If the Realms had Twitter...
Member Posts: 72
So seeing a hashtag in the post #ConfessionsOfABhaalspawn got me thinking, what if CHARNAME and the various NPCs had access to social media and obsessively tweeted every major and minor highlight of the saga? I mean, apart from the numerous storyline breaking moments that would arise from the characters telling everyone where they are and what they're doing, of course. Let's ignore that. I'll start out, someone jump in with another "tweet" to advance the story and we'll keep going from there... or everybody disregard my stupid idea and leave me feeling hurt and rejected. Whatevs.
@Charname WTF?? Foster dad is all "get ur stuff we gtg on a trip nownownow", hittin up @Winthrop 4 sum gear 1st though #ElvenArse
Spent sixty bucks and talked to five people. Learned about swordfighting like I'd slain 3k goblins, and got famous. #skinnermurders #couldntbangrosebouquet
Ooo. Actually, you can get kinda nice bonuses here. #bejerks
The Sword coast will run red w bld #bhaaler #ironthrone4lyfe - kOvErAs
Just saw new Miley Cyrus video #werealldoomed #lifesohollow #nohope4mankind
you have a lovely set of... eyes @SharQueenVicky #adventureornothing #greatperilgreatbeauty #spitmadgame
SharQueenVicky -
You're weapon is faulty. fetch me something to eat #sillyjaluk #nomercy #sgmh #owned
RT @Luckbealady you have a lovely set of... eyes @SharQueenVicky #adventureornothing #greatperilgreatbeauty #spitmadgame
ShartWarriorPrincess -
Men are pathetic #icankillit #onlygoodmale #braburning
RT @Luckbealady you have a lovely set of... eyes @SharQueenVicky #adventureornothing #greatperilgreatbeauty #spitmadgame
p.s. i have already done more in this than i ever did on twitter lol
I think I'm gonna wander around the Swordcoast pestering travelers about their mental state today #ElminstersDayOff