Sendai won't die - anyone seen this bug?

So, I've fought all the pseudo-Sendais and the real, final one has shown up. I've ditched several thousand hit-points' worth of damage, but she just won't die. She remains at "near death", is no danger to my party at all, but there's no way to kill her. I suppose there is no way around this bug now, is there?
I have the game on pause in another window.
Amazing how this kind of stuff can happen. Never saw anything like it in vanilla BG2.
I have the game on pause in another window.
Amazing how this kind of stuff can happen. Never saw anything like it in vanilla BG2.
I know, I know, it was a jest in poor taste! I just couldn't resist!
Just use the console and kill her.
I've never, ever used the console. I don't even know how.
Here you go :
And besides Bugs, the Lag Monster is considered one of the most unkillable, deadly beasts known to gaming!
How I used to grind enamel in NWN Online because of Lag induced death! Don't even get me started with Tekken&Co...
Your best bet is to load a previous saved game (you should probably have an auto-save) and try again.
I wonder what the real trigger is. Some of Sendai's scripts (contingencies and stuff) trigger when you move your party as far away from her as possible (first instance of awful scripting right there), but the final script, her actual death, doesn't seem to trigger no matter what.
I played vanilla BG2 many times and never had this happen.
After that, I haven't had anything notable happen. I can bang away for as long as I want, but nothing ever happens. (Well, I haven't banged on for, like, hours, so obviously I cannot be certain, but surely you'd expect about 1000 hit points to be enough.)
I have now tried this three times, and it's always the same thing. I never had this happen in vanilla BG2, and for the moment, at least, I think my approach is: to hell with BG2:EE, if it's this badly bugged.
For the third battle, I avoided using anything but regular damage. Didn't make a difference.
@Skaffen: I don't.
@Troodon80: There's the file for you.
I walked straight into the room with Sendai and she doesn't even initiate dialogue. I was required to force-talk...
I'll investigate. :-)
If you can provide clear steps as to what you did throughout Sendai's Enclave, then I can move this to the bugs section.
As for what I did in Sendai's Enclave... I killed everyone. There's not much more that you can do. When it comes to choosing the north or the south road, I took the north road, the one that leads to the derro, not the spiders.
I do recall that prior to entering the enclave itself, the encounter with the wood-cutter was different from what it had been earlier. There were no ambushes: after the initial dialogue, I went through the map and then returned to ask him about the graves. This led to a discussion about his wife, which in turn led into a battle. I recall there used to be some umber hulks and perhaps even beholders around last time, but this time it was only drow, and only one encounter, after which the concealed door opened.
Prior to this, SCS has been excellent, with only one exception.
Worst case scenario, I can give you a character script (you'll have to assign it as you would any other script, via Character Record -> Customise -> Script) that forces the dialogue.
It's not really that important, actually. I mean, my game has only five things left: Sendai, pocket plane challenge, Balthazar, pocket plane challenge, throne of Bhaal. But obviously it would be nice to be able to finish the whole thing in style, as opposed to quitting due to a bug.
You could also use the MoveToArea cheat to get to Balthazar's palace, the pocket plane, the Throne of Bhaal, and anywhere else you want to go, but if you visit them in the wrong order it could cause further glitches.
Also, it might too complicated and not work, but the version of Sendai that you fight can't go below one health (at least in the non EE game), because she is wearing an item (I forget exactly, but I think it's a ring) that is similar to Imoen's belt that she wears in the Irenicus dungeon, which prevents her from dying there. If you can't get any of the other ideas mentioned on here to work, you could use the ctrl q cheat to force Sendai to join your party, use EE Keeper to swap out the ring that prevents her from dying for something else (it can't be removed in game, even if she is in your party) and then reform her out of your party and kill her before she can leave the game.
So, either a workaround is developed or discovered (probably by @Troodon80), or I'll forget about the game completely. I'm perfectly fine with either option.
In one game, which I played a long time ago, my Pocket Plane ability never showed up, so I used the console to get around (but of course only in the order and time that would have happened normally had that glitch not existed). If I hadn't used the console, I would had to completely uninstall my game and all its mods and add them back on again and hope for the best, which if it worked on the first try would have taken several hours instead of a few seconds. It was annoying to have to use the console, but in my opinion it was infinitely preferable to the alternative.
If you don't want to use any form of cheats at all, than I would recommend doing something to Sendai that will cause the game to think of her as dead, but without your needing to damage her. I can think of three ways to do that.
1.) Use the shapeshift spell, turn into a mindflayer and use the intelligence drain to instantly kill her. This works even against characters with hundreds of life and can kill characters that the game doesn't intend to have die, such as the incarnation of Bhaal that you fight in one of the dreams in Shadows of Amn. Bhaal actually has the same kind of item in his inventory as Sendai that prevents them from going below one life while they fight you, so what works against one should work against the other.
2.) Use the flesh to stone spell to turn her to stone. You won't get any of her items that way, but she would be dead and you would get the XP for killing her and the game would probably move on to the next part of the plot.
3.) Use the imprisonment spell. This would give you the XP for killing, her presumably allow you to continue with your game, and would also leave all quest items behind, but you would not get her other items.
If you cast either flesh to stone or imprisonment and the game allows you to continue, you could potentially go back later and cast either stone to flesh or freedom to get her back out and try to kill her again in order to try for her items again. You can theoretically cast imprisonment and freedom on a character an infinite number of times if you had the inclination and had them in your spellbook.
I know full well how everything will go and I'm almost certain I've already seen everything there is to the new characters (except their epilogues of course).
I find it astonishing that a bug like this is still there, but what the heck. I'll see if @Troodon80 comes up with something.
I don't have shapeshift, flesh to stone or imprisonment. I never find use for them in the regular game. Flesh to stone would be nice otherwise, except that it destroys the items.