A curiously satisfying moment (Spoilers)

Last night my paladin and her party undertook the d'Arnise quest to save Nalia's family home. But when we had smited all the evil there was to smite we discovered that it had all been for nothing. Nalia's father was dead, the Roenals had got the keys to the keep and the poor girl was being thrown out on the street. And there was Quint Roenal standing there telling us that riff-raff like us weren't welcome in his castle.
This left my paladin with no choice, she put down her sword and she punched him unconscious. It was curiously satisfying leaving him in a heap and walking away.
Possibly I should have allowed Nalia to beat up on the guy but from the looks of her I suspect she punches like a girl; my paladin has got STR 19 and she punches like a hill giant.
This left my paladin with no choice, she put down her sword and she punched him unconscious. It was curiously satisfying leaving him in a heap and walking away.
Possibly I should have allowed Nalia to beat up on the guy but from the looks of her I suspect she punches like a girl; my paladin has got STR 19 and she punches like a hill giant.
Awesome btw. When i played a paladin, detect evil was my best friend. If i saw something close to a crime, detect evil. If the person is evil, i kill him on the spot for his transaction. If he is not evil, i watch, and wait. If no expliation comes forth and no further transaction, i would always go off to other duties but keep it in my mind on how to later atone.
I do wish you could reverse pick pocket in this game. Or can you? Anyways, sneaking a valuable item onto someone who won't accept further help with my thief party member is a choice i would love to have.
I now use it as a tactic against the Flaming Fist when they start chasing you through Baldur's Gate. I used to run away. Now I just drop my weapons and beat the crap out of them. I hate those Flaming Fist guys ...
But lol, i have to figure out what unarmed is based off of for non monks. I then think i need to go and port my trusty old pally back in. Use the sword on evil, and just merely punish the good.
Hmmm, and i guess if they pass out at 1 hp, you wouldn't get xp for the kill, wouldn't be able to loot them? Please tell me if that's the case, because then it would finally make playing a good char much much more difficult.
You can't pickpocket them either because they remain hostile when unconscious (which could be considered a bug?). You might be able to charm the unconscious person and then pick pocket them but I have never tried it. And how on earth would you charm someone who is out for the count?
@permidion_stark being a pally, pushing the good who stray would be a better reward then killing them. I know it won't make a difference story wise, but it's rp, it's always making things up in your mind as you go and believing it to be true. Kinda like insantiy, only for groups.
On your charm person comment, i would assume it's like dating. Much easier when at least one of the people is unconscious. (Good Lord, i've become a troll).
Self confessed troll alert ...