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NPC as real life friend?



  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    @BelgarathMTH‌ that's the same thing I got when I did it for xan. Though I don't think xan is too overconfident like the description says.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @meagloth, LOL. I knew there was a reason I like Xan so much. He's basically me, in the game.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited April 2014
    jackjack said:


    I knew it! :D
    Really? How?
    This all very new to me. I never studied Jung much (just superficially, in the context of an Art History course of all things).

    We're quite alike according to this typology, except for the introversion/extraversion axis.
  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    I can't remember my MTBI, but I do remember it's the rarest one (and it's obviously introvert).

    When I was in the throws of teenage angst around a decade ago, I was sure that made me super special and my pain and woe was different from all other teenage angst in the world. Wasn't quite true, but it got me through high school.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251

    jackjack said:


    I knew it! :D
    Really? How?
    This all very new to me. I never studied Jung much (just superficially, in the context of an Art History course of all things).

    We're quite alike according to this typology, except for the introversion/extraversion axis.
    Well, as you alluded to, there are similarities - I suppose I recognized that.
    I took the test at the behest of my parents, physicians both, who were naturally prone to overdiagnosing. As a result, I had my first therapist at 5 years old, and have been talking to shrinks ever since, for better or worse.
    When I was 18, they sent me to a "specialist", who administered to me a battery of tests, the penultimate of which was the Myers-Briggs.
    Afterwards, I took a sort of detached, scholarly interest in it. It's what helped me become the people-watcher I am today :D
    This led to me applying it to the people in my life. In reading your posts, you immediately struck me as an INFP. Perhaps some things do translate over the internet, after all?

    TL;DR: Call it a gut iNstinct!
  • lethaltoconcretelethaltoconcrete Member Posts: 27

    I really want to pal around with Khalid.

    I think I'd get along with Khalid, too. And Mazzy and Rasaad. Yeah, they're LG, but they seem pretty laid back and non-judgmental. Well, Mazzy a bit less so, but I'm not an evil shade lord or anything, so I think we'd be cool. Valygar seems like a nice, chill guy and everything, but also kind of boring, so not so much him. Imoen, definitely, best, most loyal sister/childhood friend ever, and... honestly, Aerie. Yeah, she whines a ton to CHARNAME, but she's a sweet girl with a kind heart. Haer'Dalis could be awesome, too, though his super-ornate speech and mercurial nature might get to me. And Minsc, naturally.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited April 2014
    That's impressive. I mean both your background and your consequent perceptiveness. I'm not sure if I'd subject my children (if I had them) to many psychological tests, but you seem to have benefited in certain ways.
    Things have to translate over the internet. After this, there can be no doubt about that. It's not like we're talking 4 or 5 personality types, no, you picked one out of 16...
    I'll read about this typology a bit. Think it's interesting. It made me think of the the enneagram types I casually "studied" a years ago. I wouldn't be able to label people on these forums though, except maybe when I see them respond in heated discussions.

    Btw it wasn't TL;DR (I even googled that abbreviation, man you make me google lots of things!).
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    Not in any particular order...

    Aerie: I have always felt a sort of bond towards Aerie. We're very similar in a lot of ways--timid, kind daydreamers whose love for those closest to us knows no bounds. A bit melodramatic at times, and naive, but unafraid to stand up for what we believe is right and to protect our friends. I know a lot of people find her annoying and whiny, but I just can't hate her for it. I'm too damn nice.

    Imoen: Plucky and cheerful and mischeivous. I feel like she would be the little sister I'm always trying hard to keep out of trouble...only to be hopelessly dragged into her pranks and games. She loves to tell jokes and laugh things off and always look on the bright side of things, though her innocence turns much darker in BG2. Above all else, she's loyal, and I have always admired loyalty in people.

    Nalia: Again, another character people find very annoying, but I'm just too nice to hate her. She's a horridly privileged sort, and her self-righteous attitude does grate my nerves at times. At her worst, she is a selfish noble who just wants to look good for everyone else. At her best, she is an honest girl who genuinely wants to help others around her just because it's the right thing to do, regardless of how others think of her. Two sides that I relate to very well, no matter how admirable or ugly.

    Khalid: Let's look at our contestants for friendly men in Baldur's Gate 1, shall we? We have a psychotic necromancer, a murderous halfling, a depressing elf, a womanizing elf, a scummy bard, a greedy dwarf, a grumpy elf, a seriously grumpy gnome, self-righteous paladin, an obnoxiously rude conjurer, a homicidal half-orc, and Tiax and Minsc, both of whom are in a category all their own. Aside from Rasaad, Garrick, and possibly Yeslick, Khalid is really the only nice, normal guy that I feel safe becoming friends with. I've always felt he's much more warm and welcoming than Jaheira, perhaps even serve as a moderator between his wife and Charname. Any guy who is willing to charge into battle to protect his family and friends, despite his greatest fears and anxious nature, is a guy who deserves my respect.

    Rasaad: Nice, charming, honest, protective, handsome, and a way with romantic poetry about the moon? What more could a girl want? This is not a romance thread, Nona. Stop it. *sigh* In all seriousness, he's a sweet guy, and his innocent humor is super-endearing. I'm not exactly a fan of religious characters, but Rasaad's always so mellow about it; so long as he doesn't start shoving his beliefs down my throat, he's a-okay with me.

    Jaheira: I don't really like her in BG1, but in BG2, she's warmed up a bit. She feels a lot less condescending and more like a motherly/guiding figure. She's a strong woman who won't take any nonsense from anyone, but is always willing to listen to the other side and consider all of her options. Plus, she's a druid, and any friend of the trees is a friend of mine. Heck, I might even get along with Faldorn if she didn't go all psycho about it.

    Garrick: The more I think about it, the more I think I should give Garrick a serious try in my next run. He's a bard for crying out loud, and he quotes Shakespeare! Think of all the literary jokes and references and pure discussions we could have! "Aw man, I just can't seem to get the iambic pentameter to work in this poem." "Oh? Why don't you try switching the stanzas around?" "Ooh! Good idea? Do you have any work you need help with?" "Well, I don't rightly know whether I should hit the climax here, or wait a few chapters..." Heck, I might have to let Haer'Dalis in the party for the same reasons.

    Yoshimo: Man, my favorite BG2 NPC, and he's so flippin' COOL, he can't not make the list! *sigh...* If only there wasn't that darn geas. TT_TT
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    I'd probably enjoy having out with Xan, Yeslick, Imoen and Khalid most. Most of the other guys/gals are either insane or not my kind of people. Xan and me could sit on the couch and sigh wearily. Yeslick and me could muse deeply on the nature of the dwarven deities. Imoen seems like the sort who'd love to spend an afternoon gaming (but she'd cheat) and Khalid would just enjoy my company because I'm not his wife, and I'd enjoy his because he's a pretty cool fellow underneath all the stuttering.

    Special mention: I'd try and get into Alora's pants because she's a short, hyper lady. Same goes for Viconia because she's a relentless bitch who'd do nothing but insult me. I have...bad taste in women.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Jan Jansen would be a great friend, I already have a friend that is 100% like him (but he likes potatoes, not turnips), he talks a lot and likes telling fake tales, etc. Probably, they would be very, very funny together, trying to cnvince eachother with their fake arguments and both love trinkets, magic and robbery. It would be amazing to have another friend like him, sometimes they could get a LITTLE BIT annoyining, but, hell, just give them something to talk about and they leave you in peace.
  • uglyducklynnuglyducklynn Member Posts: 61
    iuventas said:

    Coutelier said:

    ...I find it great! People talk... and talk... and talk... and being comfortable with someone enough to sit in silence is something much appreciated in my case as a fellow introvert:)

    Those comfortable silences, Pulp Fiction style.

  • Eadwyn_G8keeperEadwyn_G8keeper Member Posts: 541
    Jaheira-Ajantis-Garrick from BG1. Yoshimo-Valygar-Mazzy from BG2.

    I really enjoy deep discussions about the various dimensions of Humanity in Political settings, the Balance of Powers amidst that which is called 'Nature'. And then after wrestling nobly with such weighty issues to ascend into a poetic state of intoxicated. After all, apparently we we were nought but an offshoot of Chimpanzees some millions of years ago...
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
    edited May 2014
    I wonder what alignment catagory this follows unders?


    Introvert(22%) Sensing(1%) Feeling(12%) Judging(1%)
    •You have slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (22%)
    •You have marginal or no preference of Sensing over Intuition (1%)
    •You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (12%)
    •You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)

    Despite Xzar, Montaron and Sarevok being my favorite characters. Wouldn't party with either of them in rl i would dead trusting them with my life.

    Pretty much see this being the legit party

    RL BG1

    RL BG2
    Post edited by Vasculio on
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