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[MOD][BETA] Tome and Blood: More Options for Wizards and Sorcerers



  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2019
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  • PandemicLegionPandemicLegion Member Posts: 38
    Sry i dont understand?!
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    I get this on install with EE Mod Setup Tool.
    -> Spell corruption: stratagems (component 5900) is conflicting with TomeAndBlood (component 150). <-
    On Revised Specialists.

    Complain to Roxanne. Or use Project Infinity like a civilized person. :tongue:

    Now now subtledoctor, don't be mean.

    @PandemicLegion, Revised Specialists might interfere negatively with EE Mod Setup Tool's Strategems due to the changes it makes to Mage spells to enable the spontaneous casting. Consider trying Project Infinity? What's the component of SCS that is causing the issue?
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  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    edited October 2019
    @subtledoctor , ah ok. Yeah I was kinda surprised to hear about an issue with SCS. I feel like we would have heard about it by now if there was a big incompatibility. I do know that SCS likes the throw warnings if things don't meet its expectations, so that's probably what the issue is.
  • PandemicLegionPandemicLegion Member Posts: 38
    Ok thank you for claryfiieng that.
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  • seraglioseraglio Member Posts: 122
    So I haven't looked into this mod since version .4 or so, glad to see it's still alive and kicking. Where can I find the current documentation? It's not on the front page like most other kit mods, just a change log...and I downloaded it and looked for documentation but didn't see it. Version .4 had a .pdf file telling you what it was in it. Anything like that for version.8?
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  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    The link to the readme at the beginning of the thread is dead.

    The supplemental readme notes are useful, but I guess they should be merged to the main readme?

    Is this mod compatible with original baldur's gate?
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  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    edited October 2019
    If possible, make the Stats and bonus overhaul completely compatible with BG:T and classical edition

    I find that component a piece of art in bg modding
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Arthas wrote: »
    If possible, make the Stats and bonus overhaul completely compatible with BG:T and classical edition

    I find that component a piece of art in bg modding

    Most of what this mod does is outright impossible in vanilla bg. This stuff only works because Beamdog overhauled the engine. THere is literally no reason to ever play vanilla.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    @Arthas, unfortunately, unless @subtledoctor really changed the code from my original implementation, the ability score bonuses component is one of the many components that is outright incompatible with classic Baldur's Gate. I don't even think the OpCode that enables it is available through ToBEx...
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    @Aquadrizzt hey Aquadrizzt, thanks for the explanation. I would like just to know for a mere curiosity: @subtledoctor is the implementation of the revised stat bonus component straight out impossible for BG:T, or you don't have the will to do it?

    @ThacoBell I'm sorry but my opinion is divergent from yours
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  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    Aquadrizzt, together with Subtledoctor and Argent77 you make the best kit mods out there.

    I was wondering if you could release your own personal "take" on a psion mod
    I would ask the same to @Argent77

    Had to try.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    @Arthas, don't forget @grammarsalad!

    I had a psionics mod I sketched out a few years ago, but never got around to. Implementing spells and abilities (.spl files) is my least favorite aspect of IE modding and so that project kinda fell by the wayside. I had some cool stuff implemented (most notably a Mass Effect-style Singularity power that pulled everyone in a small radius to a certain point for 2 rounds) but I doubt that any of that mod will be released.

    I am uncertain about where in development @subtledoctor's Will to Power mod is; he had a pretty interesting system with some cool, thematic powers written out.
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  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    Thanks to you both.

    Hopefully I will see such a mod from you. Could be the final push to actually go full EE, you know :P

  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,517
    edited November 2019

    I like the mod in general but very much dislike the forced casting speed penalty on all Sorcerers and at least most non-generalist Wizards. May we get a means to easily tweak/remove this penalty? Note that I'm primarily concerned with pure casters and secondarily with Maguses/Magi. (Clerics, Druids, and Bards can cast in armor with no cast speed penalty. Why arcane warriors?)

    My reasoning is that, while adding a cast speed penalty may be mechanically balanced considering what goodies everyone gets, I was raised on D&D 3.x much more than 2e or Pathfinder, and I like the notion of picking a goodie batch like a Sor's bloodline, but cast speed is still quite important to me.

    This request is based on the documentation from 0.4. Ignore if this has been already addressed.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    @Endarire , glad you like the mod. I really need to update the readme (I haven't worked on this mod seriously in a while and @subtledoctor has made a lot of changes since I last worked on it myself).

    Having said that, spellcasting speed penalty is often applied to Sorcerers to hit them somewhere that they care about; there really aren't that many drawbacks you can apply to a Sorcerer kit outside of miscast chance (which I dislike immensely), reduced spell slots (pretty extensively used as well, but has to be done with limits) and casting speed penalty. A quick look through the mod string table says that the only kits that have a casting speed penalty in the current version are the Magus (-2 penalty) and the unreleased Arcanist (-1 casting speed penalty). None of the other kits have a casting speed penalty mentioned in their descriptions.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,517

    To clarify: What specialty/opposition schools and kit features does Edwin have in the newest version?
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    @Endarire , assuming you keep him as a Conjurer and have the Core Revisions component installed, he has the following kit features.
    CONJURER: A Mage who specializes in creating or summoning creatures and objects, moving them through space. These wizards ultimately master teleportation magic, able to banish enemies and summon aid from different planes altogether.

    – May cast one additional spell per level.
    – Learns all spells from the school of Conjuration as bonus spells.
    – Receives a +2 bonus when making Saving Throws against Conjuration spells.
    – Targets suffer a -2 penalty when making Saving Throws against Conjuration spells.
    – May spontaneously cast any spell from the school of Conjuration by expending a memorized spell.

    – Receives a -15% penalty when scribing spells from other schools.

    Tome and Blood did away with opposition schools a few updates ago, in the hope of making specialists feel defined by what they have, rather than what they cannot have.
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  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,517
    How compatible is Tome and Blood with IWDification?
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  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    IWDification before TnB and you should be good I think...
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,517
    Does this mod allow spontaneous casters to swap their spells known every X levels? If so, which classes and when?
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