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The Adventures of Gaspar: The Suavest Swashbuckler to Sail the Seven Seas! (ctrl+q playthrough)



  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Thank you, @bengoshi! Praise like yours makes it all worth it. Plus I'm having fun pitting different enemies against their own kind. I can only wonder how ToB is going to play out - enemies there suddenly turn into hardened badasses compared those at the end of SoA.
  • dementeddemented Member Posts: 388
    Flashburn said:

    This isn't a hardcore, no-reload, SCS-whatever - it's pure and simple FUN!

    If you don't think hardcore, no-reload, SCS-whatever runs aren't fun, then you sir, don't know the meaning of fun.

  • LoubLoub Member Posts: 471
    Flashburn said:

    Now, lets get this string of tasks over with so I can get back to the surface. Anyone got a good song that goes with forging cool weapons and armor?
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Episode 18: Sometimes I like to imagine the city is exploding as we flee from it

    Some random drow priestess commanded us to kill a bunch of Ghanadaur worshippers. As a lowly male worm, it is my job to cater to females' every whim. This battle was lengthy just because of the magic resistance of all the bad guys, and I've only got 2 attacks per round.



    But it was finally time to steal the dragon eggs back and I controlled two of the guardian golems to help us.

    Our drow fighter/mage gave us a Haste spell as his last blessing right before he was gibbed by a clay golem. That let us quickly run back to Phaere and get most of the way out of the city after we double-crossed her.

    Once back on the surface, we encountered Drizzt and company. Initially I took control of him just to see what he was like. For starters, he had his scimitars equipped in his helmet and necklace slots! I quickloaded back and got him to help us. I'll see if I can't control him later...

    We finally reached the docks district so I could attend to my guild and forge some brand-new weapons. We encountered Kruin, the githyanki wild mage who demanded to have the silver sword blade back. I refused and killed some of the band, but converted most of them.

    Now to forge everything in my Bag of Hoarding even if I don't need it. Its a bad habit, I know.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Episode 22: The city amongst the trees

    After my many beatings at the hands of Cyric's Chosen, it would be welcome to return to regular BG2EE. Once I handed over the Lanthorn to Elhan, we arrived in Suldanessellar. I recruited Elhan and a bunch of Irenicus' golems. Elhan was dual-wielding two copies of the Shazzallim scimitar which instantly kills bards (-4 penalty vs. spells negates).

    So we had to search the city for three artifacts to summon Rillifane Ralathil to save Queen Ellisime.

    All the golems I recruited were destroyed but I managed to convert one of the two Adamantine golems running around the city. He was a marvelous tank, nearly impervious to every sort of harm. His might would be tested by a black dragon guarding the Goblet of Life. He withstood an impressive amount of punishment as he distracted it long enough for our converted drow mage to turn the dragon into a squirrel! I was positive that such a spell wouldn't work on a dragon, but lo, it was temporarily turned into a squirrel. The polymorphing magic of the spell fizzled once I struck the squirrel but it was enough to kill it.

    Once we summoned Rillifane the Leaflord and killed the parasites leeching power from the Tree of Life, it was time to face Irenicus. While we were looking for the parasites, I set a trap near Irenicus since he was busy with some sort of magical ritual and didn't notice us. Heh heh.

    Unfortunately it was not enough to kill him outright like I'd planned, and we lost Raamilat in our fight with Irenicus. But that wouldn't matter soon.


    Once we had killed Irenicus, I thought it was for good until we were dragged into a fiendish abyss! Surely this was hell. Raamilat came back to us and was glad to be alive. Or were we?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    And here begins the territory I have never been to myself. I have never been to the higher levels of Watcher's Keep as well as I've never finished ToB. Maybe your run will inspire me but in the same time I'm a little bit afraid of spoilers.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    edited May 2014
    Episode 26: Four is Death

    Nothing too terribly interesting about this level of the dungeon except the Machine of Lum the Mad. Anyway, to become even more grossly overpowered than I already was, I had to find a way to break the glass protecting Carston.

    Killing dragons is so routine now. Good thing I've got Evasion, which works just like NWN's except avoiding the AoE damage is automatic with no saving throw required. Saladrex's dragon breath had no effect on me, though the same cannot be said of my minions. Still, Addy MK. II remained remarkably resilient.


    But Addy is still weak to undead, especially undead illithid. They can stun her with psionics and now vampiric illithid can level drain her while she's stunned. Thus was her fate and she was smashed into a million pieces after the last of her levels were drained.

    I recruited Rock and Garock to replace her. We smashed open Carston's little prison and I got +1 to all my stats and 100k XP.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    edited May 2014
    Episode 27: Swashbuckler needs food...badly

    Watcher's Keep level 5 is my favorite floor of the dungeon. Hordes of creatures waiting to be butchered in various - and oftentimes magical - ways. You'd think I'd like IWD because of that, but I merely think that its okay. Anyway our first test was against a swarm of orcs. I summoned my host of elementals once again to help.

    The minotaur not wielding the Axe of the Unyielding died in that room by a death of a thousand cuts. I replaced our dwindling party with two huge iron golems. Up next is a special tweak I made myself for convenience.

    Enter the Killsword! I hate how long the spirit warrior challenge takes so I equipped him with the special Killsword that counts as a +10 weapon, deals 1000-1500 damage, and gives many immunities.

    So I blazed through there without even going in the rooms' proper order. For completing the "challenge," Azamantes and his flaming skulls were waiting for us. He was not particularly challenging, though with two magic-immune golems, anything becomes easy.

    I recruited three elite beholders to replace my fallen minions in the fight with Azamantes and then took on the Rilmani group. Does anyone have any idea what those things are, exactly?


    This battle was fairly easy since I had 3 mages on my side. The tried-and-true Greater Malison + Chaos still works wonders. Next was the hardest battle in the dungeon by far: the amazon brigade. I spared no expense for this battle - every mage had at least 2 summons each and several layers of protective spells.

    Ryu's earthquake knocked out the Hive Mother for one round which let us concentrate on the others. I went for the marilith Y'tossi first because her many attacks would tear through the mages' stoneskins like tissue paper. A Whirlwind and a half later, she was dead which gave us all more breathing room.

    But the hive mother was back up again and throwing beholder rays left and right. It was my next target as my mages kept The Huntress and the drow busy.

    Once it fell, the other two were easy enough to kill. Nalmissra the succubus was a pain to kill. She did nothing the whole fight, which is good enough for me, but she just ran around and gated to the Ethereal Plane whenever someone got close. So I had to spend a few minutes chasing her as if I was back in first grade, chasing my crush around - only with more swords. Eventually she fell thanks to Water's Talon's extended strike range and it would be time to take on the multiverse's number one demon: Demogorgon!
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    edited May 2014

    It was time to face the Imprisoned One. I wanted to try something that I hadn't done yet: defeat Demogorgon solo. After reaching epic levels, I've begun to level up incredibly fast and am learning techniques left and right. To do this next feat, I had some help from my father.

    Enter the Ravager! The Ravager is murder incarnate, the perfect death machine capable of utterly eviscerating groups that even full and balanced parties would have trouble with. It has even more immunities and offensive power than the Slayer!

    -Level Drain
    -Finger of Death
    -Knockback of any kind

    -8 Cold damage
    -On hit: 10% chance to lower magic resistance by 5% for 30 seconds
    -On hit: 10% chance to dispel all effects; caster level = character level
    -25% chance to knock back target and knock them unconscious for 2 seconds
    -25% chance to deal +1d8 crushing damage on hit (save vs. breath at -4 negates)
    +50% elemental resistances
    +50% Magic Damage resistance
    +50% Poison resistance
    +50% Physical damage resistance
    +50% magic resistance
    -12 THAC0 bonus
    -300 HP
    -5 attacks
    -Claws count as +5

    To augment its power even further, I improved hasted myself and used Insightful Strike to deal maximum damage!

    Not counting Big D's Time Stop, he was destroyed within 3 rounds! The remaining demons were quickly dealt with - even when mariliths and balors team up, they're no match for the Ravager!

    And thanks to this battle, I'm finally level 40. I have room to improve up to level 50 and at this rate it shouldn't be long before I get there.

    But, what Demogorgon had to say before I executed him was interesting. The Vigil Knights were trying to imprison me along with him! Murderous fury still boiling in my heart, I climbed up the steps to the top of Watcher's Keep and began my single-handed destruction of the knights. What hope had they if the multiverse's number one demon could barely stand against me?

    None, that's what.

  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Ravager vs Demogorgon.
    Sounds like the most epic battle between Fiends (if we don't mention the Blood Wars...).
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    edited May 2014
    Episode 29: The bigger they are, the harder they fall

    After my assault on Watcher's Keep was over with, it was time to see to the defense of Saradush. It probably already fell while I was away but Yaga-Shura would still be a problem. I encountered "Gorion" who turned out to be a Master Wraith. He didn't like having his own shades turned against him.


    The priestess Nyalee knew how to weaken Yaga-Shura so I went to retrieve their hearts in the Marching Mountains. On my way to Yaga's lair I ambushed an unlikely group of Bhaalspawn that I recruited. A kobold, a xvart, a goblin, and their leader a chinchilla. Bhaal really did bang everything that moves.

    Once we made it into his lair, our group was all but destroyed. Of course I made it out alive.

    So I brainwashed a bunch of fire giants to help me and they ganged up on an adamantine golem who I would've converted if the party wasn't full already.

    The hearts were being guarded upstairs by many fire giants. My own giants distracted them while I ran about their feet, poisoning them.

    Once we had the hearts, we got out of there - but not before brainwashing the Elemental Prince of Fire, Imix! Then we returned to Nyalee to weaken Yaga.

    Of course she betrayed us and we had to kill her. Typical. But the deed was done and it was time to end the first of the Five. Yaga's army poured toward us but we decimated them with Imix on our side. His fiery wrath scorched all of the human soldiers while my Greater Elementals and giants beat down Yaga's fire giants. It was a battle to behold.

    With all of us surrounding Yaga-Shura, it was easy enough to kill him. Chalk up 1 2 for 5 for Gaspar. Illasera is just so forgettable.
    Post edited by Flashburn on
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    The Five are composed by Illasera, Yaga-Shura, Abazigal, Sendai and Balthazar, so Yaga-Shura is the second ;P
    I am laughing this playtrough a lot, thanks man!
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Episode 30: The Dragonborn

    Our next stop on the railroad that is ToB's plot was Amkethran. We were stopped by the Tethyrian General who wanted me dead. I suppose he didn't know that I was the one that defeated Yaga-Shura's army. He suffered the same fate.

    Once we got to Amkethran we did the quests there. But I forgot to create the Big Metal Unit once I finished this part of the playthrough... D'oh. I modified the armor itself to allow spellcasting and thievery and also made it immune to knockback. Oh well, I was already at the AC cap anyway. Anywhoo we fought Draconis and won, at the cost of our dear Imix. And just inside Abazigal's lair, the fire giants were all killed by water elementals.


    The water elementals were exceedingly annoying, killing all of my party members whenever I converted them. They even killed a Nabassu that I gated in to help with this horde of kuo-toa.

    But once I got the scroll of reversal from Bondari's party, i converted the dragon Fll'Yissetat to aid me. I think most of her draconic powers were off-limits to me since she only had a small selection of spells. But that didn't matter; I'd let her tank Abazigal instead.

    The first time I tried to kill Abazigal I used my Super Bhaalspawn 2 Improved Slayer form but it wasn't strong enough. So I used Super Bhaalspawn 3 the Ravager once again. It was much easier to defeat Abazigal in this form, but it would've been easier still if he hadn't dispelled my Ravager claws.


    After this victory, I assembled the Flail of Ages +5 (modified with Free Action Fixes) and destroyed my doubt.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Episode 31: Sendai has an awful voice actress
    (subtitle: Icewind Dale: Throne of Bhaal)

    This is an objective fact. Also this is my least favorite area of ToB. Before entering Sendai's enclave I killed Fll'Yissetat because she was way too big to go anywhere. Once inside I recruited some spore colonies who spawned many myconids. This was fun and all until they did it a 3rd time, which significantly slowed down my frame rate.

    The rest of the enclave was business as usual. I brainwashed the drow kensai but he was killed by the other drow because he wasn't wearing any armor.

    I recruited Ogremoch, Prince of Earth to help me. He is extremely powerful, coming with the ability to teleport anywhere and summon Earth elementals; several Stoneskin spells, Remove magic, an Earthquake, and Suggestion. He would block the door in Sendai's sanctum as I fought her by myself. When Sendai used her Archer form, she teleported around the room faster than a Dragonball Z fighter! Even with double-strength haste from Boots of Speed + an Oil of Speed, I couldn't keep up with her! She slowed down for just the smallest second and I sliced her with Water's Talon, which took care of the rest. She easily fell afterward.

    After I killed her, I took my next Pocket Plane test. Fortunately I got to skip it and get the benefits anyway. Cyric noticed that I already defeated his Chosen, and pitting me against more of his staunchest believers would tip the balance too far. Even the god of madness has to play by some of the rules.

    See you next episode for the finale: Ascension!
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    edited May 2014
    Episode 32: Gaspar's Ascension

    After skipping that test, there was only one of the Five left: Balthazar. Through some careful negotiations, I managed to get Balthazar to kill himself instead of fighting me. My reputation and alignment weren't good enough for him to join me. The last test took a very long time, but I finally killed the Ravager. Ogremoch tanked the swords since he was immune to their enchantment level anyway. My host of elementals and Kitthix tried to help but they were eventually killed by the Ravager. My own attacks hardly did any damage at all because of the Ravager's massive damage reduction. I tried fighting him as a Ravager myself, but he dispelled my claws so I switched back to normal. I forgot to take pictures of this part.

    Now the only thing left to do was to kill Mellisan. Ogremoch and I entered the Throne of Bhaal and were greeted by good old Irenicus and Bodhi. An antisolar was also on their side and Imoen was teleported there as well, and forced to turn into the Slayer. Ogremoch's elementals accidentally turned Imoen into extra chunky burrito meat. Ogremoch himself was killed by the antisolar's vorpal sword, so then it was just me against them.


    Irenicus still had the same weakness as last time, just like all mages. I poisoned him and though he only took half damage from it, it was enough to keep him from being a problem. I gave the antisolar a Pitchwife Whirlwind it wouldn't soon forget. Bodhi was a different matter. Whenever I tried to give her the same treatment, she'd turn into a cloud of mist and regenerate back to full health. She was immune to all damage and took only half from fire, which I didn't have with me. Even Daystar didn't work on her. So I stopped time and gave her the Pitchwife Whirlwind, which killed her.

    Next I tried to turn off the fonts of essence, but demons were gated in to stop me. I took control of some and killed the rest.

    Rinse, lather, and repeat twice.

    Before I drained the last font, I placed all of my traps in just the right places to save me some headaches. When I drained all the fonts of their Bhaal essence, Mellisan resurrected the Five to fight me, and brought back Sarevok who betrayed me. It was time to kill them all again, and Sarevok for a third time.

    Two seconds later, Abazigal and Illasera were dead.

    Thus began the massive fight amongst us! Sarevok fell first. I turned into the Ravager and made sure his treachery would have immediate consequences.

    Then Balthazar. That idiot should've been fighting with me.

    Then Yaga-Shura and Sendai thanks to Water's Talon. Mellisan was turned mortal because she expended too much of the essence to resurrect the Five and bring in Sarevok.

    Once she was mortal, I regained the use of my slayer abilities and turned into the Ravager once more. The demons and I pounded away at her and we were successful!


    Then, it was finally time to make my choice. Remain mortal, or ascend to become a power of the planes and force other powerful creatures to be my minions.

    Gaspar became a god. He would eagerly seek out Valkur and try to steal his portfolios to become a god of piracy, plunder, and the patron of sea-faring rapscallions everywhere.


    Throne of Bhaal Complete!

    Post edited by Flashburn on
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Why do I suddenly want a burrito?
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