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Bug: Ice Salamander's and Frost Salamander's are labelled mechanically as Fire Elementals

elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
I realize that this was probably done because of Wave (+4 Halberd), but it seems to me like the intent behind that weapon was for it to do extra damage against fire enemies, not ice enemies. Especially given the weapons description and the fact that it does extra damage against Efreeti and not Djinni. Anyways, right now it has a chance of doing its 15 extra damage against Frost and Ice Salamanders because they are labelled as Fire Elementals. Mechanically (like Cryonax) they could alternatively be labelled as Earth Elementals.

I figured I'd post this here to get some feedback on this one rather than post it internally.


  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    It's not just Wave +4, but also the Staff of Fire +2 and probably also the Ring of [Fire, Air, Earth] Control. The problem with changing it to Earth Elemental is that you'll also run into a problem with Staff of Earth +2. Both the Staff of Fire and Staff of Earth have a possibility of instantly slaying the given elemental type. There's also the Staff of Air +2, so passing it onto Elemental Air isn't really an option, either. There is little point in seemingly fixing the issue on one thing only to pass it on to something else. The only way to really fix the issue in not with a workaround, but rather by adding a new 'ELEMENTAL_FROST' class ID.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited April 2014
    Well then obviously the only solution is to give them the next listed class down the (alphabetical) list. "Elminster" :p

    But yea I guess given that there are those items as well you can't really win either way. I just happened to notice it I was like "hey...wait a second"
  • MilochMiloch Member Posts: 863
    Good catch. Yes, we should probably port some creature classes we've added elsewhere and patch the CREs accordingly, e.g.

    0xd5 salamander_frost
    0xd7 golem_ice
    0xda salamander_fire
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