Such a book is intended to be satirical and in no way should be used as an academic resource or as substance to back up one's statements.
Although you might be joking. I don't know. My own understanding of humor is poor.
I have to concede that you may have a point, but so should you that I have another: We are both prepotent in our own ways, cocksure, irreverent and vindictive. Common characteristics of those who stand deep into the pool of Chaos. I imagine that a philosophy that 'there is no right or wrong, only those who stand beside or against me, although such positions are fleeting' is fitting for such a type of person, yet I don't know if it would fit our particular cases.
The developers should have hidden a killer rabbit somewhere in one of the games, hasted and with vorpal hits.
But they did include one, in ToB that is. Although they did make it a little different from the Rabbit of Caerbannog... maybe copyrights were involved? *shrugs*
I thought that was a chinchilla but I guess that's 'bunnyish'.
Adding to Montresor_SP's idea, one of the random books you find could be 'The Book of Armaments' and describe how to deal with said vorpal bunny (perhaps including the location of the famous Holy Hand Grenade artifact).
Man this brings back memories of Wizardry. Those of you who remember that game will now know how old I am!
Back when the original Deities and Demi-Gods was originally published, they included Elric and Arioch and all of the Pantheon from the Michael Moorcock books (I know because I still have that edition). They eventually got sued and had to retract that material. They also had a problem with Hobbits and Halflings. So I'd bet that the license holders are very cagey about copy right infringement.
It's a shame that (a) people feel the need to 'borrow' ideas from somewhere else without asking and (b) that the people 'borrowed from' feel the need to sue over the topic. I suppose anything for a free buck, but it seems to me that the lawyers are the ones that are coming out ahead the most.
It's a shame that (a) people feel the need to 'borrow' ideas from somewhere else without asking and (b) that the people 'borrowed from' feel the need to sue over the topic. I suppose anything for a free buck, but it seems to me that the lawyers are the ones that are coming out ahead the most.
The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers. ...and use their sacrifice to fuel the return of Bhaal.
Back when the original Deities and Demi-Gods was originally published, they included Elric and Arioch and all of the Pantheon from the Michael Moorcock books (I know because I still have that edition). They eventually got sued and had to retract that material. They also had a problem with Hobbits and Halflings. So I'd bet that the license holders are very cagey about copy right infringement.
It's a shame that (a) people feel the need to 'borrow' ideas from somewhere else without asking and (b) that the people 'borrowed from' feel the need to sue over the topic. I suppose anything for a free buck, but it seems to me that the lawyers are the ones that are coming out ahead the most.
Copyright infringement is the finest form of flattery.
Back when the original Deities and Demi-Gods was originally published, they included Elric and Arioch and all of the Pantheon from the Michael Moorcock books (I know because I still have that edition). They eventually got sued and had to retract that material. They also had a problem with Hobbits and Halflings. So I'd bet that the license holders are very cagey about copy right infringement.
It's a shame that (a) people feel the need to 'borrow' ideas from somewhere else without asking and (b) that the people 'borrowed from' feel the need to sue over the topic. I suppose anything for a free buck, but it seems to me that the lawyers are the ones that are coming out ahead the most.
DnD is a never ending story of lawsuits. Dungeons and Dragons should probably be called Lawyers and Lawsuits.
Back when the original Deities and Demi-Gods was originally published, they included Elric and Arioch and all of the Pantheon from the Michael Moorcock books (I know because I still have that edition). They eventually got sued and had to retract that material. They also had a problem with Hobbits and Halflings. So I'd bet that the license holders are very cagey about copy right infringement.
It's a shame that (a) people feel the need to 'borrow' ideas from somewhere else without asking and (b) that the people 'borrowed from' feel the need to sue over the topic. I suppose anything for a free buck, but it seems to me that the lawyers are the ones that are coming out ahead the most.
DnD is a never ending story of lawsuits. Dungeons and Dragons should probably be called Lawyers and Lawsuits.
If you dual to 'Public Defender' at level 6 you'll get back your reputation but earn next to nothing for your rewards. Although you may get a cameo on Night Court if you play your cards right...
Although you might be joking. I don't know. My own understanding of humor is poor.
I have to concede that you may have a point, but so should you that I have another: We are both prepotent in our own ways, cocksure, irreverent and vindictive. Common characteristics of those who stand deep into the pool of Chaos. I imagine that a philosophy that 'there is no right or wrong, only those who stand beside or against me, although such positions are fleeting' is fitting for such a type of person, yet I don't know if it would fit our particular cases.
I see what appears to be flaming and possibly trolling here in a thread that is supposed to be fun. Lets not have an argument here.
Adding to Montresor_SP's idea, one of the random books you find could be 'The Book of Armaments' and describe how to deal with said vorpal bunny (perhaps including the location of the famous Holy Hand Grenade artifact).
Man this brings back memories of Wizardry. Those of you who remember that game will now know how old I am!
It's a shame that (a) people feel the need to 'borrow' ideas from somewhere else without asking and (b) that the people 'borrowed from' feel the need to sue over the topic. I suppose anything for a free buck, but it seems to me that the lawyers are the ones that are coming out ahead the most.
...and use their sacrifice to fuel the return of Bhaal.