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Neera Romance Emergency (Spoilers Ahoy!)

Okay! Here's the thing. I've been trying to romance Neera. The only problem is, I got her and did her quest relatively late in chapter 2; it was pretty much the last quest I did before I paid off Gaelan Bayle. During the confrontation with Bodhi, I know she usually kidnaps and vampirizes your lover and you have to go to the Umar Hills to save them. Nothing like that happened with Neera, so I was afraid that I somehow botched the romance! Now I'm all the way in Suldanesslar and I've sort of resigned myself to the fact that I missed the romance, but Neera just had a lovetalk! What I want to know is, is there anyway to finish Neera's romance at this point? Will she continue to have lovetalks? I am in Suldanesslar but I haven't yet summoned the avatar of Rillifane. In the lovetalk she just had, she commented on my character's class and asked what it was like traveling with a headstrong wild mage.

It would be a real shame if I were to go into Throne of Bhaal with an unfinished romance! :( Any help would be most appreciated!


  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    You could use the 'CLUAConsole:AdvanceRealTime(999999)' code. That should trigger a lovetalk (and a banter, if there's any left in your party). Then, do it again. Keep doing it till the romance is finished. If, however, a certain talk has a condition (resting in a forest, or whatever), you'll have to fulfill that condition for the lovetalk to start.

    Neera, Dorn, Hexxat and Rasaad don't get kidnapped by Bodhi, nor do they have the Master Wraith talk. Sort of sad. :(
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2014
    Twani said:

    Neera, Dorn, Hexxat and Rasaad don't get kidnapped by Bodhi, nor do they have the Master Wraith talk. Sort of sad. :(

    This is not quite right regarding Neera:

    Neera is not kidnapped by Bodhi because of a Wild Surge. If you're in a committed romance with her at that point in the game, Bodhi should attempt to kidnap Neera but fail.

    Also, Neera does have a talk with the Master Wraith (the form of Gorion). I just read it yesterday! The Wraith summons her former boyfriend (the scribe dude, who strangely looks like a fighter during the chat).

    I don't know about the other NPCs, as I have not romanced them.
  • HectadeboorHectadeboor Member Posts: 3
    Hmmmm I tried the console, that didn't work. The wild surge with Bodhi did not occur in my game; does that mean it's too late? :(
  • Camus34Camus34 Member Posts: 210
    edited February 2014
    @Hectadeboor I am quite sure that I experienced the Bodhi wild surge fiasco (with a previous character). I did not get to the wraith encounter... It could be that you have somehow skipped the Bodhi fiasco (your character was not in a committed relationship with Neera during the fiasco), and the romance progressed after the fact (though I am not sure if that is possible)... If the CLUA counsloe code, CluaConsole:GetGlobal("NeeraRomance","Global" ) works in BGII:EE it will show you if the romance is still active... If it is a 1, your romance is 'eligible/just starting', 2 = 'active', 3= 'kaput'.
  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    Yes, Bodhi will attempt to kidnap each one of them, but she doesn't succeed. So no trial to get them back. I think Rasaad just punches her, of all things.

    And what I mean by they don't have the Master Wraith talk is that they don't have the talk that immediately fires after the Master Wraith encounter where they freak out about what was said/apologize for being taken in by the illusion.
  • HectadeboorHectadeboor Member Posts: 3
    Well, thanks guys for the advice. I tried a few things and nothing seemed to jog the romance. I think at this point in the game (post-Bodhi), if your romance hasn't progressed your out of luck. I ended up setting the romance global to 2 with the console, but I feel ashamed; like I missed out :(

    Let my example be a lesson for others! Don't confront Bodhi until your romance has progressed to your liking!
  • RhaellaRhaella Member, Developer Posts: 178
    I don't think it's Bodhi. There's a talk somewhere in Neera's romance that only triggers in an inn. That may have been keeping you from progressing.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    There are conditions to trigger some lovetalks. They are:
    Talk 0: if travelled with in BG1
    Talk 2: in Athkatla
    Talk 6: in a tavern
    Talk 8: Athkatla
    Talk 9: After a battle
    Talk 10: after quest
    Talk 12: after rest
    Talk 14: post-Spellhold
  • JenzafarJenzafar Member Posts: 303
    Twani said:

    Yes, Bodhi will attempt to kidnap each one of them, but she doesn't succeed. So no trial to get them back. I think Rasaad just punches her, of all things.

    And what I mean by they don't have the Master Wraith talk is that they don't have the talk that immediately fires after the Master Wraith encounter where they freak out about what was said/apologize for being taken in by the illusion.

    Actually, Rasaad hits her with some kind of sun ray, which makes perfect sense (and also made me laugh out loud; I loved that she couldn't take him.)

    I am also sorry the new romances don't have the Master Wraith talk as well. That scene is one of the best opportunities for drama in ToB.
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    What about dorn and hexxat in the bodhi encounter? Hexxat is a vampire so i guess thats it. But Dorn?
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Dorn is just too badass.
  • xzar_montyxzar_monty Member Posts: 631
    So, was this "no kidnapping by Bodhi for the new NPCs" due to some contractual constraints or what?

    I quite enjoyed Neera's wild surge when Bodhi tried to take her, btw.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Dorn's immune to vampirism due to his blackguard immunities. Not sure what happens if he's fallen.
  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    I think Neeras wraith encounter should have involved some one she hurt/killed with her magic rather then the scribe which didn't really seem very dramatic to me

    I disliked that they escape bhodi even if it makes sense I always liked that little side quest
  • GlassHeelPrinceGlassHeelPrince Member Posts: 2
    Does the Neera romance have any alignment\reputation requirements?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    @GlassHeelPrince Neera will romance any male charname, alignment\reputation doesn't matter.

    For romance requirements, check
  • GlassHeelPrinceGlassHeelPrince Member Posts: 2
    Thanks, I had bad luck finding the right thread.
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