize winner, or the CHA of a powerful cult/religious leader)
19 -- Beyond what a human could achieve without some supernatural intervention.

So, based on that, here is my Baldur's Gate doppelgänger.


Half Elf (OK, obviously I'm human. I chose this because I'm mixed race.)

Wizard. (INT is my best ability score, and the wizard is the closest thing to a professional academic in D&D.)

Neutral Good (I go out of my way to be helpful and generous. I don't make a concerted effort to flout authority, but I'll break rules if I feel have to.)

***Ability scores***

STR 9 - My upper-body strength is definitely below average but my lower-body strength is above average (I have some absurdly strong legs). I suppose it sort of evens out.

DEX 12 - I can appear to be somewhat clumsy, but this is due to me being spaced out (see WIS). I consider myself above average in terms of agility. I am proficient at many styles of dance (ballet, tap, salsa, modern, jazz, hip hop....), did martial arts for a few years, can pull off minor slight of hand, have good reflexes, and have excellent fine motor skills (I'm fast at typing and can draw quite well).

INT 16 - I consider myself very intelligent. I speak many languages, have always gotten perfect grades (even in things outside of my main field of study), have a very high IQ, and will soon have an advanced degree in a scientific field. However, I am not a genius, which is what 17-18 INT means. Since 18 is the upper limit of human intelligence, I would reserve 18 for the most brilliant minds in human history. Someone with 17 intelligence, I would see as being among the brightest of their generation. So...perhaps even 16 is a bit on the arrogant side, but oh well. I'll just say my low WIS is holding me back from true greatness. ;)

CON 12 - I don't get sick easily (haven't had a cold in 2 years), can run for over an hour without stopping, can sprint up several flights of stairs without being winded, and have a good pain tolerance (which I unfortunately know from experience).

WIS 7 - I'm not rating myself low because I'm gullible or naive. I'm neither. But I am extremely spaced out and forgetful and have terrible willpower. Fortunately being smart, lucky, and likable usually helps me get out of the idiotic situations I get myself into or I would be royally screwed.

CHA 13 - I make friends very easily and people just really seem to like me. I'm fairly introverted but am nonetheless a good performer and storyteller and can easily make people laugh. I'm good at resolving conflicts and getting others to agree with me, or at least accept my point of view. When there's some discord among friends or acquaintences, I'm often the neutral party who others come to for advice (or to b**** about the other person).

So, what would your Baldur's Gate self be like?


  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 482
    Race: Human
    Class: Fighter
    Alignment: True Neutral

    Str 10 - I don't workout like I should, I think my limit is 60 pounds
    Dex 10 - I think I can only make it half a mile before stopping for breath
    Int 10 - Suffer from ADD so im slower at acquiring knowledge
    Con 14 - I don't get sick easy
    Wis 10 - Even though I am mostly careful.. im slow at picking up details, Wouldn't make a great detective
    Cha 10 - Im socially awkward, Im like Matthew Perry from Friends.
  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    lawful evil ranger - I'm kind of null of emotion. don't have the wits, smarts or strength to be a caster or a melee bruiser. possibly a rogue/thief but would prefer to use my skills in a more direct approach

    str 12 - getting stronger , doing lots of weight training
    dex 17 - been doing BJJ for 6 years, brain is sharp
    con 14 - do lots of training, wrestling and JJ
    int 9 - I think I'm smart but I haven't done any schooling past high school :( graded in 2009
    wis 9 - not enough real world experience
    cha 14 - friendly and talkativeish
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Human. I might be a little close to Halfling in some ways of my personality, but I'm not quite that carefree, and complacency bugs me.
    Neutral Good all the way. I treat people well but I believe that all aspects of life are some form of balance.
    Bard. I'm an actor, singer, play guitar, and crave attention somewhat.

    Strength: 9 - I'm not very strong, but I work well with my weight; I can do 11 chin ups, so that's pretty good.
    Dexterity: 12 - Guitar, some martial arts, really really fast typing, good hand/eye coordination.
    Constitution: 11 - While I'm not very tough, I don't get sick hardly at all.
    Intelligence: 13 - Some days I might say 14, I don't know. I consider myself fairly intelligent, although compared to the rest of my immediate family, they got me beat.
    Wisdom: 15 - I believe I am very wise for a 19-year-old man. Sometimes it makes me too cynical though, which is unfortunate. I always know the right thing to do, just sometimes I don't do it out of laziness, fear, or pride.
    Charisma: 14 - I am very good in social situations.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 915
    edited February 2014
    Human or perhaps half-elf. (With a scruffy beard.)
    Neutral Good. (Or so I try!) Maybe Chaotic Good.
    Mage (probably invoker). I'm a scholar in real life.

    Strength: 10 (average)
    Dexterity: 10 (average)
    Constitution: 10 (average)
    Intelligence: 16 (oh why not? I do have a PhD, somehow...)
    Wisdom: 8 (like many scholars, I'm not overflowing with common sense)
    Charisma: 13 (I'm comfortable speaking in public, and can generally keep people's attention, but am introverted/reserved in less formal environments).

    Yup, a human invoker, c'est moi.

    EDIT: Just realized that my Constitution is too low to be an Invoker. Okay, a generalist mage it is!
    Post edited by Thrasymachus on
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    True Neutral (my philosophies centre around me, my personal experiences; I refuse to be pressured by larger social structures unless I deem them correct models of behaviour or institution; moral relativist; loyal to those I care about, but unforgiving or unsympathetic for those who slight me or who have no positive effect on my life)
    Bard (actor, trained also in dance, and a singer from youth)

    Str: 10 (standard)
    Dex: 13 (dance experience)
    Con: 9 (terrible pain tolerance)
    Int: 15 (academically inclined)
    Wis: 17 (world-wise, philosophical, self-reflective, insightful and socially perceptive)
    Cha: 17 (socially inclined, assertive, fond of parties, excel both in intimate gatherings and as a host and conversationalist in large groups)

    So I'll do the talking, item identifying, and support spell castings for the group, I think! Weapon of choice would probably be a dart as it is lightweight, ranged, and I used to play the sport. Just don't expect big things from my kill count, and we'll be a great team! Like Elminster and Volo...
  • illusionillusion Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2014
    Human, LN Rogue or Wizard or possibly rogue dualed to wizard at some point. I don't always believe in or follow the law, but I have very firm ideas as to what is right and wrong. I'm seen as a stickler for doing things right.

    Dex:15 - Very athletic...played Div 1 baseball in college, was a very successful WR in 6A high school football, Qualified as Marksman on multiple firearms and played multiple FPS games at Semi-pro to pro level(The hand-eye coordination required in those games is intense - CS 1.6, CS:S, and Quake 3 for anyone that cares)
    Con:8 - I rarely get sick but have bad allergies and am injury prone(3 major surgeries in 4 years due to injury)
    Int: 15 - I'm a highly qualified individual in a highly technical career field...I work with everything from ancient to cutting edge tech and get to make it all work together. I have no degrees simply because my college career got cut short due to injury(see CON), but have multiple high level IT certs.
    Wis: 15 -Grew up quick, traveled extensively, read constantly, and quite frankly made enough dumb*ss mistakes when I was younger to know better now. Friends and co-workers often come to me for life advice.
    Cha: 13 - I tend to drift in and out of social situations and circles at will. I'm very often the unspoken leader in group/team situations, more often than not I can persuade people to do me favors or come around to my way of thinking. I'm an excellent listener, and because of that end up being the one everyone goes to confide in(often times complaining about each other). I'm relatively quiet and introverted, and have no problems with silence(some people feel strange if you don't always engage in small talk)

    Preferred weapons: Throwing Dagger, Dagger, Bow
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    Race: human
    Class: wizard (by discarding other options)
    Alignment: neutral

    Str 10
    Dex 9
    Con 11 (dont get sick easy but nothing out of the norm)
    Int 12 (smarter than the average but not really that much)
    Wis 10
    Cha 12 (sociable, etc. above average)

    I guess I would become one of those average useless cowled wizards that Irenicus blows to pieces in the promenade
  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307
    Human (or possibly half-Dwarf)
    Chaotic Good (I generally do what feels right... But I often take an unconventional/inexplicable route to get there)

    Str & Dex - 11 (I've got good hand eye co-ordination and delight in smashing round objects a long way away)
    Con - 9 (I've got a couple of mild chronic conditions, but nothing too restrictive)
    Int & Wis - 16 (I'm generally the guy asked for advice... and I can kill you with my brain)
    Cha - 18 (I've captained every sport team I ever played for, and was blessed with the gift of the gab)

    Class is tricky... I work testing parts of aircraft & spend my spare time collecting books & useless knowledge so I'd probably be a Diviner/Priest of Oghma... Although I'm also an atheist so maybe just Diviner.
  • KalesraKalesra Member Posts: 234
    MacHurto said:

    I guess I would become one of those average useless cowled wizards that Irenicus blows to pieces in the promenade

    Haha, I would probably be a wizard who CHARNAME finds in some laboratory doing experiments. They'll be completely harmless, but I'll still get hacked to bits because 1.) CHARNAME's PTSD is triggered by the word "experiments" and 2.) I have a sick collection of spell scrolls.

    Forgot my weapon of choice...I guess a quarterstaff since that was my weapon when I studied martial arts.

    We would all make a ragtag little adventuring party. I'm tempted to actually roll up a character with my stats and see how far she gets, but I'm pretty sure the lack of level 9 spells would quickly dampen the fun. I guess there are enough INT enhancers that I could eventually cast them but still....I could never bring myself to create a wizard who wasn't an Einstein-level genius.
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    edited February 2014
    i think this is not as good as those tests coz your own opinions are very subjective while tests are equal for everyone
  • KalesraKalesra Member Posts: 234
    Of course there is always some subjectivity. I tried to provide a scale based on AD&D 2nd Edition rules to make it a bit easier for people to rate themselves accurately. But most of the tests are just as subjective. For example, some of them basically allow you just to say "yeah, I'm like really super smart" and you get 18 intelligence. AD&D seems to imply that an 18 is the upper limit of human ability. I don't think a test that tells me that I'm one of the smartest human beings to have ever lived accurately maps my real-life abilities onto D&D ability scores.

    Also, I am basing some of my scores on objective measurements. Being able to run for an hour is better than most people (so I have "above average" CON) but I can't run a marathon. I used the STR charts from the book to objectively compare how much weight I can carry for long periods of time and press to STR scores, then gave myself a little extra because I can press way more than average with my legs. My INT score is consistent with the number of languages I can speak and with standardized intelligence test scores and academic achievement. Sure, there's some room for inflation (everyone thinks they're better than average!), but the fact that the tests give unreasonably high scores in some areas shows that they are also prone to inflation.
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    I would say roughly... (3.5E stats):

    Human or Tiefling. (My friend used to call me a Half-Demon as he was the elf.)
    True Neutral to/or Chaotic Neutral. (I choose to remain neutral, though I don't like rules.)
    Deity: Either Faithless (as I'm an atheist though it's not smart to be one in DnD) or Tymora (luck)
    Rogue (I like sneaking around and I love ninjas and stealth games in general)
    10-12 STR. I have average strength though I'm relatively tall and have some natural strength.
    14-16 DEX. I consider myself dextrous to a point and I like speed over brute strength.
    12-14 CON. I am and try to be healthy and I have no illnesses, though I smoke.
    12-14 INT. I believe I have above average intelligence and I like analyzing information.
    08-10 WIS. Not too sure about that one. I'm usually absent-minded and not too patient.
    10-12 CHA. Not incredibly charismatic though I can be the life of a party and I try to look good etc.

    That's a rough estimation of what I consider myself to be. Though it's not absolute.
  • AristilliusAristillius Member Posts: 873
    Fun to read you guys' descriptions! :D I agree that this is more interesting than the objective tests.
    I guess I would be human - I like several of the other races, for instance halflings and elves, but I would definately be a human character.
    I am lawful good, no way around it. Sometimes I think I want to be chaotic good, becuase it is cool to rebell (hehe) - but I follow laws, and if I desire change I do so through lawful means. I am also slighly moralistic (dont confuse with conservative - which I am not at all). As usual I feel people are being a bit harsh with themselves, but this is all subjective after all, so all in good fun :)

    STR - 10 Average, I go for long hiking/skiing trips and chop wood regualrly, but I am not particuarly strong.
    DEX - 9 Slighly below average, no particulars, I wear glasses and I am not particuarly good in ball sports.
    CON - 15 I have gone through survival in the army in minus 40 degrees conditions. I can walk with a heavy backpack for several days up mountains. I do get sick slighly above average I suspect - but this is subjective after all :)
    INT - 15 I did well in school, currently work as a lecturer in academia at age 26, I quickly process and appropriate information
    WIS - 16 Good critical sense, varied experiences and interest in human interaction, religions, philosophy and so on. Even though I wear glasses I think im quite perceptive.
    CHA - 14 Slighly ambivalent scoring here: I play guitar, love attention - and have lectured and spoken for several large audiences. However, I can also be a bit of a loner sometimes, I can thrive with solitude for a few days at a time, and I dont seek friendship all over the place - but I am content with the people I have around me. So, since I function well in social settings when I want to, I give myself a 14.

    I guess I would function best as a bard (although who heard of a lawful good bard though?). I guess one could also argue for a cleric of some sort, but I am not really a fan of gods, even in a world where the gods are tangible.
    But I really want to be a ranger - the weird thing is, if I began adventuring as a ranger (and survived the first few levels) I suspect my physical scores would go up a lot, maybe to 15 strength and 15 dexterity. And since 2nd edition doesnt work that way you could argue that those scores would be more correct to give: the potential scores in a life of active adventuring, this is at least true for the physical scores.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    My guess:

    Lawful: I value order over chaos, even if it can be restrictive sometimes. It may be a trekkie cliche, but in the end, I consider the needs of the many over the needs of the one, so a system that benefits the many is worth some restrictions for myself.
    Neutral, evil leaning: I hear both sides of a story and then make my choice - if I take a side at all. I'm probably rather apathetic and just don't care enough about some things to feel the need for either supporting or defying a side.

    Human. I'm not alienated enough from the world to put on my emo hat and say I identify with non-humans rather than humans.

    Bard, if kitted Charlatan. I'd be much like Eldoth, actually, but with carny twist to the conman theme.

    BG1: Found on Nashkel Carnival, talking commoners into playing rigged games.
    BG2: Found outside Circus Tent, juggling. The rat that left the sinking ship before things went delusional inside.

    Ability Scores
    Str 13: I work out/lift, but not excessively.
    Dex 18: Tehehehehe juggling finally pays out for something... I take prof in Darts and Throwing Daggers.
    Con 12: Here's where I get screwed. I rarely get sick and am in good shape, but I'm allergic to nearly everything, most of it food and plants. Wilderness, go away.
    Int 16: But claim it's 18, because charlatans always think they are smarter than they actually are.
    Wis 16: Seen a lot, been to many places/countries, made some of the "big" choices. Not been too sheltered, but only in early 30ies, so there's still more to see and learn and ponder.
    Cha 17: I don't really see it, but people seem to think so. Often approached for advise, support, whatever; not sure why, but people listen to what I say and do what I recommend them to do. It sucks a bit because I don't like being a "leader", it mainly means that I'm expected to bother with other people's problems, which I often don't care about.

    Total score: Popular and charming (read skeevy and despised) as Eldoth, but I make at least a better archer.
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    Human. Because, well, I am human so it's hard to imagine really being anything else. Neutral Good; I always try to help people when I can. But I don't like the police... although that's mainly because they often park themselves in the bus stop across the road, and when they do I pick up their radio on my speakers. It's very inconvenient.

    STR/DEX/CON - I would say an average 10 for all of those. I do stuff like long walks, jogging, but nothing particularly strenuous.
    INT - 16 I'm quite good at maths and can remember vast amounts of pointless, useless trivia. I'm good at logic puzzles too.
    WIS - 16 Lots of varied interests, studied philosophy, sociology, psychology and history (those are about half the A-Levels I've done). Also I'm very good at lateral thinking puzzles.
    CHA - 12 A little above average. Although I have aspergers and am not great socially, I can act and do comedy in front of a crowd (the forth wall really helps).

    I would like to be a bard of some sort, but it's the singing I'm terrible at. I think a mage/cleric of oghma would suit me, because it's those monks who get access to all the really interesting tomes.

  • JnnJnn Member Posts: 34
    Well lets give this one a shot


    Fighter. I have worked as a bouncer, security guard, and even in the army, so i have had my fair share of brawls.

    Chaotic good. I obey laws but i think there are too many of them and some of them impose unnecessary restrictions on our lives. I never attack first unless im defending someone who is already under attack.

    Str 17: Its alot but i think its justified. I have been lifting for 17 years and im definitely reaching my own limit.

    Dex: 8: Muscle is strenght but not flexibility. I can get my fingers to my toes so i figure that gives me a 8 atleast.

    Con 17: This one was hard since i dont really know what counts in it but im rarely sick and i have a good cardiovascular endurance. + i can take a punch without blacking out or subduing to pain. Unless its a dentist. Then im a total wuss.

    Int 10: Above average. I have degree but its nothing special. I dont struggle with my shoelaces atleast so i guess that gets me a 10.

    Wis 11: Slighty above average. I often plunge into deep discussions. Im able to endure and learn from criticism, especially if given from someone i respect. But then again these are values and manners of most civilized human beings so nothing special here thus the average.

    Cha 15: Im definitelly a good looking guy. Never had a problem picking up ladies or making a good impression if i so wished. Have also been able to intimidate guys bigger than me to sit their ass down and shut up, so i think that gets me exceptional.

    So no carsomyr for me in the world of forgotten realms and i probably wouldnt last long against a mind-flayer, but if i would get close enough, with big enough sword, i guess i could give Firkaag a smack he would remember for a while.
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    I was actually invited once to do a Mensa exam. But I never went... they might have found out I was cheating on all their other tests.
  • KalesraKalesra Member Posts: 234
    MacHurto said:

    Never realised before that was the secret hideout for Mensa!

    Hehe, at least we like to think so :P.
  • YamchaYamcha Member Posts: 490
    edited February 2014
    neutral good, sometimes a bit shifting towards chaotic :D

    Str 13 (not really working out, but it comes with being tall ^^ )
    Dex 11 (somehow deteriorated as I got older )
    Con 13 (perfect sight, all teeth, never a fracture)
    Wis 10 (not especially gifted in this section)
    Int 12 (yep)
    Cha 08 (strong silent type)

    I better give up the adventuring life before rolling a class, this isnt the stuff heroes are made of :D
  • AristilliusAristillius Member Posts: 873
    I want @Jnn in my party ^^
  • RewolfRewolf Member Posts: 102
    / Race - I would take either Human or Half-Elf. I'm known to be quite optimistic and spontaneous, but I can be quite serious when the situation demands it.

    / Class - I am studying Nursery, so a logical class would a Cleric. If Clerics would be allowed to carry Bows, I would go Ranger/Cleric, considering my scores and history however. (maybe I should go dual class!)

    / Allignment - Neutral Good. I believe in the balance of powers, but in that balance I support the good side. I follow the law as long as it seems right and just, but when it seems wrong I don't have a problem with going against it.

    / Ability Scores:

    STR: 11 - I have some strength, but most of my strength (and stronger muscles) are located in my legs. My Upper Body strength is average on the contrary.

    DEX: 16 - I used to be a goalie in field hockey, which requires quite good reflexes. Have done trials for the Dutch National Northern District team (can be compared with an Eastern/Western Conference team like in NBA). Also I used to do Archery in my teenage years and won the Northern National Championships at 15 years old.

    CON: 14 - I used to cycle about 20 km to school and back each day in about 50 minutes for 5 years during High School, competed in some 4 mile runs which I did in around 27 - 32 minutes, so I guess this is pretty well above average. Apart from that, I get sick around once each year and never experienced injuries in my life. I do have an allergy for nuts though.

    INT: 14 - On my latest IQ test I scored a 137 (2 months ago) so I do see myself well above average, considering that the average was around 108.

    WIS: 13 - I do not reckon myself wiser then others, though I am often complemented on the amount of general knowledge I possess. On the flipside, I do suffer from ADHD, so I'm quite prone to forget stuff and not being able to concentrate very well (which should also influence my INT score obviously!)

    CHA: 13 - I do not envision myself as a leader, but usually I do take the lead when we're playing teambased games with friends. I can get along with most people and I always try to find the middle ground between people during arguments or disagreements. However, I do tend to do this a bit too much, resulting in me not always to make split decisions because I always try to consider every option.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited February 2014
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Race: Half-Elf, much more from the psychical part from Elves, but the curiosity from humans, physically I look more like a Half-Orc, I guess that the most fitting race is Human, because there are no Half-Orc-Half-Elf.

    Class: Definitely the only Ranger/Wizard in the world, just because I like much more the country and other things, I could be a Mage/Thief with no problems too (and seems more accurate to PnP classes...), so I think I am a Mage/Thief, with almost all my points on Detect Noise, Pick Pockets, Detect Illusion and Move Silently. I could be a Bard too but I certainly don't play the violin anymore, and I sing so bad I would make myself deaf if I sing for a while, I should consider the Swashbuckler->Mage Multi-Class.

    Alignment: Certainly I can't be lawful; once a while I trolled everyone in school by pick pocketing their cellphones and leaving the on the director's desk, definitely a very good made chaotic evil joke, but I'm like something good, I like helping others, rewards are nice but sometimes you don't want them, I definitely don't care about money to make myself commit an evil act, I think that either Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Good, maybe Chaotic Evil fits me too, sometimes I'm angry, and, well, I turn into the Slayer, I guess that the most fitting one is Chaotic Neutral.

    STR: by the 2E tables of carrying weight I should have 11 STR, most of it is in my legs and wrists/hands (not arms), then I don't think I deal out more damage because of my STR, nor add THAC0 (I guess that having studied anatomy counts as a +1 against humanoids :P but that is for INT/WIS I guess), so if I can't lift more than 70 Pounds I guess I have only 11 in STR, I definitely can't run with 70 pounds on my arms, but I can walk without problems.

    DEX: If talking about brain-hands coordination I could say 19, I can do lots of things with my hands without looking what I'm doing, but certainly I don't run fast, my reflexes are just a little bit better than normal (I train fencing so I could say that I have good reflexes), when I run I CAN run very fast but I can't stop then, I weight a lot and putting my body's mass at a speed over 5Km/hour requires much more STR to stop than the STR I have, I guess that a 16 or 15 in DEX goes fine (I'm aged 14, and I recall being much more dexterous when I was younger), I'd go for 15 DEX, I am good at archery (once a while I had the second best score while camping with school, those lucky noobs >.<) and also very good climbing, I recall everyone telling me "slow down! You're going to fall"

    CON: I don't tend to get sick because of the cold, it's odd because I tend to fall sick in summer :P I guess that I've been very bad of health lately, this summer I was sick twice, so... :( I can't expect more than 13. Then, I am high resistant to pain, more from the Sith part of myself that "unacknowledges" pain, again, I have a great control over myself, I might be badly hurt, but maybe I don't feel I am so hurt. Last year I got unconscious because of having a very poor level of glycemia, I think that I have 11 in CON, getting sick in summer is a symptom of the weirdest metabolism ever. Besides that, when I was young I got injured on my right ankle, so it's 18 grades to the right that how it should be, causing great trouble if I want to trot.

    INT: I have very good memory (unless it comes to names like the Shadow Dragon's and things like that), I have a memory of sounds that even amazes myself, so I replicate voices accurately, it's completely useless but it's funny. I am very good at science and biology, at maths I comprehend everythng but then I mess everything on tests, I really hate how strict maths are, but I like all that you can do knowing maths. In history I'm good too, also because I know how to relation things with complete sense and without it being just obvious. As for my age I tend to leave everyone in school behind me, I learn very fast; it might strange that a teenager is making mods for Baldur's Gate, but it isn't complicated, you just need time to understand it, and then it turns out that it was definetly easy. I guess that having a genious-level 17 INT is accurate, right now I'm being affected by the laziness of the youth, so I guess that it's givjng me a -1 to my 17 turning it into a 16 that isn't bad anyways.

    WIS: lore-wise I'm <i>very wise, but when it comes to common sense... "Don't you understand you can't kill the president and look like a hero?" Certainly NO, capitalism is evil and democracy is completely manipulated, so... I miss the sense that I'm doing something wrong added that I certainly don't doubt, and then I don't regret (sometimes I do regret things) most of the errors I have, I try to learn from what I did wrong to improve myself. I am asked for advice a lot, but as I really don't care that much, the most common replies are "do what you would do" amd "just fetch me a glass of water and get out", I guess that I should improve my common sense, but it's certainly what you think that is common sense, this changes from one person to another, I might consider wise something that someone else does not, and as I have very different feelings and thinking that other people, they consider me with low common sense, by my lore and my own common sense I'll give myself 14 WIS, one can't expect so much for someone of my age, but, hey!

    CHA: bad-looking, using clothes because they are comfortable, telling people I don't like sincerely and being uncaring about how I look. I'm NOT charismatic, and I don't care if I am, Charisma is the least useful stat in real life and my favorite dump stat :D I guess I am under the normal, I'll give myself a 6 on CHA.

    That leaves me as a 75 points person (STR 11, DEX 16, CON 11, INT 17, WIS 14, CHA 6), and almost identical to my first PC, an elven Mage/Thief named Crevs Daak.

    I guess that my proficiencies will be Long Swords, Dual-Wielding, Single Weapon Style, Short Swords and Bows, as I do fencing I guess I really have points spent in Swords, and I have high coordination on my arms so dual-wielding won't be bad, I know how to use bows well, and fencing is only with one sword in one hand, and you have to parry attacks, so I guess that those are the bonuses from SWS.

    So, I am a Chaotic Neutral Human Mage/Thief (Swashbuckler->Mage?) wielding a long sword, dressed with the most useful and most worst looking mage robes (Robe of Vecna?), carrying a bow in the back and with a spellbook that saw lots of travelling around.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited February 2014
    I guess I'd be a human (although is my personality somewhat elven, maybe? hmm) CG Cleric/Mage with relatively high Int and Wis. That would match RL professionally. My once formidable strength, agility, and coordination aren't what they used to be, though. Probably at least still average, I reckon. I don't want to jinx myself but I think my Con is probably still holding above average. Charisma? I'm gonna guess somewhere above average based on some powers of persuasion and genuine humility.

    Not now, but earlier in life I think I could definitely have hacked being an adventurer in FR.* The chances of getting killed are so huge that I would have been very selective about what risks to take, though.

    * Okay, an addendum to this: If a parallel version of me (a la the multiverse) could be transported now to embark on an adventure in FR at this point in my life, of course I would go and do it. If there is only one of me to go around, then sadly I would have to pass.
    Post edited by Lemernis on
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    I like this thread. Very interesting answers.

    I guess I am the only one that when watching Save Private Ryan, assume I would be one of those poor souls that die just as the boat opens in the first scene :-D
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