Away from home, can I use Ctrl+Alt cheats on the Android version? Or modify the .ini file?

I created a MP save with 5 characters and exported it to SP, thy all have max stat rolls. But now that I am at work, I remembered that I forgot to make a thief class, so I'm gonna miss out on all the chests and pickpockets. So I was going to make another save and export it, but I would like max stat rolls.
So is there anyway to alter the ini file to allow cheats? I am using the Android version. Otherwise I'm just going to wait until I get home tonight.
So is there anyway to alter the ini file to allow cheats? I am using the Android version. Otherwise I'm just going to wait until I get home tonight.
I believe the reason is removing the console keeps the install size significantly smaller.
The .ini file is located in [sdcard]/Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files