In my first tries against Carbos and Shank I think I suffered more from Carbos, I mean, I was already killed by Carbos, that's why Shank didn't kill me.
Of course, inspired by the thread, I had to make a character of myself, trying to be as authentic as I could with as close to what I'd be in the game. Looks exciting, although certainly more challenging than my previous characters.
I made myself into a character today too and started playing BGII. I picked up the ring of human influence as soon as I got out of the dungeon and then ran off to use my newfound skills of persuasion to make other, stronger people follow me around and protect me. That went fine until I went to pick up Anomen and beg him to shield me from bad guys with his manly strength. I ran into Amalas and ended up picking a fight with him even though I was out of spells (low wisdom, yay). Got dismembered. So...that's how long I would last in Athkatla.
I like this thread, so I'll give it a go. (Even though I'll probably sound full of myself!)
Str 12 - I work out enough to know I'm above average, but no more.
Dex 11 - I have my ups and downs here. My reflexes are excellent - I field at gully or silly mid off generally speaking and can hold a sharp catch there, but my balance isn't the best in the world.
Con 16 - I'm a long distance cyclist and have a really high pain threshold. I broke my hip last September and walked and cycled on it (including hiking through a gorge on Dartmoor) for seven weeks 'til it got diagnosed. Despite the bolts, I'm already back in business.
Int 16 - I've studied three different subjects at degree level and test very well for IQ/reasoning skills.
Wis 13 - I give advice to 11-18 year olds about sensible life choices and how to get things right so I ought to be 15 or better. But I'm not always great at following my own advice.
Cha 16 - I am an outgoing teacher who does assemblies regularly. I don't have behaviour issues in class and I generally like being the centre of attention. Public speaking is my thing
Alignment - I teach philosophy, religion and ethics so I generally stay out of discussions on this topic. I'm probably Neutral Good - like Kant, I believe people should never be just a means to an end but an end in and of themselves. That tips me towards LG, but I've done my fair share of protest marches on social justice issues.
Class - Bard (Skald) - I write stories and I sing. The Skald also has huge Lore skills and the correct level of rogue.
You'd probably find me in the Candlekeep Inn in BG1 or protesting about something in the Government District in BG2.
Of course, inspired by the thread, I had to make a character of myself, trying to be as authentic as I could with as close to what I'd be in the game. Looks exciting, although certainly more challenging than my previous characters.
I made myself into a character today too and started playing BGII. I picked up the ring of human influence as soon as I got out of the dungeon and then ran off to use my newfound skills of persuasion to make other, stronger people follow me around and protect me. That went fine until I went to pick up Anomen and beg him to shield me from bad guys with his manly strength. I ran into Amalas and ended up picking a fight with him even though I was out of spells (low wisdom, yay). Got dismembered. So...that's how long I would last in Athkatla.
Crevs Daak just got killed by the Cambion on Irenicus's Dungeon
Dex 11 - I have my ups and downs here. My reflexes are excellent - I field at gully or silly mid off generally speaking and can hold a sharp catch there, but my balance isn't the best in the world..
Anyone close to the bat warrants at least 13-14! I tend to toddle around mid-off myself...
I decided to roll a Jester because Charname is a goof-off and enjoys mocking people in verse. I feel it best fits with my gypsy heritage. I can juggle too, though likely not as well as @KidCarnival This is a character I rolled based on a real-life ability scores test, but I've decided to fudge the stats a bit and drop a point of Con so I can add it to Wis: I'll upload the character sheet when I get home. Edit: Here it is. [Spoiler][/Spoiler]
Strength - 14. 6'0" and bench about 40 lb over my weight. I'm a gym rat and always have been.
Dexterity - 14. I'm very well coordinated and have always been good at basketball and tennis. I have, however, recently torn the meniscus in my knee, and I'm coming along in my rehab, but my lateral movement has taken a serious hit. Were it not for that injury, I'd grade myself out at a 16. So, i'm one good trip to the cleric from being a 16!
Constitution - 12. I heal well, but I seem to get sick about once a year and have to stay home for about 4 or 5 days to recover. I do have a very high pain threshold (torn rotater cuff and meniscus, and kept playing after each injury until the game was over), but I'm not sure how much that's good for. I'm pretty average in this department.
Intelligence - 17. I went to college on a full scholarship, went to law school and placed highly in my class, passed the bar, and now work as a district attorney. My logical reasoning scores are in the top 1% nationally. I'm also a MENSA member. Still, I know enough people smarter than I am to know I'm not an 18.
Wisdom - 8. I've heard this a few times from multiple people: "you are the dumbest smart guy I know." And it's true. No common sense. I can argue someone into submission, but rarely know when to keep my mouth shut. That's a definite lack of wisdom.
Charisma - 12. I'm no bard, but always seem to make friends wherever I go, so I'd call myself average here. Plus I am married and my wife hasn't divorced me yet so there is that.
Race: Gelfling! (My father likes to call me a gelfling... And they have wings! Bonus points if you've seen The Dark Crystal.)
Class: Druid (The environment has always been super important to me, and I've grown up in a very forested area. I like trees! And this way I can has the healing powers of a cleric without a devoted deity.)
Alignment: If I'm a druid, I guess that'd have to make me True Neutral, but since my real alignment is more like Neutral Good, just consider me a Jaheira clone.
Strength: 8. (I'm not very strong at all... I think I'm stronger than a 60-year-old woman, but not by much.)
Dexterity: 11. (I'm horridly clumsy, yet I'm good with a bow... Don't question.)
Constitution: 12. (Funny story. This past week, everyone got the flu from my boyfriend except for me. I think I deserve a small bonus!)
Intelligence: 14. (I like to think I'm a pretty smart gal. Got all As and Bs in school and college. Except for one year of math. I hate math, but that teacher just made it soooooo much worse...)
Wisdom: 14. (I, too, am a space-cadet, but most of my friends come to me for advice, and I'd like to hope I have a good deal of common sense. As my father says, "Ooh, Nona, you are so wise!")
Charisma: 13. (I'm usually really shy, but once I get to know someone/have a moment to break the ice, my nerves slowly dissipate and I can talk normally. And I think I'm pretty. :P)
In short: If I was a Baldur's Gate character... I would be slaughtered within the first minute.
Interesting to see that some folks associate Wisdom with 'philosophy' or learnedness more generally. I've always thought of Wisdom as corresponding to something like 'common sense' or 'prudence' (perhaps 'intuition' as well).
As a professional philosopher I am convinced my colleagues and I (with perhaps a few exceptions) have appallingly low Wisdom scores. Our heads are in the Clouds!
Race: Half-Elf or Human Class: Wild Mage would fit best Alignment: neutral good
Strength: 12 (i am tall, have broad shoulders and work out, but i am not too strong) Dexterity: 10 (when i read the description of dexterity ingame, i could have a quite high dex rate, but the fact that i can have some quite clumsy moments also makes my dex skill a higher average) Constitution: 14 (i never get really ill) Intelligence: 16 (i have studied pharmacy, i am very good at learning chemical structures and such things... i think i would be good at learning spells and i would love it :-) ) Wisdom: 9 (sometimes i act with high wisdom, sometimes with low... what makes my wisdom attribute average) Charisma: 12 (i am defenitely no bard or leader! but charisma 12 would fit to me due to several reasons)
hey... with tome of intelligence and that machine in watcher's keep i could become quite useful (if no bear would kill my at the start of bg1 :-D )
Edit: my weapon would be quarterstaff... i like them
Actually, modern IQ tests no longer use the term "genius" because what it means to be a genius can't really be pinned down by such tests alone. This is unsurprising considering that there's some disagreement about how well those tests even correspond to intelligence, or what intelligence even means...but that's a whole different conversation.
It seems to be the case that some minimum level of IQ is required for someone to be a genius (i.e., all geniuses probably have a relatively high IQ), but the reverse doesn't hold; i.e., not all people with high IQs (even those with exceptionally high IQs) are geniuses. And the lower IQ threshold of geniuses is lower than you might think. There are people who would probably be considered geniuses who have IQs in the 120s (e.g., Nobel winners James Watson and Richard Feynman).
Of course, it's also hard to say exactly what being a genius means, especially if we can't directly connect it to IQ. I think that at minimum it implies some sort of exceptional creativity and originality of thinking. I would argue that geniuses can solve problems that other people can't because they are capable of thinking in ways that others can't. In other words, I think the intellect of a genius is qualitatively different than that of a non-genius in addition to being quantitatively superior (on average). And this is something that's pretty hard to measure.
Anyhow, way too much rambling for a discussion of what our imaginary Dungeons and Dragons selves would be like. And this whole discussion is rendered absurd by the fact that Neera has an INT of 17 and is therefore a genius, so...carry on!
Edit: Not to imply that @Rewolf couldn't in fact be a genius! You never know!
and quit nursery school and do something with those points
Well, it was a National IQ test on television, so I don't think that much of it tbh. Plus, an IQ test only shows your ability to make an IQ test and some general knowledge/logical thinking, imo not the real intelligence parameters. (and I wont quit Nursing school, since I like to chop/saw and sting people with needles! )
Well, it was a National IQ test on television, so I don't think that much of it tbh. Plus, an IQ test only shows your ability to make an IQ test and some general knowledge/logical thinking,
I guess TV doesnt count. Like those internet iq test, their bullshit too.
You can do a real test with a psychiatrist or look up one of those certified testing facilities.
...I ´d be the "Ribald Bartelman" of Baldur´s Gate, smuggling people into the city right under the nose of Flaming Fist. And I´d offer wares much, much like those of Ribald´s, Deidre´s and Jholuv´s - just custom made for BG:EE. And my location would be easy accessible right from the start, on the farm map where ankhegs spawn. I think that the beginning of the game needs smoothing up, it can be quite rough to gather gold, or find the items to fulfill one´s adventurous needs.
Stats: nothing exceptional, I ´d like to preserve my stamina by making my travels aboard a sled, pulled by reindeer - thus I ´d be stranded at my location, and I´d be waiting for a winter. Since I ´d have to offer identifying service, I guess I´d had to be a semi-retired skald, thus honoring my very first SoA character back in the days.
Considering that elemental resistance gear are few and far between, I´d offer boots of fire resistance, rings of electric and cold resistance... something to supplement the items already present.
I guess TV doesnt count. Like those internet iq test, their bullshit too.
You can do a real test with a psychiatrist or look up one of those certified testing facilities.
But its interesting how people assess them self.
My thoughts exactly, I only took in account what the average score was of the Test, which was around 110. Seeing as 70% scored below 130, I gave myself the score of 14, well above average but nothing exceptional!
Chaotic Neutral Elven Wild Mage 10 strength (I am rather short, hence "elven") 12 dexterity 11 constitution (a little tougher than average but not by much) 18 intellect (I just realized how arrogant it looks to put 18 int) 16 wisdom (I dedicate most of my free time to learning) 14 charisma (I'm not sure how to score this cause people either really like me or really hate me)
For me in RL In my wild younger days a male 1/2 elf swashbuckler or 1/2 elf bard Blade Chaotic or Neutral Good STR 17 DEX 15 CON 16 INT 16 WIS 10 ( I was pretty impulsive back then ) CHA 17 Those were the days playing table top AD&D I would have dated Neera , Aarie , Viconia, Hexxat but NOT Jaheira
Human class:blade I Iove much things,like songs, kendo, science,but nothing is really good at... Alignment true nature I'm a normal one, I like adventure ,but do not want die too earliy. If a bad guy is week,maybe I will help other people, but if the bad guy is powerful ,I just run as fast as I can.
Str 9 I'm not good at strength。 Dex15 I played figure roller skating for 3years,and kendo for 3years. Con 9 I wanna be normal,but I got really bad stamina... Int14 Educated in college... Wis12 I think just like that。 Cha13 I‘m not a leader ,just not bad looking, and can make friend with others.(ya, a blade with 13cha...)
If I go for adventure,without the help of the god of save/load, I may killed by a wolf...
STR: 12
DEX: 12
CON: 14
INT: 12
WIS: 15
CHA: 12
Bastard Sword*
Single Weapon Proficiency**
Str 12 - I work out enough to know I'm above average, but no more.
Dex 11 - I have my ups and downs here. My reflexes are excellent - I field at gully or silly mid off generally speaking and can hold a sharp catch there, but my balance isn't the best in the world.
Con 16 - I'm a long distance cyclist and have a really high pain threshold. I broke my hip last September and walked and cycled on it (including hiking through a gorge on Dartmoor) for seven weeks 'til it got diagnosed. Despite the bolts, I'm already back in business.
Int 16 - I've studied three different subjects at degree level and test very well for IQ/reasoning skills.
Wis 13 - I give advice to 11-18 year olds about sensible life choices and how to get things right so I ought to be 15 or better. But I'm not always great at following my own advice.
Cha 16 - I am an outgoing teacher who does assemblies regularly. I don't have behaviour issues in class and I generally like being the centre of attention. Public speaking is my thing
Alignment - I teach philosophy, religion and ethics so I generally stay out of discussions on this topic. I'm probably Neutral Good - like Kant, I believe people should never be just a means to an end but an end in and of themselves. That tips me towards LG, but I've done my fair share of protest marches on social justice issues.
Class - Bard (Skald) - I write stories and I sing. The Skald also has huge Lore skills and the correct level of rogue.
You'd probably find me in the Candlekeep Inn in BG1 or protesting about something in the Government District in BG2.
This is a character I rolled based on a real-life ability scores test, but I've decided to fudge the stats a bit and drop a point of Con so I can add it to Wis:
I'll upload the character sheet when I get home.
Edit: Here it is.
Strength - 14. 6'0" and bench about 40 lb over my weight. I'm a gym rat and always have been.
Dexterity - 14. I'm very well coordinated and have always been good at basketball and tennis. I have, however, recently torn the meniscus in my knee, and I'm coming along in my rehab, but my lateral movement has taken a serious hit. Were it not for that injury, I'd grade myself out at a 16. So, i'm one good trip to the cleric from being a 16!
Constitution - 12. I heal well, but I seem to get sick about once a year and have to stay home for about 4 or 5 days to recover. I do have a very high pain threshold (torn rotater cuff and meniscus, and kept playing after each injury until the game was over), but I'm not sure how much that's good for. I'm pretty average in this department.
Intelligence - 17. I went to college on a full scholarship, went to law school and placed highly in my class, passed the bar, and now work as a district attorney. My logical reasoning scores are in the top 1% nationally. I'm also a MENSA member. Still, I know enough people smarter than I am to know I'm not an 18.
Wisdom - 8. I've heard this a few times from multiple people: "you are the dumbest smart guy I know." And it's true. No common sense. I can argue someone into submission, but rarely know when to keep my mouth shut. That's a definite lack of wisdom.
Charisma - 12. I'm no bard, but always seem to make friends wherever I go, so I'd call myself average here. Plus I am married and my wife hasn't divorced me yet so there is that.
Overall score: 77.
I can live with that.
Race: Gelfling! (My father likes to call me a gelfling... And they have wings! Bonus points if you've seen The Dark Crystal.)
Class: Druid (The environment has always been super important to me, and I've grown up in a very forested area. I like trees! And this way I can has the healing powers of a cleric without a devoted deity.)
Alignment: If I'm a druid, I guess that'd have to make me True Neutral, but since my real alignment is more like Neutral Good, just consider me a Jaheira clone.
Strength: 8. (I'm not very strong at all... I think I'm stronger than a 60-year-old woman, but not by much.)
Dexterity: 11. (I'm horridly clumsy, yet I'm good with a bow... Don't question.)
Constitution: 12. (Funny story. This past week, everyone got the flu from my boyfriend except for me. I think I deserve a small bonus!)
Intelligence: 14. (I like to think I'm a pretty smart gal. Got all As and Bs in school and college. Except for one year of math. I hate math, but that teacher just made it soooooo much worse...)
Wisdom: 14. (I, too, am a space-cadet, but most of my friends come to me for advice, and I'd like to hope I have a good deal of common sense. As my father says, "Ooh, Nona, you are so wise!")
Charisma: 13. (I'm usually really shy, but once I get to know someone/have a moment to break the ice, my nerves slowly dissipate and I can talk normally. And I think I'm pretty. :P)
In short: If I was a Baldur's Gate character... I would be slaughtered within the first minute.
As a professional philosopher I am convinced my colleagues and I (with perhaps a few exceptions) have appallingly low Wisdom scores. Our heads are in the Clouds!
I guess I took it to heart.
and quit nursery school and do something with those points
Class: Wild Mage would fit best
Alignment: neutral good
Strength: 12 (i am tall, have broad shoulders and work out, but i am not too strong)
Dexterity: 10 (when i read the description of dexterity ingame, i could have a quite high dex rate, but the fact that i can have some quite clumsy moments also makes my dex skill a higher average)
Constitution: 14 (i never get really ill)
Intelligence: 16 (i have studied pharmacy, i am very good at learning chemical structures and such things... i think i would be good at learning spells and i would love it :-) )
Wisdom: 9 (sometimes i act with high wisdom, sometimes with low... what makes my wisdom attribute average)
Charisma: 12 (i am defenitely no bard or leader! but charisma 12 would fit to me due to several reasons)
hey... with tome of intelligence and that machine in watcher's keep i could become quite useful (if no bear would kill my at the start of bg1 :-D )
Edit: my weapon would be quarterstaff... i like them
It seems to be the case that some minimum level of IQ is required for someone to be a genius (i.e., all geniuses probably have a relatively high IQ), but the reverse doesn't hold; i.e., not all people with high IQs (even those with exceptionally high IQs) are geniuses. And the lower IQ threshold of geniuses is lower than you might think. There are people who would probably be considered geniuses who have IQs in the 120s (e.g., Nobel winners James Watson and Richard Feynman).
Of course, it's also hard to say exactly what being a genius means, especially if we can't directly connect it to IQ. I think that at minimum it implies some sort of exceptional creativity and originality of thinking. I would argue that geniuses can solve problems that other people can't because they are capable of thinking in ways that others can't. In other words, I think the intellect of a genius is qualitatively different than that of a non-genius in addition to being quantitatively superior (on average). And this is something that's pretty hard to measure.
Anyhow, way too much rambling for a discussion of what our imaginary Dungeons and Dragons selves would be like. And this whole discussion is rendered absurd by the fact that Neera has an INT of 17 and is therefore a genius, so...carry on!
Edit: Not to imply that @Rewolf couldn't in fact be a genius! You never know!
You can do a real test with a psychiatrist or look up one of those certified testing facilities.
But its interesting how people assess them self.
Stats: nothing exceptional, I ´d like to preserve my stamina by making my travels aboard a sled, pulled by reindeer - thus I ´d be stranded at my location, and I´d be waiting for a winter. Since I ´d have to offer identifying service, I guess I´d had to be a semi-retired skald, thus honoring my very first SoA character back in the days.
Considering that elemental resistance gear are few and far between, I´d offer boots of fire resistance, rings of electric and cold resistance... something to supplement the items already present.
Wild Mage
10 strength (I am rather short, hence "elven")
12 dexterity
11 constitution (a little tougher than average but not by much)
18 intellect (I just realized how arrogant it looks to put 18 int)
16 wisdom (I dedicate most of my free time to learning)
14 charisma (I'm not sure how to score this cause people either really like me or really hate me)
In my wild younger days
a male 1/2 elf swashbuckler or 1/2 elf bard Blade
Chaotic or Neutral Good
STR 17
DEX 15
CON 16
INT 16
WIS 10 ( I was pretty impulsive back then )
CHA 17
Those were the days playing table top AD&D
I would have dated Neera , Aarie , Viconia, Hexxat but NOT Jaheira
I Iove much things,like songs, kendo, science,but nothing is really good at...
Alignment true nature
I'm a normal one, I like adventure ,but do not want die too earliy. If a bad guy is week,maybe I will help other people, but if the bad guy is powerful ,I just run as fast as I can.
Str 9 I'm not good at strength。
Dex15 I played figure roller skating for 3years,and kendo for 3years.
Con 9 I wanna be normal,but I got really bad stamina...
Int14 Educated in college...
Wis12 I think just like that。
Cha13 I‘m not a leader ,just not bad looking, and can make friend with others.(ya, a blade with 13cha...)
If I go for adventure,without the help of the god of save/load, I may killed by a wolf...
Alignment:Chaotic good
str: really strong in berserker mode
dex: 13
con: see str:)
Int: not very bright lol
Wis:getting wiser every day
Cha:I dont wanne go there:P
Alignment: NG
Str: 12
Dex: 10
Con: 13
Int: 11
Wis: 9
Cha: 12