Android Version

Without further ado without rooting your phone is it possible to add custom portraits, add mods, and is it possible to edit saves/character files?
I haven't found any folders for them so I assume that rooting will be required.
I haven't found any folders for them so I assume that rooting will be required.
I'd like to know how to go about getting mods installed on the Android BG1:EE version. Like the big mods that add new content, etc.
All of the stuff I've read always says install weidu or use such and such a program or run the .exe that comes with the mod. That would work on PC but not android, is there some work-around way of doing it? Just dumping the mods files & folders into an override directory would not work I assume?
Any help would be appreciated.
Installing WeiDU mods, on the other hand, would require a PC or Mac version of BGEE, which you would install the mod on, and then transfer the contents of the override directory over to the Android device. However, mods that add text to the game (e.g., new dialog, new spells, new items) have to add that text to the dialog.tlk file. That file is not editable on Android or iPad.
This means quest mods and NPC mods are basically not usable now. Mods like SCS will work (the AI components at least), but you'll still have missing string errors.
@Lunar has SCS installed on an iPad this way..
Thanks a lot for all of the info. So if I understand correctly for Android the dialog.tlk file that would need modifying is trapped in the resource obb files and is otherwise inaccessible.
Well, hopefully the problem will get solved at some point. In the meantime I'll try out that battle enhancer mod.
Thanks again!