98, F/T/M. Went all out on cheese, EEkeepered him to illusionist and added assassin abilities; finished BG1EE with him, still haven't gone to Spellhold.
It really comes down to this, Do you want an 18 charisma? Do you need an 18 wisdom for a non clerical character? Because bbear has a point, if you are using a vanilla fighter with 81 pts:
str 18/whatever (19) dex 18 (19) con 18 (19) int 9 (10) wis 8 (11) chr 10 (11)
Ring of human influence in BG2 eliminates the need for high charisma. Your chr could be 3 and with the ring, cloak of the nymph, helm of glory and blade of roses you are looking at a charisma of 23
Ring of human influence in BG2 eliminates the need for high charisma. Your chr could be 3 and with the ring, cloak of the nymph, helm of glory and blade of roses you are looking at a charisma of 23
Yeah, that ring is very good, my latest PC had 18/25 18 18 9 15 9 at the start of BG1:EE, now I'm in ToB and she has 23 20 22 10 18 11, and I don't think I am missing anything, I've beaten BG1 by soloing with her, while in BG2 I took a party because I just wanted too, if don't I'll had made her human and dual-classed instead of Half-Elf and single class only. And with the ring she has 18, with the Helm of the Noble, 19, so it's very good, and if you play evil, you can have -/+0 Reaction so no penalty of higher prices (which don't matter much given how many money you can have in BG2).
i only once got a 96 roll before, never above it. And i did not even keep it (seemed too fishy even for me). Also, 93 is my most desirable roll, and quite rare, too. Usually, my highest rolls vary between 90 and 93. I never got more than 93 (up until 96), or more than 96 itself.
I consider 85+ an exceptional character. Any stats above 90 is superman/woman.
What happens when Tomes take your stat total above 90? Are you still Superman? And if you are Superwoman, do you prance around in a red and blue bathing suit?
I consider 85+ an exceptional character. Any stats above 90 is superman/woman.
What happens when Tomes take your stat total above 90? Are you still Superman? And if you are Superwoman, do you prance around in a red and blue bathing suit?
Clark Kent is not Superman in his native planet and his stats are amplified in our Sun. I suspect his original stats are:
His transformation is:
Tomes would certain help, but he is Lawful Good so he would hand them to the scrupulous authorities.
I used to do the same, until I realized that you could always have it in a Bag of Holding/Gem Bag and use it when shopping for better discounts and you can benefice even more instead of selling it, think that the money is reduced in a determinate percentage, so actually by using the ring you can save more than what the ring values when you buy something expensive like The Robe of Vecna, you can save 3000 GP from it with a Good aligned character and 18 CHA at the start of the game, much more than the ring's value. If you have a good/neutral Reputation and a PC with low CHA, you can benefit from it a lot. Anyway it isn't a very good ring, Charm once per day is cool, much more on low levels foes with bad/untouched saving throws.
I probably wouldn't prioritize putting towards charisma myself but not because of the Ring of Human Influence. I'd rather leave the ring slots open for other use than use it. Chances are someone else in my party will have high enough charisma. Keldorn (18) Hexxat (14-18), Imoen/Haer'Dalis/Dorn (16), Jaheira/Cernd/
[Spoiler]Sarevok[/spoiler] (15) that I can just have one of them with the Nymph cloak and still get 17-20 charisma depending on the character. There aren't as many useful cloaks as there are useful rings so I don't see it as a big loss. Also Friends can also be used effectively by the mage/bard characters.
@elminster you can swap the Rings when going to a merchant but I understand what you way, the Ring isn't worth the slot when you can have the Ring of the Gaxx or the Reaching Ring.
For any spell casting class, I try to max charisma because I don't like to use a ring slot for the charisma ring. Wizardry(Acuity), Gaxx(or protection) fill up those slots. besides with a 19 chr, the friends spell puts you to 25 chr with no items needed.
My default Wisdom for non rangers and non priests is 8. This way it ends up at 11 and gives me an extra pt to sacrifice to the demon in candlekeep, bringing it down to a nice neutral 10. I think you get a wisdom bonus for one of the good trials as well. Seriously, there is just so much wisdom to be gained. I think if you meta game from BG1 to ToB, an 18 wisdom ends up 24 or 25. That is considered godlike.
I have a straight 100 Human Archer. Unfortunately, it was relatively early in my experience with BG and I kinda screwed up the race choice (as you can see), and worse, kinda screwed up the initial proficiencies (Longbow, big blades & halberd); playable, but with more familiarity, the weapon mix doesn't excite me as a purist Archer any more.
I'll come back to it eventually, but right now I am starting up a 96 Elf Archer, w/ LB (planning to go to SB by the time I get into BG2), K, & A for the off-hand.
I have this mental image of being forced into melee later, and becoming a whirling katana & tomahawk maelstrom, with the occasional boomerang axe+2/3/4 being tossed while the dance is still in full swing. The thrown axe will still get to use most of the built up Archer bene's, plus (by then) the 19 strength and 19 dex bene's.
And every time I sit down to play BG, I take a little time to roll 500 or 1000 times looking for the next golden century.
Archers are a tricky one for melee load-outs. The 2 free slots on 2w-style is hard to ignore but ignore I often do, favoring staff(+1 staff of curing gives +2AC) and halberd(+4 Dragon's Breath) or great sword (vorpal blade +3).
Otherwise, I use axe (for Azureedge) and LongSword (Blade of Roses) although if you are importing from BG1(with a 19 str) you can have a lot of fun with short sword(Kundane) and scimitar(Belm) for 5 attacks per round
100 for a female human Paladin. A character I never played.
Got a 98 on my current Sorcerer. Usually I'm not to bothered with making exceptional stats, but it is nice to think of yourself as a superman sometimes. :P
Last week I rolled a Candlekeep Human Beastmaster just to see if I could do anything interesting with the weapon load-out... Not to play, but just because I was unfamiliar with the kit...
Anyway, my 2nd roll was a 99 (my highest by 4 points) with 18/00 strength (only the 3rd time I ever landed this)... So I might *have* to play it now!
95 with cavalier, I think Paladin's get high rolls due to their minimum stat requirements. Anyway, after BG1 tomes, Lum the Mad, and Carsomyr/cloak of mirroring, he was basically Chuck Norris.
I usually just reroll until I get somewhere in the 80s, but it depends on the class. Occationally I hit the early 90s, but by luck rather than ages of rerolling.
God I remember the old days when you had to add up the total yourself. It made it so slow to create characters.
My current IWDEE play through has a party of all characters with a minimum total of 91. My bard in that group holds the place for my highest ever stat roll - a 99.
The best roll I ever got was a Ranger what netted me 96 pts.
However I was desperate to dual class a fighter to druid and kept at it until I had:
str: 18/00 (I would have taken anything) dex 18 con 18 int 3 wis 18 chr 18
which is only 93 pts but for a human that is exceptional. I have found that Rangers, particularly half elf rangers get the best rolls but has anyone ever gotten a truly amazing roll. What was it?
93, yesterday, after 100 tries of rolling, give or take
I never see anyone mentioning this: How often do you mistakenly skip a good roll when you are raping your mouse during the character creation? Or does this only happen to me?
I never see anyone mentioning this: How often do you mistakenly skip a good roll when you are raping your mouse during the character creation? Or does this only happen to me?
About once per 1000 rolls, or in other words, 1 out of every 2-3 'keepers'. Try forcing yourself to say/subvocalize the stat total before clicking again, or make yourself read every one of the component stats, or (my preferred compromise discipline) take a pause every 10 clicks - take a breath - re-focus - 10 more clicks.
str 18/whatever (19)
dex 18 (19)
con 18 (19)
int 9 (10)
wis 8 (11)
chr 10 (11)
Ring of human influence in BG2 eliminates the need for high charisma. Your chr could be 3 and with the ring, cloak of the nymph, helm of glory and blade of roses you are looking at a charisma of 23
His transformation is:
Tomes would certain help, but he is Lawful Good so he would hand them to the scrupulous authorities.
I probably wouldn't prioritize putting towards charisma myself but not because of the Ring of Human Influence. I'd rather leave the ring slots open for other use than use it. Chances are someone else in my party will have high enough charisma. Keldorn (18) Hexxat (14-18), Imoen/Haer'Dalis/Dorn (16), Jaheira/Cernd/
[Spoiler]Sarevok[/spoiler] (15) that I can just have one of them with the Nymph cloak and still get 17-20 charisma depending on the character. There aren't as many useful cloaks as there are useful rings so I don't see it as a big loss. Also Friends can also be used effectively by the mage/bard characters.
My default Wisdom for non rangers and non priests is 8. This way it ends up at 11 and gives me an extra pt to sacrifice to the demon in candlekeep, bringing it down to a nice neutral 10. I think you get a wisdom bonus for one of the good trials as well. Seriously, there is just so much wisdom to be gained. I think if you meta game from BG1 to ToB, an 18 wisdom ends up 24 or 25. That is considered godlike.
I'll come back to it eventually, but right now I am starting up a 96 Elf Archer, w/ LB (planning to go to SB by the time I get into BG2), K, & A for the off-hand.
I have this mental image of being forced into melee later, and becoming a whirling katana & tomahawk maelstrom, with the occasional boomerang axe+2/3/4 being tossed while the dance is still in full swing. The thrown axe will still get to use most of the built up Archer bene's, plus (by then) the 19 strength and 19 dex bene's.
And every time I sit down to play BG, I take a little time to roll 500 or 1000 times looking for the next golden century.
Otherwise, I use axe (for Azureedge) and LongSword (Blade of Roses) although if you are importing from BG1(with a 19 str) you can have a lot of fun with short sword(Kundane) and scimitar(Belm) for 5 attacks per round
Got a 98 on my current Sorcerer.
Anyway, my 2nd roll was a 99 (my highest by 4 points) with 18/00 strength (only the 3rd time I ever landed this)... So I might *have* to play it now!
God I remember the old days when you had to add up the total yourself. It made it so slow to create characters.
If by legit you mean the very first roll then it would probably be 90.