
I don't want to come across as a right-wing, neo-con, Thatcherite, reactionary bigot but the beggars in Baldur's Gate have really only got themselves to blame. I mean there is money in practically every barrel and box and they are just too damn lazy to rummage for it. They'd rather stand on street corners with their hands out making the place look untidy. And what do the Flaming Fist do about it? Nothing, that's what. You can't even discuss the matter with Scar and Angelo is no better. Honestly, I don't know why I pay my taxes.
Re-read your post : Using being a Conservative as a derogatory term is just pathetic, there is no place for it on this forums.
Losing them was losing everything, and he just sorta gave up. Now, he could have been lying to me, but i'm a good judge of char. I know an old lady who used to live on the streets, and she was a little off in the head, but apparently her kids had died in a house fire. Alot of beggars just give up because there's no one there to help them when they have a tragic loss. So i always give them a little when i pass by them. IRL and in game. You never know what drove them down, but love is the greatest thing you can give to another.
I was making a joke about beggars in the game and the fact that there is an extraordinary amount of money lying round in the street in Baldur's Gate. I'm aware that the plight of the homeless is somewhat different in real life.
At least in BGII we're able to strike a decisive blow to the slavers early in the game, perhaps a bit of redemption for the harsh realities of the feudal world BG exists in? In RPG terms, it makes this chaotic good character sleep better at night!
and they look like they only have 3 hp max, so maybe combat isn't what they're called to do?
Let's be honest. We know when you get to Baldur's Gate that the Flaming Fist is well aware of the deaths and their relationship with the cities sewer system. What if the Fist was simply both too undermanned and cowardly to send their own to deal with the crawlers (and the ogre mage that they are unaware of). The more beggars there are, the better the likelihood its one of the beggars getting killed over say someone important.