Highest legit stats rolled
The best roll I ever got was a Ranger what netted me 96 pts.
However I was desperate to dual class a fighter to druid and kept at it until I had:
str: 18/00 (I would have taken anything)
dex 18
con 18
int 3
wis 18
chr 18
which is only 93 pts but for a human that is exceptional. I have found that Rangers, particularly half elf rangers get the best rolls but has anyone ever gotten a truly amazing roll. What was it?
However I was desperate to dual class a fighter to druid and kept at it until I had:
str: 18/00 (I would have taken anything)
dex 18
con 18
int 3
wis 18
chr 18
which is only 93 pts but for a human that is exceptional. I have found that Rangers, particularly half elf rangers get the best rolls but has anyone ever gotten a truly amazing roll. What was it?
I rolled a 98 once on a cleric/ranger I still have. And a 97 on a gnome cleric/illusionist (which is actually a less probable roll than the 38 on a cleranger).
I suppose I should have asked,
What's the highest legit roll for a non-ranger? lol 97 for a cleric/illusionist is stellar.
This thread:
Maybe I should start another thread (or continue on this one) called,
"Lowest stat ever rolled and kept"
Seriously, not everyone is a powergamer and some of us have paper characters with non-uber stats. I made a character with all 9s once and became grand master of darts. Good times.
It made me feel dirty, so I deleted him.
Still for most fighter classes a 85 ish roll with 18/00 strength is better than even 99
4 words, Tome of Gainful Exercise. It doesn't matter if your strength is 18/01 or 18/00, it still jumps to 19.
wow, just wow...I know you still only get +2hp per HD but damn...21 constitution on a legit mage is no joke, and a D6 HD to boot. Anyone else think the Dragon Disciple is OP?
highest legit roll i think was a 93, years ago.
autoroller seems dodgy to me, if you want high stats why not just shadowkeeper them? to each their own though
Rewolf, I totally get the restartitis
The second highest I recall was a 96 with a Female Jester. Bad thing that it was a ToB only run so I didn't enjoy it much as my game was unmodded by that time.