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Killing Drizzt in BG1



  • CandramelekhCandramelekh Member Posts: 109
    Jolanthus said:

    Because 6 on 1 is a fair fight :p

    Yes, if you are unfair overpowered character

  • fighter_mage_thieffighter_mage_thief Member Posts: 262
    It's also possible to paralyze Drizzt via hold person or the wand of paralysis. Once paralyzed, you get automatic hits against him.
  • Spjuv3rnSpjuv3rn Member Posts: 61

    It's also possible to paralyze Drizzt via hold person or the wand of paralysis. Once paralyzed, you get automatic hits against him.

    Sounds like a great idea until you realize the chance of holding him is roughly 0.5%. :-)
  • JustywustyJustywusty Member Posts: 7
    Draw Upon Holy Might + Potion of Heroism (or any variant) + Haste + well-geared high level warrior class = being able to stand toe to toe with Drizzt. That being said, since you could only hit him on a 20, sometimes luck had to be on your side. I recall his HP being somewhat unimpressive, so if you could tank him a bit long enough to land some telling blows on him, he is indeed soloable.
  • fighter_mage_thieffighter_mage_thief Member Posts: 262
    Spjuv3rn said:

    It's also possible to paralyze Drizzt via hold person or the wand of paralysis. Once paralyzed, you get automatic hits against him.

    Sounds like a great idea until you realize the chance of holding him is roughly 0.5%. :-)
    True. The hardest part is actually bypassing his magic resistance. According to most sources I see, it's 98%, but I felt like I was able to bypass it more often than this. Also, once you bypass his magic resistance, his saving throw, according to the same sources, vs wands is 3, and vs spells is 5. This means that once his magic resistance is bypassed, hold person has a 20% chance to succeed, and a wand of paralysis (-4 penalty to his save) has a 30% chance to succeed. The overall % would be 0.4% with hold person, and 0.6% with the wand of paralysis, like you were saying, but bypass the spell resistance, and the chance is pretty decent. On the other hand, I've killed Drizzt with this method multiple times, so I don't know what to tell you lol. I usually play v1.00 baldur's gate though, without TotSC, so either his stats are slightly different, or else I'm extremely lucky...
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    Actually, it's possible to kill him with a mage... 1on1... in melee...

  • JaheiraJaheira Member Posts: 1
    I just wanted to contribute by saying that even on my second generation of playthroughs (7 years after the first time) I STILL didn't manage to beat him. His group are tough cookies. Wasn't one called Cattie-Brie? What a funny name.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    You only encounter his group in BG2 - and by the time you do so he and all of his party should be a walk in the park.
  • Fake_SketchFake_Sketch Member Posts: 217
    Yeah, u could kill him aiming from the other side of the river. I recall something about lowering the find path...
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389

    I remember using a relatively standard party (dwarven fighter, Imoen, Jaheira, Khalid, Minsc and probably Dynaheir) to just melee him to death. Didn't seem "impossible" to me, even if he did manage to kill 3 of my guys.
    In the end I remember checking out his loot, and deciding that wasn't worth it, so I reloaded. Never challenged him again afterwards except once in BG2, where I again came to the conclusion that his items just weren't worth it.

    The Mithril Chain +4 is arguably the best armor in the game.

    1) Chain Mail secretly is the best type of armor outside of plate mail. Remember you can't just look at raw AC. Each type of armor has extra modifiers per weapon type. Chain mail gives you a ton of extra AC against slashing weaponry, the most common type in the game.

    2) You can stealth in it. This means your ranger can actually utilize his stealth ability AND be fairly tanky instead of having to choose one or the other. Same goes for a fighter/thief.

    3) It doesn't actually have a magical +4 modifier on it. You still gain an AC bonus equipping a ring/cloak/amulet of Protection.

    4) It's light as a feather. It only weighs 7 pounds and basically doesn't have a strength requirement to equip! If you plan on using Viconia, it's about the only viable armor on her til you murder some Ankhegs simply because she can't equip any heavy armors without strength-boosting gear anyway.

    If you aren't utilizing a ranger or fighter/thief in some capacity, it's value is diminished somewhat. But it's still absolutely beast armor.

    Not to mention the Defender is godly. Yeah okay you have to be good-aligned to equip it but who cares about RP anyway? If we're meta-gaming the hell out of BG1, it's the best weapon in the game.
  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    @sandmanCCL I didn't understand half of the game back then. I don't know why exactly I judged the stuff useless, I only remember that I did.
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