@Blackraven He was a sorcerer only because I preferred that spell casting style. Honestly? I love wild mages but I prefer the ease of use for sorcerers more.
This isn't a character I've made in any games, but the next time I play Pathfinder, or the first time I play D&D, I'd like to make this character. He's kind of my ideal character, being a combination of my two favorite races. I know this thread is more about BG, but I didn't think you (Blackraven) would mind. If you do, I apologize. Beware, this is a pretty long read. It's spoilered for a reason.
This image isn't ideal, but there's very little art available for Fox Folk. They're naturally rangers, so a ranger image was more easily available, and was the best I could do. Props to whoever made it for, y'know, actually making a Fox Folk image.
Explanation of abilities: His abilities are chosen as a combination of his two race’s bonuses and negatives, and he is quite skilled overall. (93 total roll) I give reasons for this, however. Also, this character is a combination of 2nd edition and 3.5 edition rules, since I’m more accustomed to the former, while the Fox Folk race doesn’t even exist prior to the latter. He isn’t strong, but he’s not weak either, as he is accustomed to melee combat. He’s certainly not going to overpower anyone, though. His dexterity is quite impressive, but it’s not as high as I could have made it, due to the Fox Folk race gaining a +4 to DEX. I chose to keep it at 21, so as to not make him seem too overpowered. His constitution is actually higher than I had originally intended. This is due to the Ranger class requiring at least a 14 CON in 2nd edition. I don’t know anything about class requirements for 3.5, but I figured I’d make this class work in 2nd edition. He’s not going to be taking many heavy hits, but he’s not frail either. His intelligence is mainly due to his cunning. He’s intelligent enough to come up with strategies and ideas easily, but he’s no genius. His wisdom is kind of a confusing point for me, since on one hand, he is cunning and sly, but at the same time, he’s also a bit naive. Despite his age, he’s still relatively new to the world, and his wonder at new sights, sounds, and experiences is evident. That said, he is cunning and wise, but his naivety sometimes outweighs it. His charisma is because he is one charming… well, fox! In some games, (Pathfinder, mainly) Fox Folk actually have bonuses to CHA. This is not so in D&D, but he’s still incredibly charming and charismatic. He’s not the type of charismatic that would be a party leader, but he is the type of charismatic that is the best at haggling and convincing others to do things.
Race: I don't know if Fox Folk can breed with other races, but I don't see a reason for why they couldn't. They're mammals, after all. If you don't know what the race is, here's a link. Edit: the link doesn't work quite right, despite being copy-pasted directly from the URL bar. There is a button on the page this takes you to, though, that you can use. Or just copy-paste the URL yourself. http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Fox-folk_(3.5e_Race)
Background: Born to a Halfling father and a Fox Folk mother, he was a rarity. To those around him, he was the first of his kind. The kind Halflings whose village he lived in, however, never judged him. They fully accepted him as one of their own. Even so, ever since he was a child, he desired to find another like himself, and so he became an adventurer for that very reason. Unfortunately, his parents did not have any other children. His parents met when they were traveling together in a troupe of entertainers. His father was the cook, while his mother was one of the performers. When they fell in love, they bid their entertaining companions farewell and returned home to his village. His name is not actually that of his parents. He was given a Halfling first name, but he kept his mother’s maiden name, even though she took his father’s name for her own. His parents never really explained why they had done this, and he didn’t really care. To him, his name was wonderful, and he had no desire to change it. As a child, he was far more agile than his playmates, and he found he was gifted with a gorgeous voice. His mother was a bard, and taught him the songs of her people, along with their language, and he became a favorite in the village, as he would entertain the rest of the village with his songs, sometimes singing a solo, other times joining with his mother in a wonderful duet. She also taught him the wonders of nature, and he began to savor spending most of the day out in the forests near his village. The Halflings loved nature as well, and his father would teach him all about the different animals and plants native to the area. His father was less useful when it came to adventuring skills, but he taught his son one of the most useful skills he could use to assist his companions with; cooking. His father was a master chef, and he taught his son all he knew. This would make him become a favorite among his traveling companions in the future. He quickly surpassed his father in height, and even eventually his mother, though he was much lighter than her. He was a bit sturdier than her, though, likely due to his Halfling blood, and was less easily moved, even with his lighter body. Despite his agility, he was more thickly built than a Fox Folk. He was shorter than the average male Fox Folk as well, but was much taller than his Halfling companions. His fur was a bright orange-red, with bits of white and black on his ears and jaw, and his gold eyes glittered in the light. He trained with the short sword and short bow, as they were natural tools for a bard or ranger, especially one of such short stature, and were also easily available in his village. He lived in the village, practicing his skills and assisting the villagers with whatever tasks needed to be done till he turned 25. Shortly after his birthday, he left the village, with the best wishes of his family and friends, and began traveling the world. He soon joined a band of light hearted adventurers, who were simply content with traveling the world and finding out what great adventures the land had for them.
That's a very unique character, not unlike your-half drow/orc I've never played Pathfinder (or any other fantasy tabletop rpg), and I hadn't heard of the Fox race before. But Tribin sounds like a character I'd play with pleasure, both backstorywise and statwise (I like dexterous characters a lot). I hope you can roleplay him soon
Name: Garrus Race: Half-orc (Gray orc) Class: Fighter/Mage Alignment: Chaotic Good Stats: STR: 19 DEX: 18 CON: 19 INT: 16 WIS: 12 CHA: 11 Proficiencies: Two-handed Sword ++ Sling + Quarterstaff + (stupid iron crisis breaks all my swords on fighter-types)
I played this PC before BG2EE was released but didn't finish his story before it came out. I may be in the minority here when I say I actually really like half-orcs, particularly good-aligned ones. This is the second (or third but my proper second didn't go far) iteration of this character, who I just had to make after I found the portrait. It fit him almost perfectly - the gray skin tone, dark hair, haunted expression were almost exactly how I pictured him. The ear is a little too large for my liking and I tried to tone down the shininess and change the background to fit BG2 style, but I liked my edits less than the original so I kept it as it was, though I changed the eye color.
For those who don't know - gray orcs are quite an interesting breed (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Gray_orc). CHARNAME's background in a nutshell - discriminated against because of his race other than Gorion, Tethtoril and Imoen etc., and because of his admiration towards Gorion he became interested in becoming a Mage, but didn't have the temperament to dedicate his mind to the Art, so he split his focus between being a Mage and a Fighter. Personality-wise he's got some half-orc typical traits - grumpy, solitary, can occasionally be hurtful and blunt, but inside his exposure to wiser men with strong moral values has made him a good-natured person.
Stats-wise he looks overpowered, but it was a lucky roll of dice, honest! The original had less CON I believe, and his WIS and CHA were both 10. I'm not that big for/against min-maxing, so long as my characters don't have illogically low/high stats I'm cool with the best I can get. I was honestly going to get the best roll with 19 STR and 16 INT I could get, but I got a lucky 95, yay! Currently playing through the game he's not overly unbalancing, even with 18 DEX and 19 CON he gains less HP than pure fighters and comes dangerously close to death when he gets hit, he's really reliant on Armor + Ring of Protection right now. Come BG2 he'll probably be borderline broken, but what F/M isn't? He doesn't dual-wield* and he'll have 18 INT maximum by the end of the trilogy so I think balance-wise he's above average (for a F/M that is) but not unbalancing.
Anyways this is my nostalgia trip character Probably one of the PCs I enjoy the most and could actually replay.
*slightly off topic rant: Casting while dual-wielding or using a shield (except maybe bucklers) never made any sense to me, so I never do it for RP reasons excepting Blades (because their design takes priority). Seriously, how do you not get a casting penalty if you're using both hands to wield weapons? I think one-handed casting is canonically possible but with both hands occupied? That would seriously take skill and chances are you'd get a movement wrong and BOOM fireball in your face. Even two-handed weapons is taking it a bit far, but I can justify it with this PC since he has 19 STR so he could probably wield a two-handed sword in one hand if he wanted to, but just does it with both because it does more damage.
@Artemius_I Nice character! If the minority likes half-orcs, then I'm in there with you! I really enjoy characters that choose to be good, even despite discrimination against them. I wish the vanilla game would allow for half-orc mages and fighter\mages. They'd be a devastating choice for the class.
@Artemius_I, @Elrandir is right, you have a well thought-out, unique character there. My compliments. I wouldn't worry about possible overpowerednes, even in SoA you'll still be challenged at different moments. I've also come to like Half-Orcs since my first run with one (a female Wizard Slayer).
Re: spellcasting and weapons, you've made me think. About six months ago I ran a no-reload campaign with an Elven Swashbuckler/Mage, and I really couldn't imagine without his scimitars (not unlike a Blade).
@Blackraven At the end of the day if dual wielding casters are permitted, I can live with it, but aside from Blades I never have my PCs doing it. I don't play Swashies sadly because I simply can't play thieves without backstabbing.
That said, dual wielding casters is justifiable in some cases. 3E onwards have metamagic which let you cast spells without movement (therefore armor penalty doesn't apply). Even in the books exceptions to hand gestures when casting applies. In the first book for the War of the Spider Queen series, one of the main characters, a drow mage, casts spells using his FEET.
I always play a rogue. I don't know if it fits my personality or if I've just done it so much that it's simply become old habit. My first character ever made in BG1 is obviously the one I'm most fond of and the one I've recreated the most. Female thief named Adelaide Ravenloft. I've used her in BG1 and 2, Icewind Dale 1 and 2, Fallout 1, 2, Tactics, 3 and NV. NWN's 1 and 2. Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim and Dragon age. It's not just a name I jam on any old character though.. she's gotta be some sort of rogue. A basic kleptomaniac with heart of gold and penchant for sneaking. If a game has the ability to create a character and you can sneak and steal I'm naming her Adelaide Ravenloft.
For BG1 I originally used a Luis Royo painting for a portrait..(who didn't?) and Annah's soundset from planescape torment. I've never stopped using that soundset. Portraits have come and gone.. That soundset is probably the only thing that's made it through multitudes of computers over the years.
@OzzyBotkins: Hopefully you use your profile pic for your swashy as well. I second your request for a Mazzy romance @vyvexthorne: funny I had to force myself to stop playing rogues (or rogue hybrids) in BG. In the other games I've played I also tend to go the rogue route. Nice character you Adelaide
@vyvexthorne: funny I had to force myself to stop playing rogues (or rogue hybrids) in BG. In the other games I've played I also tend to go the rogue route. Nice character you Adelaide
Yeah,, it's difficult in BG. Almost like they didn't expect you to play a rogue. Both games are filled with roguish companions and lack heavily in other areas.. which makes you feel like you shouldn't even be playing a rogue. First companion you get in BG.. a rogue... First new companion you find in BG2.. a rogue. I've done one 'all rogue' party playthrough of BG1.. It's a pretty silly party set up. Imoen, Montaron, Safana, Alora, Skie and You..
STR: 9 (she's a wimp) DEX: 19 (very nimble and dexterous, being an elf) CON: 16 (hale and hearty, having grown up in a clean, orderly environment with ample access to healing and other remedies) INT: 18 (possesses a genius-level intellect but...) WIS: 13 (...is extremely naive and often foolish) CHA: 17 (she's an adorable sweetie that makes everyone around her love her and forgive the mayhem her spells unleash...most of the time, anyway)
She likes...
Minsc ("Is it true you drank 120 pints of beer in six hours?") Jaheira ("Is it true that druids in the wild don't wear any clothes? That makes so much more sense than having to wear these robes all the time!") Imoen ("Best friends forever, right?") Aerie ("I think we're distant relatives!")
She hates...
Viconia ("MAKE THE BAD WOMAN GO AWAY!") Ulraunt ("So what if there's a painting of me lying naked on a bearskin rug? I don't see why being naked is so upsetting to you people! What's so wrong with my body that people don't want to see it?") Reevor ("So what if I accidentally burned down your storehouse? You don't have to be so mean about it!") The Candlekeep Chanters ("WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP CHANTING THOSE STUPID PROPHECIES OUTSIDE MY WINDOW EVERY MORNING!!!???")
Her favourite activities include...
Drinking wine Posing nude Taking off her clothes and frolicking in the woods Burning things Learning about magic
Reevor ("So what if I accidentally burned down your storehouse? You don't have to be so mean about it!") - This made me LOL I also like that you have all kinds of ( funny) favourite activities for her.
I wouldn't consider 13 WIS so low as to make someone naive and foolish btw. Have you taken her trhough the entire game already? Or are you playing in your current game?
Race: Halfing\Fox Folk
Gender: M
Age: 26
Height: 4’4”
Weight: 62 lbs.
Class: Bard\Ranger Multiclass
Alignment: Neutral Good
Abilities: STR: 13
DEX: 21
CON: 14
INT: 15
WIS: 12
CHA: 18
This image isn't ideal, but there's very little art available for Fox Folk. They're naturally rangers, so a ranger image was more easily available, and was the best I could do. Props to whoever made it for, y'know, actually making a Fox Folk image.
Explanation of abilities: His abilities are chosen as a combination of his two race’s bonuses and negatives, and he is quite skilled overall. (93 total roll) I give reasons for this, however. Also, this character is a combination of 2nd edition and 3.5 edition rules, since I’m more accustomed to the former, while the Fox Folk race doesn’t even exist prior to the latter. He isn’t strong, but he’s not weak either, as he is accustomed to melee combat. He’s certainly not going to overpower anyone, though. His dexterity is quite impressive, but it’s not as high as I could have made it, due to the Fox Folk race gaining a +4 to DEX. I chose to keep it at 21, so as to not make him seem too overpowered. His constitution is actually higher than I had originally intended. This is due to the Ranger class requiring at least a 14 CON in 2nd edition. I don’t know anything about class requirements for 3.5, but I figured I’d make this class work in 2nd edition. He’s not going to be taking many heavy hits, but he’s not frail either. His intelligence is mainly due to his cunning. He’s intelligent enough to come up with strategies and ideas easily, but he’s no genius. His wisdom is kind of a confusing point for me, since on one hand, he is cunning and sly, but at the same time, he’s also a bit naive. Despite his age, he’s still relatively new to the world, and his wonder at new sights, sounds, and experiences is evident. That said, he is cunning and wise, but his naivety sometimes outweighs it. His charisma is because he is one charming… well, fox! In some games, (Pathfinder, mainly) Fox Folk actually have bonuses to CHA. This is not so in D&D, but he’s still incredibly charming and charismatic. He’s not the type of charismatic that would be a party leader, but he is the type of charismatic that is the best at haggling and convincing others to do things.
Race: I don't know if Fox Folk can breed with other races, but I don't see a reason for why they couldn't. They're mammals, after all. If you don't know what the race is, here's a link. Edit: the link doesn't work quite right, despite being copy-pasted directly from the URL bar. There is a button on the page this takes you to, though, that you can use. Or just copy-paste the URL yourself.
Background: Born to a Halfling father and a Fox Folk mother, he was a rarity. To those around him, he was the first of his kind. The kind Halflings whose village he lived in, however, never judged him. They fully accepted him as one of their own. Even so, ever since he was a child, he desired to find another like himself, and so he became an adventurer for that very reason. Unfortunately, his parents did not have any other children. His parents met when they were traveling together in a troupe of entertainers. His father was the cook, while his mother was one of the performers. When they fell in love, they bid their entertaining companions farewell and returned home to his village. His name is not actually that of his parents. He was given a Halfling first name, but he kept his mother’s maiden name, even though she took his father’s name for her own. His parents never really explained why they had done this, and he didn’t really care. To him, his name was wonderful, and he had no desire to change it. As a child, he was far more agile than his playmates, and he found he was gifted with a gorgeous voice. His mother was a bard, and taught him the songs of her people, along with their language, and he became a favorite in the village, as he would entertain the rest of the village with his songs, sometimes singing a solo, other times joining with his mother in a wonderful duet. She also taught him the wonders of nature, and he began to savor spending most of the day out in the forests near his village. The Halflings loved nature as well, and his father would teach him all about the different animals and plants native to the area. His father was less useful when it came to adventuring skills, but he taught his son one of the most useful skills he could use to assist his companions with; cooking. His father was a master chef, and he taught his son all he knew. This would make him become a favorite among his traveling companions in the future. He quickly surpassed his father in height, and even eventually his mother, though he was much lighter than her. He was a bit sturdier than her, though, likely due to his Halfling blood, and was less easily moved, even with his lighter body. Despite his agility, he was more thickly built than a Fox Folk. He was shorter than the average male Fox Folk as well, but was much taller than his Halfling companions. His fur was a bright orange-red, with bits of white and black on his ears and jaw, and his gold eyes glittered in the light. He trained with the short sword and short bow, as they were natural tools for a bard or ranger, especially one of such short stature, and were also easily available in his village. He lived in the village, practicing his skills and assisting the villagers with whatever tasks needed to be done till he turned 25. Shortly after his birthday, he left the village, with the best wishes of his family and friends, and began traveling the world. He soon joined a band of light hearted adventurers, who were simply content with traveling the world and finding out what great adventures the land had for them.
I've never played Pathfinder (or any other fantasy tabletop rpg), and I hadn't heard of the Fox race before. But Tribin sounds like a character I'd play with pleasure, both backstorywise and statwise (I like dexterous characters a lot).
I hope you can roleplay him soon
Portrait: http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Portraits.Detail&id=6408 (help me here, how do you attach pictures?)
Name: Garrus
Race: Half-orc (Gray orc)
Class: Fighter/Mage
Alignment: Chaotic Good
STR: 19
DEX: 18
CON: 19
INT: 16
WIS: 12
CHA: 11
Two-handed Sword ++
Sling +
Quarterstaff + (stupid iron crisis breaks all my swords on fighter-types)
I played this PC before BG2EE was released but didn't finish his story before it came out. I may be in the minority here when I say I actually really like half-orcs, particularly good-aligned ones. This is the second (or third but my proper second didn't go far) iteration of this character, who I just had to make after I found the portrait. It fit him almost perfectly - the gray skin tone, dark hair, haunted expression were almost exactly how I pictured him. The ear is a little too large for my liking and I tried to tone down the shininess and change the background to fit BG2 style, but I liked my edits less than the original so I kept it as it was, though I changed the eye color.
For those who don't know - gray orcs are quite an interesting breed (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Gray_orc). CHARNAME's background in a nutshell - discriminated against because of his race other than Gorion, Tethtoril and Imoen etc., and because of his admiration towards Gorion he became interested in becoming a Mage, but didn't have the temperament to dedicate his mind to the Art, so he split his focus between being a Mage and a Fighter. Personality-wise he's got some half-orc typical traits - grumpy, solitary, can occasionally be hurtful and blunt, but inside his exposure to wiser men with strong moral values has made him a good-natured person.
Stats-wise he looks overpowered, but it was a lucky roll of dice, honest!
Anyways this is my nostalgia trip character
*slightly off topic rant: Casting while dual-wielding or using a shield (except maybe bucklers) never made any sense to me, so I never do it for RP reasons excepting Blades (because their design takes priority). Seriously, how do you not get a casting penalty if you're using both hands to wield weapons? I think one-handed casting is canonically possible but with both hands occupied? That would seriously take skill and chances are you'd get a movement wrong and BOOM fireball in your face. Even two-handed weapons is taking it a bit far, but I can justify it with this PC since he has 19 STR so he could probably wield a two-handed sword in one hand if he wanted to, but just does it with both because it does more damage.
I've also come to like Half-Orcs since my first run with one (a female Wizard Slayer).
Re: spellcasting and weapons, you've made me think. About six months ago I ran a no-reload campaign with an Elven Swashbuckler/Mage, and I really couldn't imagine without his scimitars (not unlike a Blade).
Thanks for sharing!
That said, dual wielding casters is justifiable in some cases. 3E onwards have metamagic which let you cast spells without movement (therefore armor penalty doesn't apply). Even in the books exceptions to hand gestures when casting applies. In the first book for the War of the Spider Queen series, one of the main characters, a drow mage, casts spells using his FEET.
Fenton Kinkaid
CG male thief/ swashbuckler
Someone please make a Mazzy romance mod
My first character ever made in BG1 is obviously the one I'm most fond of and the one I've recreated the most. Female thief named Adelaide Ravenloft. I've used her in BG1 and 2, Icewind Dale 1 and 2, Fallout 1, 2, Tactics, 3 and NV. NWN's 1 and 2. Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim and Dragon age. It's not just a name I jam on any old character though.. she's gotta be some sort of rogue. A basic kleptomaniac with heart of gold and penchant for sneaking. If a game has the ability to create a character and you can sneak and steal I'm naming her Adelaide Ravenloft.
For BG1 I originally used a Luis Royo painting for a portrait..(who didn't?) and Annah's soundset from planescape torment. I've never stopped using that soundset. Portraits have come and gone.. That soundset is probably the only thing that's made it through multitudes of computers over the years.
@vyvexthorne: funny I had to force myself to stop playing rogues (or rogue hybrids) in BG. In the other games I've played I also tend to go the rogue route. Nice character you Adelaide
Fenton Kinkaid
is a Halfing
@vyvexthorne: funny I had to force myself to stop playing rogues (or rogue hybrids) in BG. In the other games I've played I also tend to go the rogue route. Nice character you Adelaide
Yeah,, it's difficult in BG. Almost like they didn't expect you to play a rogue. Both games are filled with roguish companions and lack heavily in other areas.. which makes you feel like you shouldn't even be playing a rogue. First companion you get in BG.. a rogue... First new companion you find in BG2.. a rogue.
I've done one 'all rogue' party playthrough of BG1.. It's a pretty silly party set up. Imoen, Montaron, Safana, Alora, Skie and You..
My favourite CHARNAME, perhaps to feature in a future Baldur's Gate novelisation I may write at some indefinite point.
Name: Talvi Korpela
Race: Elf
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Mage
STR: 9 (she's a wimp)
DEX: 19 (very nimble and dexterous, being an elf)
CON: 16 (hale and hearty, having grown up in a clean, orderly environment with ample access to healing and other remedies)
INT: 18 (possesses a genius-level intellect but...)
WIS: 13 (...is extremely naive and often foolish)
CHA: 17 (she's an adorable sweetie that makes everyone around her love her and forgive the mayhem her spells unleash...most of the time, anyway)
She likes...
Minsc ("Is it true you drank 120 pints of beer in six hours?")
Jaheira ("Is it true that druids in the wild don't wear any clothes? That makes so much more sense than having to wear these robes all the time!")
Imoen ("Best friends forever, right?")
Aerie ("I think we're distant relatives!")
She hates...
Ulraunt ("So what if there's a painting of me lying naked on a bearskin rug? I don't see why being naked is so upsetting to you people! What's so wrong with my body that people don't want to see it?")
Reevor ("So what if I accidentally burned down your storehouse? You don't have to be so mean about it!")
Her favourite activities include...
Drinking wine
Posing nude
Taking off her clothes and frolicking in the woods
Burning things
Learning about magic
Reevor ("So what if I accidentally burned down your storehouse? You don't have to be so mean about it!") - This made me LOL
I also like that you have all kinds of ( funny) favourite activities for her.
I wouldn't consider 13 WIS so low as to make someone naive and foolish btw. Have you taken her trhough the entire game already? Or are you playing in your current game?