How big a part does gaming play in your life? A poll about gaming habits
Come share your gamings habits in as much detail as possible. How would you describe yourself as a gamer? How often do you play? Is gaming your main past-time activity or just one hobby among the rest, or do you perhaps make your living out of playing games? Have you ever had issues with your gaming or thought that it adversely impacted your life? Have your gaming habits stayed roughly the same or changed over time?
Feel free to answer all, some or any of the questions or possibly add your own. Also, you can include personal information such as age, sex and occupation if you wish.
Feel free to answer all, some or any of the questions or possibly add your own. Also, you can include personal information such as age, sex and occupation if you wish.
- How big a part does gaming play in your life? A poll about gaming habits61 votes
- I am a hardcore gamer; a significant amount of my waking hours are spent gaming. I play (almost) every day, year-round34.43%
- I am a serious gamer; I play heartily and consistently, every week, while having other hobbies/activities of bigger or equal importance in my life32.79%
- I am a binge gamer; I go long periods of time without any gaming, but when I get down to it, I play A LOT22.95%
- I am a casual gamer; I consider gaming a hobby and play every now and then, but rarely for extended periods of time  6.56%
- I am a passive gamer; I retain an interest in gaming but rarely, if ever find myself sitting down to play  1.64%
- I play/am engaged with video games professionaly, in one way or another  1.64%
Post edited by Ballad on
I am aware of how unhealthy my binges are and I try my best to "time" them so that I don't end up screwing my life up too bad in the process. Thankfully, I am very picky with my games; there are very few titles that manage to capture my attention, ensuring I only go on binges about 1-4 times a year.
I am a 25-year-old male, currently going to Graduate school.
Cos TV sucks.
I also play Heroes of Might and Magic 3 about every three years for a week religiously, then wait for a couple more to install it again.
I am probably playing most regularly nowadays with Infinity Engine games, maybe 3 times a week for about 1-3 hours a session. It is a change actually. Baldur's Gate is probably the only game I don't get sick of after five minutes.
I probably spend most time playing racing games. My current obsession is F1 2013.
There's a downside too however, besides giving comfort and a way to forget once in a while this real world full of injustice (and exchange it for a world where injustice is being fought by swinging a sword and slinging a spell), the danger is gaming for too long when I actually should be sleeping. 0:00 is a sound time to go to bed, but sometimes I'm gaming till 1:00 or 2:00 at night, with ever rarer gaming binges where I can't stop past 2:00. I've been known to play games all night long till dawn when I was in my thirties, but my maturing age prohibits that now.
Then there are times when I get bored of playing (this has gotten worse with the homogenization of video games) and take a break from them.
I am a game designer myself and if I play something it means that I am either working on the game and need to run some tests or that I am looking for insights in others' creations of note.
And sometimes I pick a game at random for no reason whatsoever and analyse the thing as I play it, evaluating its merits and shortcomings. I've played Neverwinter Nights 2 lately, again. I hate that game. It is not only a mechanical nightmare but also a pain to the eyes (in my opinion it actually looks *worse* than the original Neverwinter Nights) and the ears (excessively repetitive and overly dramatic music and rather lousy voice acting, with a few exceptions). But all that is easily seen by those not involved in the industry. That is why I normally take extensive notes when playing a game, so as to capture every detail that makes me enjoy it or hate it. And so, after a few sessions of playing Neverwinter Nights 2, which would total to about 12 hours, I have some 40 pages of such scribbles. And I'm not even halfway through the original campaign. When I'm done with it, I will process the heap of paper, organize my findings and try to come to some conclusions. And that's when the fun starts. I will then compare what I will have found with the results of my earlier gaming sessions. Intricate connections between two seemingly unrelated games can be found this way. That and something much more valuable. Innovation.
I'm female, 21, and going to start looking for a second job soon... (while writing at home)
Whenever house is vacant I play game. It is a guilty pleasure.