Ajantis (Massive spoiler)

I'm playing with Ajantis in my BG1 party again and it makes me a little bit sad knowing what's going to happen to him in BG2. I really like him in BG1 and if you give him the gauntlets of dexterity he got a really nice stat line, throw in the cloak with +2 charisma and he'll have 19 charisma as well and can be your leader.
I really like that they added some NPC's from BG1 into BG2 (Garrick, Faldorn, Etc) But i've always felt that Ajantis got the short stick. There was so much that could have been done that i feel they should have given you an option to use a true sight spell or something like that.
I always bring Keldorn along with me for this quest to get that dialogue option.
So what do you think? Don't like him? Felt that he got a good ending in BG2?
I really like that they added some NPC's from BG1 into BG2 (Garrick, Faldorn, Etc) But i've always felt that Ajantis got the short stick. There was so much that could have been done that i feel they should have given you an option to use a true sight spell or something like that.
I always bring Keldorn along with me for this quest to get that dialogue option.
So what do you think? Don't like him? Felt that he got a good ending in BG2?
There's a right way and a wrong way to deal with past npcs. Unfortunately BG2 mostly fails in this respect its why i'm a little glad a number of my favourites didn't receive cameos.
As to his personality, well he's a pally. I've nothing against good-aligned characters, but lawful good is one of the alignments I like the least. Limiting one's options out of respect for the law, is just dumb IMO, as if 'law' > 'good'. But maybe that's my lack of imagination for roleplaying a pragmatic paladin. I always imagined Ajantis to be good-intentioned but a bit naive.
Nevertheless I would have liked a better ending for him. But also for Faldorn, and Tiax. Faldorn and Tiax don't even recognize Charname and have rather sad endings, like Ajantis.
There are one or two mods for Tutu/BGT that allow you to save Ajantis in BGII. Not sure if they've been made available for EE. And I also don't know how good they are as I've never used them (which goes to show that I never missed him that much).
You won't even know what you have done to Ajantis unless you have Keldorn in your party, there is no dialogue there, just an empty fight against a group of monsters. Even Tazok gets more than Ajantis. Keldorn will mention that it's Ajantis a former squire (Now paladin?) of the order.
Xzar, I shed a tear for you
Though I would have liked it if you could use Dispel Magic to rid everyone of their illusions.
That being said, I actually got quite attached to Ajantis. Him and my paladin bhaalspawn were bros and I didn't take Kheldorn with me to that fight, specifically so I can pretend AJantis was never there. Honestly, you'd think they'd recognize each other's voice. They've been traveling for the biggest adventure of either's life.
I always considered lawful characters to be honour-bound by one code or other. With Lawful Evil and Lawful Neutral I can imagine that code to be a personal one rather than a collective/societal one. For example, my LN Wizard Slayer who was more about justice and honouring her word, than about obedience to laws (which lacked an in her eyes essential ingredient: consensus). But if I played a LG character that way I'd feel I'd slip into NG or even CG territory.
The interpretation you just gave opens up new roleplaying possibilities. Why would you want to find the traditional view again?
It's the restraint and keeping it in check, that fits well with a paladin player..........and also the bhaalspawn saga.
"Oh I must care about Firkraang because he killed a guy I know". A better way to add value to Firkraang would be to make his actions do something rather than get quick value at the expense of name recognition of a guy you know. Firkraang should be able to stand on his own four feet.
He's a red dragon, and likely an old one. He's arrogant and lazy by nature, he's not going to take any action personally when he can sit comfy in his lair while toying with you indirectly and mess with you for his amusement. He even lets you walk away after meeting him despite his whole "I can torment his (Gorion's) spirit by destroying you" thing. He lets you leave unharmed, grow stronger, then come back so you can kill him. That is typical dragon arrogance for you. Just look at what he says when you challenge him. He doesn't think you stand a chance.
Yes there might have been a better way to show it than killing off Ajantis but the concept is far from forced imo.
Jaheira remembers Xzar, Montaron and Viconia. Minsc remembers edwin.
Why couldn't either Jaheira or Minsc tell you who he was?
It is what it is and can't change that now, i just found it a bit sad that so many people don't even know it is him. You'll see all the other NPC's from BG1 (Garrick, Faldorn, Xzar, Etc) by doing normal quests. Ajantis is the only one who will be missed most of the time unless people play with Keldorn.
I concur that it wouldn't have been far-stretched to have e.g. Jaheira remark that she remembers having seen Ajantis near the FAI before, but that wouldn't solve your problem with the current setup. Your problem was that you only know who you just slew if you have Keldorn in your party. If you had a commentary by Jaheira scripted for this situation, you still wouldn't know you killed Ajantis if you don't have Jaheira or Keldorn around.
I wish there was more to this story. For example, when you get Firkraag's quest, Keldorn could be like "oh, my old squire is now on duty in this region, maybe we can check in on him and see how he is doing?". It would be a little thing that would add a bit of drama to the situation. Also, if Keldorn had lamented the fact that Ajantis died a bit more in dialogues later in the game, it would also add some gravitas to the situation. Maybe he could ask for you to return his body to his family or have a ceremony for his old squire. You could bury him in a tomb near the Order and mutter one last prayer. "Ajantis was a valued comrade and fought evil at all costs. He died a hero. May the Watcher protect his soul. Helm yeah!" or something like that.
If this was implemented (a good mod idea) I would be more inclined to agree with @TethorilofLathander . As it stands now it seems like a cheap shock-value type of death that you see in average television programs.
The other cameos, while far from great (with the exception of Garrick's, which is PERFECT) at least made reference to the character's history or personality. Most had dialogue. Ajantis doesn't even get that, and it is a shame.
Though he made valiant claim to hunting miscreants and ne'er-do-wells along the coast, in quieter moments I would observe that watchful gaze turned inwards. The true grail that Ajantis sought was no mere acceptance or conferral of rank, but something within himself; something he thought lacking when compared to such talents as had surrounded him. He sought to bolster his chances through unyielding faith and devotion to righteous causes - and so of course he had little kindness to spare for me, at first. Perhaps his shelter and tolerance was due to pity, to the purported charitable nature of his calling. Perhaps the Helmite simply wanted to know the enemy he expected to soon slay.
Ultimately, it was this inward-looking gaze, this burden of expectation and the constant measurement against it, I believe, that proved his greatest foe. The rote learning and repetition of formal training results in rote judgement of a situation and the rote application of force. Had the paladin been able to set aside all these things he so valued - the chapter and verse of Helm's creed - and truly, uninhibitedly observe the circumstances he found himself in, his woes might have been avoided.
Decline helping Renfeld
As for Ajantis... I felt this was unfair to his character considering he was a pretty good paladin with a lot potential.
P.S. still waiting on Jastey's mod
Having said that, I would say most of the BG1 NPCs got a raw deal in BG2 - either by not being brought back at all, or by being killed off in brief cameos. Fortunately, there's always Vasculio's multiplayer method for importing BG1 NPCs into BG2 (see here: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/28968/using-ee-keeper-to-use-your-favorite-bg1ee-npc-party-in-bg2ee), which can potentially offset this somewhat.