The new Robocop
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Awesomely waesome movie imo. You should watch it if you like awesomely waesome movies. I don't remember very much of the original so I may not be the best judge, but I think this was another successful Marvel reboot.
I don't see the sticker (the apple scene I'm assuming you were referring to is near the end).
Anyways most of the time I don't let that kind of stuff bother me. The only time I can think of was a show called Warehouse 13. Its filmed in Toronto and in one of the first season episodes the camera pans down a street downtown. Anyways, the street they show has streetcar tracks when this is supposed to be taking place in Chicago. The problem with this is that Chicago has no streetcars (and any streetcar tracks as I understand it would be pretty well removed or filled in). I mean its not like saying its Chicago while the CN Tower in the background but its still pretty bad. Its one of those things though that you would only notice if you were a transit buff like me hehe (and happened to live in one of those cities).
But as for Robocop I haven't seen it and I'm not sure I will. The fact that they went PG13 with the movie gives it a perception (for me anyways) that its pretty tame. Horrible degrees of violence is not what made the original Robocop a great movie but it did help to set an important atmosphere (how bad corporatism had gotten, working conditions for the cops, what the streets had become, etc).
The new movie undercuts tropes from the original. Murphy is controlled by his programming in the original. He doesn't overcome it by strength of will- he barely escapes the first time, and the second, at the board meeting, he's only able to kill the big bad guy because the chairman fires him. Murphy also loses his wife and son in the original- he's cut off from his old life, and the only one who remembers who he is - is Lewis. And it's her trying to get through to him that brings him back to who he was. (and she finds out because, even with his cyborgization- he still does the gun twirl he learned for his son, like a wild west lawman.)
People keep remaking Paul Verhoeven films without the sense of humour and satiric edge that made the originals good in the first place. There's a Starship Troopers remake in the works that doesn't poke fun at over-the-top machismo, jingoism and a fascist future state but is more "An Officer and a Gentleman in Power Armor" (their words). *facepalm*
It may not be great, but would you buy it for a dollar?
Too bad they changed outfit so I lost interest.
Maybe when there is dvd coming out then I will try it somehow.
They should call it POPOcop in advance just if it is a flop in the eyes of people of my mindset regarding remakes