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[9708] [DORN] Resurrection Gorge: Map issues

argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,468
edited September 2014 in BGII:EE Bugs (v1.2.2030)
I have found two issues related to the Resurrection Gorge area:

1. The Waterfall Cave (OH5110.ARE) in the underground area of the gorge (OH5200.ARE) can be entered by a single party member. Exiting the cave however requires the whole party to be present. This issue can be fixed by modifying the respective region flags.

2. Even more serious - and a real game stopper without using cheats - is the the location of your 6th party member on the map after leaving the Waterfall Cave. He will be trapped in a small patch that is separated from the rest of the map. Without teleporting him via Ctrl+J he will be stuck there forever. This is most likely a search map issue.

A screenshot to visualize the problem:
Post edited by Gate70 on


  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    edited April 2014
    The first issue has already been logged as #7298/#7303.

    I was unable to replicate the second issue. It requires a clear path (and if you are at a low level, the waterfall does serious damage), but none of the party characters were stuck during the times I tried. I also tried all the different formations to ensure the party was spread out as much as possible or close together.

    Can you repeat the second issue reliably, and what formation are you using?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,468
    @Troodon80‌ The issue is indeed formation dependent. It only happens when the circular formation with Player1 in the center has been selected. I have attached a save for further testings.
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