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Portraits for BG original

JariahxSynnJariahxSynn Member Posts: 67
Where can I get some portraits and other voice options?

*Edit: So now how do i go about installing the new pics?
Post edited by JariahxSynn on


  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    hmmm, do you have any yet? i don't want to suggest what you already have but i seem to remember g3 had a bg1 portrait pack. multiple actually as i remember some that had 6 pictures, some had 2 or 3, etc.

    Voice packs, i'm not sure. Guess i never really thought too much on it.
  • JariahxSynnJariahxSynn Member Posts: 67
    @Bjjorick I'm new to BG but would you happen to know of any websites?
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    umm, look up gibberings 3, or one sec, will link you, but it's a good place to start, as well as spellhold they have lots of stuff for bg 1 and 2, as well as BGT (BG trilogy, compresses the 3 games into one big game, kinda nice) be careful what you install is for BG1. Also, you might want to consider BGT, as it's a big mod and very enjoyable. Let me know what else you need.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @jariahxsynn so, any luck? i've got tons of modder resources but wanted to start you off with some of the easier ones/most used
  • JariahxSynnJariahxSynn Member Posts: 67
    @Bjjorick Yeah yeah thanks alot :)
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    You can find lots of portraits and soundsets here:

    My favourite set is the one that lets you use the NPC voices for your player character.

    And there are lots or portraits here:
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455

    You can find lots of portraits and soundsets here:

    My favourite set is the one that lets you use the NPC voices for your player character.

    And there are lots or portraits here:

    also at the same site..:

    If you want it is possible to download from there all the Icewind Dale portraits which are awesome, under 'Icewind Dale Male & Female Portraits' :)
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861

    You are right, the Icewind Dale portraits are beautiful. I always use them for my PC and have started using them to replace all of the NPC portraits in BG 1 and 2.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566

    Pretty much the biggest BG avatar site around, as far as I know.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @drugar excellent page, i didn't know about it but after the first page of pics, i book marked it.

    very high quality work.
  • neleotheszeneleothesze Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012

    Where can I get some portraits and other voice options?

    @JariahxSynn Although there are options made by players specifially for BG it's just so wonderful to search for the right image in places like deviantArt (there are SO many talented artists there it's mindboggling) and pick out the character which looks most like what you envisioned your CharName. :D Here are a few I cropped from some beautiful art for each of my CharNames or to replace some of my favourite NPCs.
    a few of the men:
    Photobucket sorcerer or mage (elf/half-elf)
    Photobucket sorcerer or mage (human)
    Photobucket sorcerer or mage (elf/half-elf) or Xan :D
    Photobucket fighter or paladin (human)
    a few of the women:
    Photobucket cleric or fighter (half-orc)
    Photobucket any class (human/half-elf)
    Photobucket bard or sorceress or mage (halfling/gnome/dwarf)
    Photobucket thief or fighter (dwarf/gnome/halfling)
    Photobucket bard (?) (human)
    Photobucket any class
    just find something you really like and crop it to 110 x 170 pixels and 38 x 60 for the small one. I think I have 3 different custom images for each BG 1 and 2 NPC to match their personalities and voices ^_^
  • DogEyedBoyDogEyedBoy Member Posts: 1
    Are the portrait sizes still the same as the original game then? I though we'd be getting higher resolution ones. The portraits will be tiny on modern screen resolutions if they don't.
  • neleotheszeneleothesze Member Posts: 231

    Are the portrait sizes still the same as the original game then? I though we'd be getting higher resolution ones. The portraits will be tiny on modern screen resolutions if they don't.

    @DogEyedBoy We might be getting higher res ones. He wanted portraits for BG1 / 2. I just showed him that he can make some that fit whatever characters he had in mind from random art he finds appealing. :)

  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455

    BTW, it was just announced that Jason Manley ( the one who created the Icewind Dale portraits ) will be doing new portraits for BG:EE :-)
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