Who's the most stylish?

I mean paper dolls. Which one looks the best? For me it's the male elven Mage in pink and blue with a resistance robe. The archmagi robes a cool to, but I see them so much I get sick of them. I also like the un armored paperdoll. That hilariously skinny waist. Safana err, the human female thief(in leather. That catsuit is awkward.) is quite *ahem* nice as well.
Edit: got the right pics in.

Edit: got the right pics in.

Post edited by meagloth on
I usually opt out of any archmagi robes for fire resistant ones in my runs. That coupled with the ring of fire resist allow my weak mages with their 12 hitpoints to survive fire balls and the like. Or in Xans case, ring + sword + electric res boots + electric res robe = 90 fire resist, 70 electric resist. Talk about being able to eat a few lightning bolts and fireballs.
If I had to choose a best, I'd say Halflings.
Also, did anyone like the vanilla bg2 animations? The elves were REALLLY bad then. They looked like 80 year olds with corn rows. EE did away with them(tank you bujeebus!) but I bet at least some of you were disappointed.
Seems like a really hoopy frood.
These veiny legs are terrifying!
Damn 1PP for changing my dream gal into some generic human chick without tusks! ( ̄へ ̄)
As for the vanilla BG2 paper dolls, I never played vanilla BG2, so seeing them all was new for me. Who on earth is the seemingly asian human male? Is that a paper doll reserved for the kensai? Because it's awesome! I would LOVE to have more paper doll options myself, as sometimes I just don't like what's given to me. Besides, the vanilla BG2 paper dolls just seem more awesome in general. More detailed, I suppose.
The seemingly Asian male and female are the original Monk paper dolls, and it's a real travesty that these dolls aren't used in the EEs
Like those paperdolls - now when I look at them I have this reaction that it's obvious and that's how they looked like before, but I didn't realise it until I saw this photo.
There are quite a few things I find I miss from the originals.
Let's see...
Female: Elves in general get it pretty cool-looking. Clerics and Magic-Users steal the show for me, though. The chain armour paperdoll in particular is really cool.
Male: Elven and Human Clerics.
-Like, seriously, I'm picturing some elf Fighter/Magic-User dude with a sword in one hand and MAGIC in the other. Strike pose. Glare. Yeah. yes Safana uhm I have a confession to make.