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So, the odds that a wizard-slayer will succeed are basically zero, aren't they?;) A WS solo run

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
Those who stay in touch with this forum probably know I'm currently on a totemic druid solo run, already in Amn. I'm having fun with this character and will continue. It looks like this month there will be more spare time for me so I'll be able to start another adventure and will switch between them.

I like challenges, especially those that seem to be unpopular ones. The question about which class (kit) is the most difficult for a solo run through BG games seems is being raised quite often. I'm yet to finish the saga with a druid but it seems my nature just wants more.

I will place here just several of threads where in one way or another people say that a Wizard Slayer is one of the hardest characters to solo a game.

I tend to agree with this point of view. In my runs I rely heavily on potions, wands, amulets and other items. Having just finished BG1 with a druid, I can say that the main keys to the success were the Greenstone Amulet, the Shiel Amulet, potions of Magical Blocking (Protection), different rings and so on. Basically, the game was beaten by items rather than a character himself. What if there are no such items, some of them being considered OP by some people?

You know what? Challenge accepted.

I've created a dwarven WS, Valthur Blackrock is his name.

Being restricted by items a lot, a WS needs good saving throws and stats. No dualling here, because any dual-class can strongly improve a WS. No WS mods (although there's an excellent mod) because I want to test this kit as it is.

I know that in 1.3 patch a WS bonus against casters will cover ranged weapons as well as melee ones but while this patch is not out yet I won't change the game mechanics. As @ZanathKariashi‌ pointed out one day, WS's ability is not, and never should apply to ranged weapons, in every incarnation, even PnP, it requires a melee weapon, in melee combat. So while there's no official word on it, no modding in this part.

I have some basic ideas how I can overcome no items (except armor and weapons). Stupifier + a shield. Acid Arrows that count as +1 and do 2-12 acid dam no save, Arrows of Detonation, Arrows of Dispelling. I'm sure I'll find some other tactics as the run goes on but now I see a mace and a bow as a good combo. Throwing axes could give more damage and they get a WS bonus but there're no effects on axes, such as Biting, Piercing, Dispelling, Detonation and so on. Stupifier may be not so impressive, damage-wise, but it can stun even the Death Knight.

Having studied some rules about dwarven names and surnames (for i.e.,, I've discovered their names often consist of 2 parts - prefix and suffix, while their surnames often reflect something about their clan, history or character.

Val means Magic/Magical and Thur means Hunter. And Blackrock just rocks;)


How (and whether) is it possible? Well, this attempt is here to bring some evidence to the myth about a WS. Will I become a Mythbuster? Or will I just prove this is unreal? We'll see.

I’ll try to play a no-reload SCS run with an option for minimal reloads if the character will be killed but I will feel myself attached to it. Also, your reactions, ideas and just a general discussion is much appreciated, as always ;)))


  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486

    Can WIzard Slayers use magical helmets?

    Yep, they can. Armor, Helmets, Boots and Weapons/Shields (but no rings, necklaces, belts, cloaks or gauntlets).
  • DregothofTyrDregothofTyr Member Posts: 229
    Can WIzard Slayers use magical helmets?
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited April 2014

    I think I'm one of the few people that actually think that Wizard Slayer isn't all that bad.

    I don't think it's a bad kit per se. It's great to have a Wizard Slayer in a party, and roleplay-wise I really appreciate the concept.
    But if you don't think a solo SCS no-reload run with an unmodded Wizard Slayer is going to be terribly challenging, then please explain yourself. You have practically no way except killer saving throws to protect yourself against nasty, often fatal status effects such as Hold, Panic, Confusion and Charm. At least not until later in BG1 or early BG2 at best (Spiders' Bane, Kiel's Helmet though probbaly impossible to acquire, Lilarcor, Shield of Harmony).
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Oh, I'm not saying that it isn't going to be challenging. I'm just saying it isn't a bad kit.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486

    Oh, I'm not saying that it isn't going to be challenging. I'm just saying it isn't a bad kit.

    Is there class or kit would you consider worse for a solo no-reload challenge? I'm curious. There are many kits and classes I've never played, so I'm always interested in what otehr people have to tell.

  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited April 2014
    Soloing a WS has got to be tremendously difficult, what with not being able to use magical gear, with one or two exceptions, IIRC. There's two axes you can use in BGEE. But in SoA/ToB I'm not sure if there's any gear at all...
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited April 2014
    Lemernis said:

    Soloing a WS has got to be tremendously difficult, what with not being able to use magical gear, with one or two exceptions, IIRC. There's two axes you can use in BGEE. But in SoA/ToB I'm not sure if there's any gear at all...

    Yep, especially if you do not install WS Rebalancing....
    Bala's axe is fitting for a WS, but pretty much impossible to acquire for a solo WS in heavily trapped Durlag's Tower. In SoA/ToB things may actually become a bit easier with gradually increasing magic resistance, plus some good items that grant immunities (Lilarcor, Shield of Harmony, Arbane's sword). Still, a huge challenge...
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @Lemernis: They can equip magical weapons, shields, suits of armor, and helmets. So the answer is yes, they can... Especially the Shield of Harmony is great, and can be obtained relatively early on.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    A WS can equip that magical gear in SoA?
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    It seems so many item descriptions state that they cannot be equipped by WS that I assumed most enchanted items are off limits for them. Good to know that they can use some!
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    CrevsDaak said:

    If you did not have SCS installed, BG1 would be a cake walk either way.
    Wizard Slayers are very good in unmodded BG:EE because they are really good mage-killers, and in BG1 there aren't many difficult fights for a fighter solo, really talking, it might get complicated but it's not impossible anyway.
    But once you install SCS, eeeeeeeeh, better to try something where you have chances to succeed (joking, I think that it is possible to do this).

    I think that in BG1 a solo Wizard Slayer could be doable even on SCS, but one would be advised to limit one's encounters with mind or movement affecting magic to an bare minimum. I started thinking about the Lighthouse Area and the Manual of Bodily Health. In my setup I can buy a Helmet of Charm protection at the Thunderhammer Smithy, but I believe it's an item that was intended for BG1 but never implemented. Is it available in EE? A WS, even a dwarf with great saves, who goes to the Lighthouse Area is taking unwarranted risks of death.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Thanks everyone for your support, I'll try to not let you down:)

    The in-game description says the Claw cannot be used by a Wizard Slayer and from the shop window I see the character cannot equip it. So,what is written on (that anyone can use it) is not true. I've looked for some information and have found out it was fixed with the 1.2 BG:EE patch -

    The Bioware forum is a source of tips and tricks for me when it comes to a no-reload strategies. I read it from time to time and can safely advice everyone to do the same;)

    Here ( Grond0 says he used a vanilla version, so no SCS for him. This means that while I'm happy for his success, the difficulty was much less. For i.e. the strategy he used in the final BG1 fight (pulled Sarevok out with an arrow) simply can't work with the SCS element "better calls for help" as well as the improved final battle component.

    By the way, in BG:EE you can't buy a Helmet of Charm protection at the Thunderhammer Smithy.

    The only boots a Wizard Slayer can use in BG1 are the Boots of Speed but you're right about weapons, armor, shields and helms.

    P.S. I have never thought a Wizard Slayer is a bad kit, the main thing here he seems to be hard to solo as because of his restrictions. Just as the Blackraven, I too have general strategies to this or that fight but when I realise I can't use items I usually need it forces me to understand this playthrough will be really different.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited April 2014
    It seems I have double-posted;) To edit this, I would share a progress a little. Valthur reached the 4th level, his HP gains were solid so far. Warrior's Thac0 is drastically better than a usual Thac0 of characters I play (thieves, druids and mages) and it's pleasant when a Charname can one-shot a hobgoblin, a gnoll and even a wolf. The ordinary fights that take some time if you're not a fighter, now end much faster.







    The difference is already here - while in any other standard playthrough a Charname would then go to the Basilisk area for Valthur it's just impossible - he can't get that protection from petrification and (or) stay invisible so that Corax can finish the job. As a result, no Basilisk farming so that Valthur should get XP somewhere else. I think he should reach at least the next level before going to the Ankheg map.

    Valthur is going to get a Ring of Wizardy, sell it and buy good arrows so that enemies in the countryside won't be a problem.
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited April 2014
    Nice Bengoshi, good progress so far. even though we all know that the challenge will be the status effects. :) You won't have Free Action unless you can somehow acquire Spiders' Bane in Cloakwood 2 (only imaginable with perfect metaknowledge of its webtraps). So fights against Mulahey and Bassilus could be difficult if you don't manage to poison (edit: disrupt) them with arrows of biting..
    As to the Basilisks, I should have mentioned this before, but it didn't occur until now: if you had given your charname 9 INT, he would be able to use green protection scrolls, including protection from petrification, to clear out the basilisk area.

    Wow your hardcore run makes me want to try out my half-orc WS Grynne again. It would be less difficult than your run but harder than Grond0's run. I'd be playing with SCS installed but also with a tweaked WS (Rebalancing mod) and I'd have access to a Helmet of Charm protection which would protect me against at least one of the many dangerous status effects.
    Post edited by Blackraven on
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    I guess, that Blackraven outrun you on this challenge.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    And this is the reason I'm so interested in his playthrough! I hope that this thread, among other factors, played some part in Blackraven's wish to go a wizard slayer SCS solo.

    Meanwhile, I don't think I won't touch this playthrough. As soon as I finish my totemic druid run one day, I'm going to revive Valthur's adventure and will try to follow in the footsteps of Blackraven. I would like to change something, maybe play the wizard slayer as an archer (while Blackraven plays him as a contact fighter more).
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