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Solution to Slayer Change lost bug

It appears that people (myself included) sometimes encounter a bug that causes the Slayer Change ability to disappear permanently after using it once.

In my case, I used it to defeat a certain demon immune to anything less than +5 weapons, whereupon it failed to reappear after resting.

After some trial and error in EEKeeper, I believe I have found a way to restore the ability to change into the Slayer Form.

The required ability can be found by searching for "Slayer" in the Spell Browser ("Add Spell" under the tab "Innate") and has the following values:

Type: Innate
Lvl: 1
Name: Slayer Change
Resource: SPIN810
Script Name: Give Slayer Power

It has the same lightning bolt icon as "Enrage" and when using the ability, you get the message:

CHARNAME- CHARNAME can now change into the Slayer at will

While CHARNAME doesn't actually turn into the Slayer, the true, controlled Slayer Change ability appears under Special Abilities (the one with the white crest icon), allowing you to transform into the Slayer at a cost of 2 reputation points, and allowing you to change back at will. After resting, the true Slayer Change ability fails to reappear, though SPIN810 does, so you have to use SPIN810 again to make it appear.


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