Bug - Tenya Combat

Bug: Allies will attack Tenya after waking from sleep even though she has turned blue ( friendly ).
Repro: Make sure the Party AI is on. Attack Tenya, near the bridge to baldur's gate. Allow one ally to be subjet to her command (sleep) spell. Accept to help her after initial combat has proceeded. The ally that wakes from the command spell will attack Tenya.
Expect: After agreeing to help Tenya, and her selection circle turns blue, allies should not try to attack her.
Repro: Make sure the Party AI is on. Attack Tenya, near the bridge to baldur's gate. Allow one ally to be subjet to her command (sleep) spell. Accept to help her after initial combat has proceeded. The ally that wakes from the command spell will attack Tenya.
Expect: After agreeing to help Tenya, and her selection circle turns blue, allies should not try to attack her.