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  • TM5000TM5000 Member Posts: 15
    Thanks to everyone who made this possible!

    I can play this with no issues at all.

    The BG series are my favorite games ever and now I can play them at my convenience.

    Thumbs up!
  • dudechesterdudechester Member Posts: 2
    I just bought this, and even after all this time, found so many bugs.... Not happy at all...

    Firstly, if you accidently minimise the game on Sony xperia tablet Z2, you get a black screen on returning to the game. Yup, all your game, gone, lost, game over.... Worst bug you could want in a tablet game that one.

    Then when I was in the tutorial, it says to use thief's ability to detect traps.... I clicked that ability and, "sorry, unfortunately the game has stopped for an unknown reason"

    Please fix the minimise issue or refund me. Feeling absolutely robbed of £7 for an untested game :(
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The minimize issue will be resolved in the 1.3 patch; you can read more about it here:
  • william84william84 Member Posts: 1
    I've played the game threw many times noe on my nexus 7 and i'm dieing for bg2ee when is it coming
  • GreyZGreyZ Member Posts: 3
    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give BG2EE
  • TrinianTrinian Member Posts: 1
    I am incredibly impressed with this port. I've been playing BG since it was released and love that I can play it on my phone/tablet now. Can't wait for BG2EE!
  • Mr_OgerMr_Oger Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2014
    Well, for now i`m stucked with no background and hud bug (htc sensation xe), but i want to make a suggestion (hope you don`t mind D:): i saw you must press the buttons and do all the things with fingers (as i can only predict, because only thing i can do is main menu D:)- it is cool for big screens, but awfull for lesser ones. How about a mouse simulation like SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) for android have? I mean like doing all the screen a one big trackball with tap anywhere for leftclick and doublefinger tap anywhere for rightclick (but for SDL i`m using doublefinger tap for leftclick and hardware button for rightclick because it`s not pecise for one finger (cursor moves a bit away)) It will be realy cool for phones without making the hud eat all the screen.
    Thanks for your attention and sorry for my bad english.
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