It tells you in your journal she's 12. She uses the elven female sprite, even though she's human. The child sprite doesn't have animations, but also in some countries it would have been illegal to graphically show violence against children.
You can kill children with the children sprites in BG1.
It tells you in your journal she's 12. She uses the elven female sprite, even though she's human. The child sprite doesn't have animations, but also in some countries it would have been illegal to graphically show violence against children.
You can kill children with the children sprites in BG1.
I've not tried it, but I'd heard they just run off and disappear if you attack them or they're caught in some area effect spell. At least if it had been the case that you could chunk them or anything like that when the game was released, the game would gotten an automatic x-rating in places like Germany. That's why the child sprites were removed from european versions of Fallout, as otherwise you could train a minigun on them. And in later games, children are just indestructible.
It tells you in your journal she's 12. She uses the elven female sprite, even though she's human. The child sprite doesn't have animations, but also in some countries it would have been illegal to graphically show violence against children.
You can kill children with the children sprites in BG1.
I've not tried it, but I'd heard they just run off and disappear if you attack them or they're caught in some area effect spell. At least if it had been the case that you could chunk them or anything like that when the game was released, the game would gotten an automatic x-rating in places like Germany. That's why the child sprites were removed from european versions of Fallout, as otherwise you could train a minigun on them. And in later games, children are just indestructible.
They are immune to the Damage effect. I wish I could have been like that as a kid, ah, so many times it took me to learn that some things hurt.
EDIT: Looks like this only happens with the Gore On, later I've tried killing them and they even got chunked.
They are immune to the Damage effect. I wish I could have been like that as a kid, ah, so many times it took me to learn that some things hurt.
EDIT: Looks like this only happens with the Gore On, later I've tried killing them and they even got chunked.
Interesting. Well, I guess so long as it isn't gorey it can get by the censors.
Well, you can punch them until unconsciousness, burn them with Fireball and chunk them with a sword or with a hammer, and their animations changes accordingly... All the times.
They are immune to the Damage effect. I wish I could have been like that as a kid, ah, so many times it took me to learn that some things hurt.
EDIT: Looks like this only happens with the Gore On, later I've tried killing them and they even got chunked.
Interesting. Well, I guess so long as it isn't gorey it can get by the censors.
Well, you can punch them until unconsciousness, burn them with Fireball and chunk them with a sword or with a hammer, and their animations changes accordingly... All the times.
I've never been tempted to try any of these things before, so I've no idea how any of that looks. Is there any blood? Might be that's the thing that would get it banned. I guess I always play with gore on.
They are immune to the Damage effect. I wish I could have been like that as a kid, ah, so many times it took me to learn that some things hurt.
EDIT: Looks like this only happens with the Gore On, later I've tried killing them and they even got chunked.
Interesting. Well, I guess so long as it isn't gorey it can get by the censors.
Well, you can punch them until unconsciousness, burn them with Fireball and chunk them with a sword or with a hammer, and their animations changes accordingly... All the times.
I've never been tempted to try any of these things before, so I've no idea how any of that looks. Is there any blood? I guess I always play with gore on.
They die the same way enemies do when they take more than 10 under 0 HP (and they die normally if you just kill them without a missive amount of damage), they got chunked when their body pieces fly around in a very unrealistic (yet somehow funny, because it's exaggerated), when they got burned they look like roasted/toasted. I haven't done these things in my evil runs, being evil isn't killing children... Also, I was ensured that my PC was named Elric AND I only did it to test it. edit: I'm going off topic, sorry.
They are immune to the Damage effect. I wish I could have been like that as a kid, ah, so many times it took me to learn that some things hurt.
EDIT: Looks like this only happens with the Gore On, later I've tried killing them and they even got chunked.
Interesting. Well, I guess so long as it isn't gorey it can get by the censors.
Well, you can punch them until unconsciousness, burn them with Fireball and chunk them with a sword or with a hammer, and their animations changes accordingly... All the times.
I've never been tempted to try any of these things before, so I've no idea how any of that looks. Is there any blood? I guess I always play with gore on.
They die the same way enemies do when they take more than 10 under 0 HP (and they die normally if you just kill them without a missive amount of damage), they got chunked when their body pieces fly around in a very unrealistic (yet somehow funny, because it's exaggerated), when they got burned they look like roasted/toasted. I haven't done these things in my evil runs, being evil isn't killing children... Also, I was ensured that my PC was named Elric AND I only did it to test it. edit: I'm going off topic, sorry.
It's alright; someone has to test these things. So I guess it just depends on the level of realism or blood/gore as to whether the game gets an x-rating in some places or not. Somewhat weird that with Gore On you can't hurt them at all, but with the family friendly Gore Off option, you can.
I was also talking specifically about Vanilla. I had no idea whether or not you can kill children in EE, since it uses the BG2 engine. I seem to recall not being able to kill children in BG2.
Could we change the topic title to "Killing children in BG"?
lol. enter thread "aww how adorable. Let see th- 0.0 :O T.T"
I don't think there's anything more to say on that subject anyway. Or about children in BG in general. I mean, they're just not fully developed characters, are they? And children are idiots; they don't know anything about anything and they think saying 'arse' is the height of all wit, rather than the crevice of banality.
Indeed. Saying "loser loser looooser!" to an armed adventurer is not healthy or wise. My brother's evil bard, fresh out of Candlekeep, immediately responded with a *kachak!* from his crossbow, something I perfectly understand. If there weren't reputation loss my games would probably have a lot less snot-nosed brats around too...
Normaly i tend to "the more realistic the better" in a game but in that case... hurting or even killing children is something i disagree on. People seems to forget their humanity to much! I read alot about the victorian era in great britain just recently and after that you dont want to hurt any children, not even in a game. Must suck to be someone who needs to hurt kids...illusion or not.
And not to forget all the exploited children in india, africa thailand... you name it. Nothing has changed, just the place is different!
And kids are never stupid by nature, they are like their parents or the TV shows they watch. So if a kid is shitty you know the society and it´s parents already;) They ARE the exact mirror of what is going on w/o any need of long explanations.
@NWN_babaYaga I really get what you're saying and I agree with. Killing children in a video game is not okay.
But "humanity"? If characters kill children they're inhumane, but if they kill innocent peasants, mothers, fathers, starving beggars, animals, cats, dogs etc it's all okay because it's a video game and it's more realistic?
I'm not sure I agree with that logic. Innocent people and animals shouldn't appear as disposable and children as the most sacred beings that shouldn't be killable.
If the issue is about innocence, aren't peaceful, non-attacking animals just as if not more innocent than children? They're following their instincts after all, they are not capable of conscious thought and morality even when they become adults.
Even if it's hard for some people to accept, I prefer if everything was killable, children included, or no one that is innocent at all.
But "humanity"? If characters kill children they're inhumane, but if they kill innocent peasants, mothers, fathers, starving beggars, animals, cats, dogs etc it's all okay because it's a video game?
I don't see why age becomes a magical barrier that says who's okay to remove and who isn't. Or gender or race for that matter. Behaviour determines that imo and behaviour isn't based exclusively on that or any other factor.
Could we change the topic title to "Killing children in BG"?
lol. enter thread "aww how adorable. Let see th- 0.0 :O T.T"
I don't think there's anything more to say on that subject anyway. Or about children in BG in general. I mean, they're just not fully developed characters, are they? And children are idiots; they don't know anything about anything and they think saying 'arse' is the height of all wit, rather than the crevice of banality.
Farts are funny though.
I love the kid's quotes though! "You're funny lookin'" "Ew... you smell" "You're a stranger"
Could we change the topic title to "Killing children in BG"?
lol. enter thread "aww how adorable. Let see th- 0.0 :O T.T"
I don't think there's anything more to say on that subject anyway. Or about children in BG in general. I mean, they're just not fully developed characters, are they? And children are idiots; they don't know anything about anything and they think saying 'arse' is the height of all wit, rather than the crevice of banality.
Farts are funny though.
I love the kid's quotes though! "You're funny lookin'" "Ew... you smell" "You're a stranger"
cute stuff
"*Sob*I want my mommy" Mommae says not to talk to strangers!" "You aren't from around here, I knows it!"
With humanity i mean the feelings you "should" have towards other human beings (humanism is being a developed human out of the caveman shoes), no animals included. Sure are animals the innocence personification but that wasnt my point. Killing helpless or innocent adults is questionable but i can live with that in a game. You dont see a close up of them or know their fate, you just kill "something" that looks human with a mouse button. I just see a difference in murder;)
@NWN_babaYaga I really get what you're saying and I agree with. Killing children in a video game is not okay.
But "humanity"? If characters kill children they're inhumane, but if they kill innocent peasants, mothers, fathers, starving beggars, animals, cats, dogs etc it's all okay because it's a video game and it's more realistic?
I'm not sure I agree with that logic. Innocent people and animals shouldn't appear as disposable and children as the most sacred beings that shouldn't be killable.
If the issue is about innocence, aren't peaceful, non-attacking animals just as if not more innocent than children? They're following their instincts after all, they are not capable of conscious thought and morality even when they become adults.
Even if it's hard for some people to accept, I prefer if everything was killable, children included, or no one that is innocent at all.
yeah that is somewhat why I find it interesting to see children characters becoming less and less safe in games, and I kind of like that. It is not that I am inhumane or hate children and want them all to die, but it makes everybody an equal. i never play the murderous lunatic killing everyone in the world character anyway.
"you ain't little, you ain't a girl you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart, you're alive". i like this quote in Telltale's The Walking Dead reminding you that everyone is the same, and as such they should be treated the same as a child or adult. you can watch if you mess up Clementine get killed in some horrible way and I stare at the game over for a few moments feeling terrible about what I just saw but then I wouldn't ask that they get rid of it either because poor little Clem is human like the rest of us and can die like the rest of us and so we must protect her and when we fail we get to feel absolutely awful that we failed our duty before reloading to the checkpoint. i can't even bring myself to watch a season 2 death compilation and see her die in numerous ways but I am glad they are there to make me feel terrible when I mess up the game's already minimal gameplay. I guess it is different in an RPG where you could be going around just mindlessly slaughtering them for no apparant reason out of free will, but I say it could be included. we are already able to kill all the innocent adults so everybody should be included or nobody at all. maybe I could even feel bad when I let loose a fireball and that poor child steps into the radius and gets blown up before I then reload and he/she is back.
Call me traditional but I have a problem with killing women and children, even in a game. (Assuming it is a game where I try to roleplay with any seriousness).
I simply do not accept the "all killing is wrong and killing a child is no worse than killing a peasant". Traditionally speaking, killing men in warfare and conflict is socially 'acceptable' to most cultures, whereas harming women and children is not. These traditions exist for good reason and is one example of where traditional virtue should be maintained rather than eroded for whatever reason.
I think that in the context of the BG games, it would be a bit ridiculous if children were exclusively invulnerable to prevent the depiction of children being killed, whilst it is obviously possible to slaughter other good people and defenceless peasants. I appreciate that in a game with alignment options, players ought to be given the freedom to play evil.
However the people who genuinely enjoy slaughtering innocents, particularly children, and roleplaying it with any seriousness... I would question their moral compass and virtue.
"Killing stuff" is pretty much central to games like BG, and I have no problem with evil characters and moral ambiguity per say, but gratuitous violence against innocent children "for the lulz"... is distasteful and wrong.
Call me traditional but I have a problem with killing women and children, even in a game. (Assuming it is a game where I try to roleplay with any seriousness).
I simply do not accept the "all killing is wrong and killing a child is no worse than killing a peasant". Traditionally speaking, killing men in warfare and conflict is socially 'acceptable' to most cultures, whereas harming women and children is not. These traditions exist for good reason and is one example of where traditional virtue should be maintained rather than eroded for whatever reason.
As far as I can tell (admittedly my knowledge on the field is purely from the D&D CRPGs) this kind of ancient nonsense morality does not exist in the Forgotten Realms though. Women do not suffer the "useless and defenseless" stamp their RL counterparts does, neither gameplay mechanically or in-world lore-wise. Grand dukes, assassins, law enforcement (leaders), bounty hunters, adventurers, factional leaders... we keep bumping into powerful women with nary a comment anywhere suggesting they belong off the battlefield and in the kitchen. Heck, in the Underdark, they're even -the- dominant gender. I can think of a single exception to this, Branwen, but even she easily proves the helpless stereotype from her society wrong by being a proficient fighter and actually being granted powers by her god which she wouldn't have if her peers were correct about women having no business fighting.
So that leaves children then. Not sure what the view on children in the Forgotten Realms is as they don't really get much of a mention. Mechanically speaking they're as inferior to a "class level" character as any other civilian though and since they tend to act like total pricks much more than beggars, commoners or other helpless creatures they're not more innocent, quite the opposite...
Children can be very rude, and abusive and cruel, but that's because they haven't yet learned that just telling folks that they smell is not socially acceptable. You're supposed to be more subtle, like maybe just open a window or spray something whenever the smelly person is in the room, and it's okay to whisper about it behind their back but obviously not to their faces; that's just wrong. But children don't know at; they're at the stage of their life when they're learning about the world, exploring things, and will push any boundary to see how much they can get away with and think less about the long term consequences of their actions. We hold them less accountable for their actions than adults and call them innocent.
I think I know why children are unkillable, even though I disagree with it. It's because, as someone said in another thread, artistic media are supposed to teach you something.
For example: good wins, you shouldn't kill children, harming innocents is wrong etc.
That's why in many games you cannot kill non-hostile people or children and you're usually the good guy/girl.
But in RPGs where you're supposed to be given the choice to act evil and be the bad guy of the story, you should be able to kill anything, even children.
Not because there's nothing wrong with it, but I don't think children are more innocent than animals or kittens or peasants and that should be above being killed.
Sure, it's controversial, but either you're trying to make a believable and relatively realistic (in context of the game) world or you have children set as unkillable because... children.
I think I know why children are unkillable, even though I disagree with it. It's because, as someone said in another thread, artistic media are supposed to teach you something.
They are killable, but only if you turn gore off, apparently. And I think it's just because some countries do have laws or censorship against depicting the killing of children, at least in any gruesome or realistic way.
Although there are things like Clementine in The Walking Dead... but in that case it's zombies who do most of the killing, and maybe it's justifiable for the purpose of story telling in that case. Or maybe it's important that it's not the main character who ever attacks her. I don't know what all the regulations are.
In BG there's no justification for going around attacking kids; you'd have to just be a mad killing spree trying to reduce the population of the sword coast to six, your party, and then probably turn on them. One way to play the game I suppose, but it gets boring very quickly. Although really I think most the evil NPC's would leave if you were doing that, as its totally pointless and beneath them.
never have i wanted to punch a child so much after hearing the same one say that time after time after time *seethe* i get it! im heavily armoured / in a robe calling down death from the skies. its rather odd to look at!!
Call me traditional but I have a problem with killing women and children, even in a game. (Assuming it is a game where I try to roleplay with any seriousness).
Just my personal view of course.
I mostly have problems with killing helpless people. In BG, where women are equal to men and there are numerous examples of powerful women, I don't particularly feel it is worse to kill a peasant woman than a peasant man. I respect your opinion, but it feels like it's reinforcing gender stereotypes. I think @Silverstar makes a good point by bringing up the strong women in the series. This just made me wonder if it's better or worse for the PC to be a woman who kills women. Does this make the act less wrong because of her gender?
I hope I don't sound aggressive - I honestly don't mean this as an attack.
I am not offended, and I don't deny being an old fashioned conservative/traditionalist in some respects, but I'd rather not expand this discussion into women as well, and make @mlnevese have to split yet another thread from this one. I only mentioned "women and children" because they are traditionally categorised in the same vulnerable group in the context of violence, so that a news report about a terrorist attack will typically say something like "9 people lost their lives in the tragedy, including women and children".
Not because there's nothing wrong with it, but I don't think children are more innocent than animals or kittens or peasants and that should be above being killed.
I cannot agree with that. I am not a vegetarian, I would kill my meat if necessary to eat it. But I would never intentionally harm a defenceless child. Most animals have a limited capacity of awareness, and little potential to develop a greater capacity for emotion, understanding, learning and personality.
Children are not angels. They might have irresponsible or immoral parents who have neglected them or mislead them, or they might simply be in the process of learning the difference between good and bad, right and wrong. They have the potential to change and grow as individuals, and are extremely malleable to the influence of parents and authority figures. You cannot equate a child's misdeeds with the same moral compass as that of an adult, and you cannot equate a child's 'innocence/ignorance' with that of animals of much lower mental capacity.
I was always an empathetic individual, and I can honestly say that I have mostly behaved in a manner that I can be proud of. However, as a child, I am not proud to say that I was briefly a bully myself, to satisfy my curiosity as much as anything else. Of course the influence of education and my parents meant that I felt terrible about my actions, and stopped pretty promptly (I wish I also apologised, but 10 year old me wasn't mature enough for that). Did that make 10-year old me 'not-innocent'? No, or at least not guilty in the same extent as if I went out now and kicked a cyclist off his bike for no reason. My mental capacity is much more developed and I am much clearer about the rights and wrongs of my actions and the effect they have on others.
They are immune to the Damage effect.
I wish I could have been like that as a kid, ah, so many times it took me to learn that some things hurt.
EDIT: Looks like this only happens with the Gore On, later I've tried killing them and they even got chunked.
I haven't done these things in my evil runs, being evil isn't killing children... Also, I was ensured that my PC was named Elric AND I only did it to test it.
edit: I'm going off topic, sorry.
enter thread "aww how adorable. Let see th- 0.0 :O
Farts are funny though.
And not to forget all the exploited children in india, africa thailand... you name it. Nothing has changed, just the place is different!
And kids are never stupid by nature, they are like their parents or the TV shows they watch. So if a kid is shitty you know the society and it´s parents already;) They ARE the exact mirror of what is going on w/o any need of long explanations.
I really get what you're saying and I agree with. Killing children in a video game is not okay.
But "humanity"? If characters kill children they're inhumane, but if they kill innocent peasants, mothers, fathers, starving beggars, animals, cats, dogs etc it's all okay because it's a video game and it's more realistic?
I'm not sure I agree with that logic. Innocent people and animals shouldn't appear as disposable and children as the most sacred beings that shouldn't be killable.
If the issue is about innocence, aren't peaceful, non-attacking animals just as if not more innocent than children?
They're following their instincts after all, they are not capable of conscious thought and morality even when they become adults.
Even if it's hard for some people to accept, I prefer if everything was killable, children included, or no one that is innocent at all.
I agree. That's why I'm against the logic "Killing children?! No that's wrong! ...Everything else? Yeah whatever, chunk it."
"You're funny lookin'"
"Ew... you smell"
"You're a stranger"
cute stuff
Mommae says not to talk to strangers!"
"You aren't from around here, I knows it!"
"you ain't little, you ain't a girl you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart, you're alive". i like this quote in Telltale's The Walking Dead reminding you that everyone is the same, and as such they should be treated the same as a child or adult. you can watch if you mess up Clementine get killed in some horrible way and I stare at the game over for a few moments feeling terrible about what I just saw but then I wouldn't ask that they get rid of it either because poor little Clem is human like the rest of us and can die like the rest of us and so we must protect her and when we fail we get to feel absolutely awful that we failed our duty before reloading to the checkpoint. i can't even bring myself to watch a season 2 death compilation and see her die in numerous ways but I am glad they are there to make me feel terrible when I mess up the game's already minimal gameplay. I guess it is different in an RPG where you could be going around just mindlessly slaughtering them for no apparant reason out of free will, but I say it could be included. we are already able to kill all the innocent adults so everybody should be included or nobody at all. maybe I could even feel bad when I let loose a fireball and that poor child steps into the radius and gets blown up before I then reload and he/she is back.
I simply do not accept the "all killing is wrong and killing a child is no worse than killing a peasant". Traditionally speaking, killing men in warfare and conflict is socially 'acceptable' to most cultures, whereas harming women and children is not. These traditions exist for good reason and is one example of where traditional virtue should be maintained rather than eroded for whatever reason.
I think that in the context of the BG games, it would be a bit ridiculous if children were exclusively invulnerable to prevent the depiction of children being killed, whilst it is obviously possible to slaughter other good people and defenceless peasants. I appreciate that in a game with alignment options, players ought to be given the freedom to play evil.
However the people who genuinely enjoy slaughtering innocents, particularly children, and roleplaying it with any seriousness... I would question their moral compass and virtue.
"Killing stuff" is pretty much central to games like BG, and I have no problem with evil characters and moral ambiguity per say, but gratuitous violence against innocent children "for the lulz"... is distasteful and wrong.
Just my personal view of course.
So that leaves children then. Not sure what the view on children in the Forgotten Realms is as they don't really get much of a mention. Mechanically speaking they're as inferior to a "class level" character as any other civilian though and since they tend to act like total pricks much more than beggars, commoners or other helpless creatures they're not more innocent, quite the opposite...
It's because, as someone said in another thread, artistic media are supposed to teach you something.
For example: good wins, you shouldn't kill children, harming innocents is wrong etc.
That's why in many games you cannot kill non-hostile people or children and you're usually the good guy/girl.
But in RPGs where you're supposed to be given the choice to act evil and be the bad guy of the story, you should be able to kill anything, even children.
Not because there's nothing wrong with it, but I don't think children are more innocent than animals or kittens or peasants and that should be above being killed.
Sure, it's controversial, but either you're trying to make a believable and relatively realistic (in context of the game) world or you have children set as unkillable because... children.
Although there are things like Clementine in The Walking Dead... but in that case it's zombies who do most of the killing, and maybe it's justifiable for the purpose of story telling in that case. Or maybe it's important that it's not the main character who ever attacks her. I don't know what all the regulations are.
In BG there's no justification for going around attacking kids; you'd have to just be a mad killing spree trying to reduce the population of the sword coast to six, your party, and then probably turn on them. One way to play the game I suppose, but it gets boring very quickly. Although really I think most the evil NPC's would leave if you were doing that, as its totally pointless and beneath them.
never have i wanted to punch a child so much after hearing the same one say that time after time after time *seethe* i get it! im heavily armoured / in a robe calling down death from the skies. its rather odd to look at!!
I hope I don't sound aggressive - I honestly don't mean this as an attack.
I am not offended, and I don't deny being an old fashioned conservative/traditionalist in some respects, but I'd rather not expand this discussion into women as well, and make @mlnevese have to split yet another thread from this one.
Children are not angels. They might have irresponsible or immoral parents who have neglected them or mislead them, or they might simply be in the process of learning the difference between good and bad, right and wrong. They have the potential to change and grow as individuals, and are extremely malleable to the influence of parents and authority figures. You cannot equate a child's misdeeds with the same moral compass as that of an adult, and you cannot equate a child's 'innocence/ignorance' with that of animals of much lower mental capacity.
I was always an empathetic individual, and I can honestly say that I have mostly behaved in a manner that I can be proud of. However, as a child, I am not proud to say that I was briefly a bully myself, to satisfy my curiosity as much as anything else. Of course the influence of education and my parents meant that I felt terrible about my actions, and stopped pretty promptly (I wish I also apologised, but 10 year old me wasn't mature enough for that). Did that make 10-year old me 'not-innocent'? No, or at least not guilty in the same extent as if I went out now and kicked a cyclist off his bike for no reason. My mental capacity is much more developed and I am much clearer about the rights and wrongs of my actions and the effect they have on others.