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A bad day at the office (spoilers)

Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
I generally play a good character but tonight for a change I thought I'd try my hand at being evil - and discovered I am total pants at it.

I was playing a Neutral Evil fighter and I undertook the d'Arnise quest with Nalia in tow, fiendishly planning to become lord of her castle. But then Yoshimo missed one of the only traps in the whole damn place and a lightning bolt shot round the room missing everyone but Nalia, whom it hit twice and killed. I play a strict no resurrection game - once a character dies they are out of the party and if I die it is time to start again - so the d'Arnise's had lost a lovely daughter and I was short of a spellchucker. I didn't think I could finish the quest without one so I headed back to Athkatla in search of a replacement.

I couldn't be bothered to go and fight the illusions in the circus and get Aerie so I thought I would go and get Jan. But while I was doing this I made the mistake of badmouthing the tax inspector guy who tries to arrest Jan for selling magical items without a licence. He proceeded to set the cowled wizards on me and they managed to kill Yoshimo and Anomen before I could run off the edge of the map. Unfortunately, I killed a couple of them before I fled the scene of the crime and so my rep was down to 4. Now every time I entered a new area the Cowled Wizards would show up and try to fry me.

The only thing I could think of doing was making a donation at a temple to get my rep back up. But there was a problem there as well. I hadn't got any money because I'd just bought a bunch of gear - most of which was now lying on Yoshimo and Anomen's corpses. I'd still got some things I could sell but I couldn't get to a store without the authorities trying to kill me. Fortunately, the Umar Hills were marked on my map so I travelled all the way out there just to sell my stuff.

I then went back to the Temple of Helm, which I managed to run into before any Cowled enforcers appeared, and donated enough money to make the authorities forget my past misdemeanours.

So now I was back on track. I went and got Jan and with him, Kagain and Viconia I returned to d'Arnise Keep and cleared out the rest of the trolls. Great, so now the castle is mine, right?

Well no, it isn't. It turns out if Nalia dies the castle goes to the Roenals. So my fighter is never going to get a stronghold.

All in all, it was a pretty disastrous evening. Still, it was exciting. And as a minor bonus, Viconia just complimented me on my manly physique. She was obviously impressed by the turn of speed I showed when I ran away leaving Yoshimo an Anomen to die.


  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    Thanks for sharing, that was an entertaining read for me. It's actually a real challenge to play the way you're doing it. The game is definitely stacked against you when playing evil. You have to be pretty crafty to get ahead.
  • Tr_ondTr_ond Member Posts: 496
    Good read :) . Idk what`s wrong with me with games like this, i think up different toons to play and ways to play them but when i exit the character creator i always seem to be a goody to shoes paladin.
    I think it`s the plate, poison resist and healing spell. Well, no more.
    When bg:ee hits i will manage to roll someone with a proper alignment and actually role play rather than automaticly choose the dialogue options than turns my stomach. Have managed that a few times in a few games and it`s a much more pleasurable experience.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Thanks guys. Glad you enjoyed it. In fact I left out half of the bad stuff that happened to me in that session. I also started on Mae'Var's thieving tasks and because I was evil (or maybe because I had low rep?) he asked me to steal a golden idol from the Temple of Lathander and this turned out to be far harder than the quest the good guys get, which is stealing an amulet from the Temple of Talos. I ended up with everyone in the church going hostile and I had to fight my way through the guards before running away. Fortunately it seems you can kill Lathanderites without taking a hit to your reputation.

    Then I went to Waukeen's Promenade and I saw a guy I'd never noticed before. So I went to talk to him. The only problem was that he turned out to be a Drow hater and so attacked Viconia. I of course killed him (I'm romancing the girl, I could hardly stand by while a lunatic tried to stab her) and this made the guard on the gate go hostile. He then came goose-stepping after me (why do they run like that, it's a very peculiar animation)

    Anyway, I had to make a run for it again or it was going to turn into a blood bath.

    So now I don't know whether I can go back to Waukeen's Promenade without everyone attacking me.

    All in all, it was an interesting evening. But I spent most of it running away.
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    The guard walk seems to be from Monty python ministry of silly walks or is it just me :D
  • KharasKharas Member Posts: 150
    @Raywind Yep.. Ministry of Silly walks it is :)

    For those of you not familiar with this pearl of entertaintment.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited August 2012
    The only time I ever played evil was by soloing a cleric-mage, and it was basically for the challenge. It did prove very challenging in the beginning. But as the character became more powerful I had a much easier time of it than I expected. Ironically, it may actually be a lot harder with a party NPCs, especially when some are Good aligned.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    Don't they just goose-step?
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