Mac App Store still showing v1.2.0

I'm not sure if this has been answered already but it seems the MAS version of BGII:EE is at 1.2.0 rather than 1.2.2030 which is what everyone else on other platforms seem to be using.
Does the MAS version have the changes from build 1.2.2030 incorporated into it or have the developers simply not gotten around to submitting the update to Apple for inclusion?
Does the MAS version have the changes from build 1.2.2030 incorporated into it or have the developers simply not gotten around to submitting the update to Apple for inclusion?
I don't condone piracy, if I did I wouldn't have purchased both Baldur's Gate games nor would I be on this forum seeking a solution for a self-inflicted (by the developers) problem.
Other users repeatedly posted asking where the 1.2.2030 patch was, with nary an official response from any admin on this forum. Now, "it sounds like" the patch was never loaded? How is this even an explanation? I see more activity on the forever-on-the-road Android version, but when paying customers ask for support, the best is a "well, we're not really sure?"
What is preventing Beamdog from uploading the patch now?
Btw, I bought both BG:EE and BG2:EE on the MAS. I expect better response than the above.
Can Beamdog please update the 1.2.2030 onto the appstore so the game is at least playable? Whey do we have to wait for 1.3 which has no ETA.
Edit: also noted that you can't even leave a comment on appstore to warn other potential buyers.
What exactly happened that it took 4 months for anyone from Beamdog to indicate the Mac App Store version had never been submitted in the first place?
Even now, it seems like there is a deafening silence and a ducking of a promise made to your customers.
Waiting for the 1.3 isn't good enough IMHO. Please just own up and let us Mac users go back to being happy.
so despite the bugs i tried to keep playing by removing the characters that wouldn't shut up (Dorn, Haxxat). but now Viconia is stuck in an infinite loop of selection voice over bug and she too had to be removed. I tried to play with just the remaining two party members, but unfortunately without cleric or thief there's only so much I can do..
This is a case of a company releasing a game that is not playable for a premium price. Does anyone know where we can place formal complaints and hopefully get our money back?
Pretty please with sugar on top upload the version and get your sh*t together on BG2 for a quick interim patch fixing some low hanging fruits and glaring bugs and get everyone on the same patch level instead of fiddling with BG1 minor enhancements compared to a few game and contentbreaking BG2 bugs. I'm not compaining that your team is too small to get everything done but I am complaining about your priorities and you are destroying your fanbase from the beginning.
Of course it's a self-fulfillng prophecy, the justified bad reviews will lead to fewer sales which will lead to the platform being even more marginalized.
if you don't want to follow the link, all you do is find your email receipt and follow the prompts and click on "problem with this app" and click on refund at the end.
Is it the responsibility of the patch to upload itself? How can a software developer "forget" to upload a major patch to a well-known channel of distribution?
Could someone please tell me the latest versions of BG-EE and BG2-EE for Mac?
I've bought BG-EE and BG2-EE from the Mac App Store and from reading this it doesn't look like I have the right version. How can you tell which version you have installed? When I do a Get Info from the finder it just says 1.2.0 - no build number, why is this?
Also, when I look at BG-EE on the Mac App Store, it doesn't show up in the "Update" Tab, only the "Purchases" Tab, however, if you double click the name of the App in the "Purchases" Tab for BG-EE, it will take you do a page showing the BG game info, on my system, where it would normally say "installed" or the price for you to buy it, it now shows "Update" and the version number, is this the latest version of BG-EE?
When I clicked the Update Button from the BG-EE page it started to download - you can see the progress in the "Purchases" tab - it's a 2.2 GB download, once this has completed, it says "installed". If I now double click on the BG-EE again, it takes me to the App Page BUT the Update Button is still lit up like it hasn't actually updated anything! What is going on? Why are these apps different from the 100,000's+ other Apps on the Store that update correctly?
I tried the same with BG2-EE but it doesn't show the "Update" button, just "Installed".
From reading this thread it seems like Beamdog tool our money for the Game via the App Store and now could care less about providing updates. I think that complaining to Apple a lot might help, eventually if enough people complain will take the App down from the Store which will hurt them in their pockets (where it hurts most!) and maybe they will upload updates more often.
I am just talking about the Mac versions of BG-EE and BG2-EE, not the iPad which I haven't purchased and I doubt I will as the GUI is bad enough on the Mac and I think it would be abysmal on the iPad.
I haven't actually played BGII yet despite purchasing it months ago because when I started BGI before a major patch I encountered a few game breaking bugs.
They have the game ready for OS X, patches applied and all. They simply need to submit it to Apple for review which takes about 2-3 business days and then it goes live for us.
I really don't understand what the problem is. I don't see why they can't have the coffee bitch click 3 or 4 times to upload the patched app to Apple and then go away to make more coffee.
I'm tempted to ask for a refund too but I just find it so convenient to have BG linked with my iTunes account so I can use it anywhere or download it whenever.
Do you see the weird behaviour as me on the Mac App Store? e.g. When I look at BG-EE in the Mac App Store, it doesn't show up in the "Update" Tab, only the "Purchases" Tab, however, if you double click the name of the App in the "Purchases" Tab for BG-EE, it will take you do a page showing the BG game info, on my system, where it would normally say "installed" or the price for you to buy it, it now shows "Update" and the version number, is this the latest version of BG-EE?
When I click the Update Button it starts to download - you can see the progress in the "Purchases" tab - it's a 2.2 GB download, once this has completed, it says "installed". If I now double click on the BG-EE again, it takes me to the App Page BUT the Update Button is still lit up and says, like it hasn't actually updated anything?!?!?
In the meantime, I have started a thread in the BG2 discussion forum on how best to play the game while working around the known (game-breaking) bugs that have been patched - hopefully without spoilers.
As a community, we Mac App store users have tried being patient, but it seems we are only ignored. I am now frustrated, breaking ranks, and ranting. I don't know what else to do to see our issues addressed (or even acknowledged) And while I hope someone representing BeamDog can take time out to reply and address these concerns, my honest expectation is that I will be writing a repeat rant in a month's time about how we still have not heard anything back and are just as in the dark.
I honestly fear the Mac App Store community has now been written off, as we are not loud enough to be heard, not as profitable as buying directly from BeamDog, and demoted to an accident of history that the company would rather forget. The thing that really riles is that assuming I am correct, they didn't even do the decent thing and tell us - we have been dumped without even a "thank you, but goodbye" note.
I am embarrassed that this rant feels like it is directed at a small group of people working incredibly hard to solve problems for many customers, while still finding time to create new (not yet announced) products to keep the company going, I understand that is really hard, but 7 weeks of silent treatment (after an initial 3 months of silence) is beyond breaking point - you are not being fair to us either. And the thing that really hurts is that I really don't like being embarrassed by writing in this tone, I always want to look to the positive and build on common ground, but we no longer have any. Even when (if) a patch is released, the fact I was pushed to thus public embarrassment is an injury that will not go away - and due entirely to the lack of communication, rather than the lack of patch. Please at least address the communication issue before others fall into the mire with me.
@Dee, if there were serious problems with the platform or some other intractable technical conundrum, I imagine the App Store folks would be merely disappointed, not angry. But we seem to have been shunted aside, deemed worthy of no more than a sentence or two after months of confounded waiting. Even beyond questions of product quality, which are of course important, it all feels incredibly marginalizing: we're not current and so can't really be part of the conversation here. I think a big perk of this relaunch for a lot of people was that (to your great credit) it allowed us to discover or rediscover the community surrounding these games. Now, having paid our shekels the same as everyone else, we feel like that community's beggars.
At this point, the stonewalling appears to be an admission of compounding guilt and scorn: someone somewhere simply forgot about an entire constituency, no one caught it, and now it seems you (plural) don't want to say anything more because you simply don't want to hear the entirely justified fulminations you know would be forthcoming. Understandable, perhaps, but also unkind and unfair. As GreenWarlock says, the App Store buyers want a patch, but maybe even more than that, we want to feel that we matter enough to be spoken to honestly and consistently when something goes wrong. You're busy; we respect that. But no one is too busy to write one sentence every couple of weeks. Even if you have nothing to report—which, yes, would hopefully be an embarrassment—we'd still like some reassurance that you respect us, too, and are keeping us in mind.
The love isn't dead, but it is hibernating. It's up to you to revive it. Barring that, it seems the only recourse is to write an App Store review warning others.
I'm positive Beamdog doesn't just sit around twiddling their thumbs all day long, Really all that can be said is that it will come when it comes. Do I wish that the game versions were all identical? Absolutely, I'd love to be able to play with my family on different platforms. But at the very least I know that one day I will be able to do so, and that I will be patiently waiting and creating many Bhallspawns until it happens.
But seriously, no hostility toward the devs intended—just speaking frankly using the venue they've kindly provided. I don't think that's "confrontational," though I do grant that, given the nature of the forum, it can be hard to balance being a community member with being a customer: the two have inflected one another from the start, creating expectations that haven't in every case been fulfilled. (People are still clamoring for cloud saves, for example.) Some of those expectations are reasonable; others plainly are not. In any case, the fact remains that, whatever else we are, we are customers, and we're currently getting a lesser product for reasons we couldn't have anticipated or prevented, with no end in sight. Yes, the team is doing what some call "polishing" and others call "finishing the job"; either way, from where I stand, once the patch has been released to anyone, it's no longer a "service"—not a favor—but a feature that all customers can reasonably assume was included in the purchase price and can reasonably expect to be delivered in a timely way. A patch—especially a bug fix—isn't entirely unlike a product recall; let's not let our affection for the devs obscure the situation: if some company denied us a replacement part for five months—a part they'd already distributed to most of their other customers—and then refused to give us any information about when we'd be getting it, simply because we bought the product at Junk Mart instead of Plastic World—I think most of us would be howling, not feeling as though our perpetual eligibility to receive the part is some sort of benefaction. I'd wager a fair number would lumber off and write nasty reviews.
Yes, absolutely, the devs have been very generous to involve themselves with us so freely. But that also works to their advantage: if it were a faceless bureaucracy of a company that had faltered in this way, I'd have nabbed a refund and bolted long ago. Thanks to the forums, that hasn't been necessary; the reason it hasn't been necessary is precisely that the devs have opened themselves to just the kinds of posts you see above. They've allowed—indeed, invited—us to "peek into their priorities and their business," first by offering a product for sale, and then by participating in these forums. And yes, that seems to me altogether the better way.
I wish I were as certain as you are that all will be well, but faith is a tool, not a virtue. If I get a cheeseburger with no cheese, I don't sit around having faith that it'll show up eventually. What's the harm in seeking greater certainty? Godly people still wear their seat belts. We just want to know—not to think, not to hope, but to know—that we're not being taken for a ride.