@CamDawg aye, but everytime i tried to type the link as an example, it either showed an image, the word image or nothing. but then i am a nubcake when it comes to post formats.
@CamDawg aye, but everytime i tried to type the link as an example, it either showed an image, the word image or nothing. but then i am a nubcake when it comes to post formats.
I suspect the "img" bits in that particular path may be confusing the forum software, as I couldn't get it to embed either.
@Kitteh_On_A_Cloud 1. If you`re a fan of MLP:FiM but not a bronie, then why are you insulted by my remark? It`s a fear of having a forum ponyfied or filled with garbage in a fox suit 2. Nothing about ponies does anything to my "manly pride". Why would it? 3. Words evolve, it`s been a while since fag was synonymous with same sex attraction(of which i have nothing against btw.) 4. This is a MEME thread. post/comment on MEME`s or GTFO. -Hatred death ray powering down- edit. forgot a T in there.
@Kitteh_On_A_Cloud 1. If you`re a fan of MLP:FiM but not a bronie, then why are you insulted by my remark? It`s a fear of having a forum ponyfied or filled with garbage in a fox suit 2. Nothing about ponies does anything to my "manly pride". Why would it? 3. Words evolve, it`s been a while since fag was synonymous with same sex attraction(of which i have nothing against btw.) 4. This is a MEME thread. post/comment on MEME`s or GTFO. -Hatred death ray powering down- edit. forgot a T in there.
1. Being a fan of MLP is synonymous with being a bronie. You put bronies on the same level with furfags, which, no matter its meaning, is still clearly a negative term. Have you seen any pony pics around thus far? If so, it' not like they're flooding the forums, right? Even I didn't post any pony pic or make any pony related comment thus far. I think you're overreacting here. 2. The term 'furfag' still implies the connotation of a fan of MLP being looked down upon just because of him liking a show. I've seen many ignorant haters call bronies 'gay' or 'sick fucks', because such people think bronies are weaklings who jerk off by watching ponies. Many guys think the show is garbage because it seemingly was intended for little girls, as seems to be intended by the general look of the show. Read my earlier post again. 3. See my points 1 and 2. 'Fag' still has a negative connotation nowadays, if you hadn't noticed. 4. Telling me to shut up, eh? Shouldn't have written such an ignorant statement. You were bound to get a reaction out of someone by putting that down. Also, I'll choose myself whether to leave this topic or not, thank you very much.
Yo people, this is a CIVIL place so let's keep it that shall we? No need to be agressive one to the other. I myself like MLP and probably more do on this forum. So far, I haven't seen ONE thread regarding MLP so any insult thrown at the "bronies" to begin with is ridiculous. Kindly regard us MLP fans as human beings, thank you mr. @Tr_ond
As for you, @Kitteh_On_A_Cloud - Derailing a topic isn't nice ya know. While I understand your anger, let's make an effort to keep it civil oky?
@Chessebelly: He started it. Anyway, you're right. My apologies for the derailing. But all of this could have been avoided if @Tr_ond would've have written such a provocative statement. In any case, I rest my case regarding MLP. I just wanted to press the fact that people should watch the show before starting to insult it, that fans of the show indeed are human beings like we all are and that I'm getting tired of being looked down upon just because I like this show. But haters gonna hate. Sadly the world and especially the internet is like that. Anyway, I've said what I wanted to say and am done here.
@Zafiro: Hmm? Something wrong? If it concerns my recent comments in regards to @Tr_ond's statement or MLp, you can always write a comment on my profile. Wouldn't want to derail this topic further.
This is why they`re considered a cancer. Write a word, do a joke or post a picture that contains a spot 2 miles in the background that under a microscope turns out to be a dead equine the issue grows uncontrollably until the thread dies. @Kitteh_On_A_Cloud Stop bombing my thread with what you seem to think are reasonable, non-aggressive and topical arguments. You want to resolve things and get whatever you need of you`re chest? Or just flame my nuts off? There is a PM funktion for that.
*wonders what the MLB and brownies thing is about, assumes it's pro baseball....no, that doesn't make sense so wonders if it's a form of mass insanity or anime?*
Might as well repost this here as it`s got a hamster in it. Made it for another thread you might have seen. If a mod could clean this thread of crazy i`d appreciate it, kind of a downer reading the non-MEME related stuff. Also, if anyone`s offended or annoyed by the things i write or post and are unable to keep it to themselves, please PM me or make a "I hate Tr_ond" thread rather than flaming this one with "opinions" they feel are important(should be unnecessary in a MEME thread but hey, humans...).
2. The term 'furfag' still implies the connotation of a fan of MLP being looked down upon just because of him liking a show. I've seen many ignorant haters call bronies 'gay' or 'sick fucks', because such people think bronies are weaklings who jerk off by watching ponies. Many guys think the show is garbage because it seemingly was intended for little girls, as seems to be intended by the general look of the show. Read my earlier post again.
3. See my points 1 and 2. 'Fag' still has a negative connotation nowadays, if you hadn't noticed.
4. Telling me to shut up, eh? Shouldn't have written such an ignorant statement. You were bound to get a reaction out of someone by putting that down. Also, I'll choose myself whether to leave this topic or not, thank you very much.
As for you, @Kitteh_On_A_Cloud - Derailing a topic isn't nice ya know. While I understand your anger, let's make an effort to keep it civil oky?
In fact there is difference between brony and normal fan. It's sanity.
Edit: corrected mistake. Thanks, Drugar.
I's "I wonder why people consider me annoying" or "I wonder why people consider me an annoyance"
I'm not normally much of a grammar nazi, but in a post about annoyances it seemed appropriate :-)
@Kitteh_On_A_Cloud Stop bombing my thread with what you seem to think are reasonable, non-aggressive and topical arguments. You want to resolve things and get whatever you need of you`re chest? Or just flame my nuts off? There is a PM funktion for that.
Not an attack on anyone, though i was in a mood when i made it
Made it for another thread you might have seen.
If a mod could clean this thread of crazy i`d appreciate it, kind of a downer reading the non-MEME related stuff.
Also, if anyone`s offended or annoyed by the things i write or post and are unable to keep it to themselves, please PM me or make a "I hate Tr_ond" thread rather than flaming this one with "opinions" they feel are important(should be unnecessary in a MEME thread but hey, humans...).
My favourite meme is Horny Harry but I somehow doubt that Baldur's Gate would fit in well with that one.