I don't care in what order these playthroughs actually go in, I'm just happy enough knowing that there are 3 of these magnificent tales on the way
Ah that's so awesome! Thank you so much. Words like yours make me want to keep focusing on the 'tales' i.e. RP aspects, and not just technical/metagamed no-reload playthroughs (which can be very insightful btw).
You are welcome, and thank you If I may add, don't slack on the technical/metagamed aspect though! I love the refreshing tales, and also the neat little strategies and techniques that I might not have ever thought about. Any SCS playthroughs will always be insightful
@lolien, first of all Sampariy is a male, a short one for sure, being a Halfling and all, but still a male. Otherwise thanks for reminding me Sampariy is going to happen at some point (even though I think I lost his character file due to computer issues), as are Tristan, a Human Fighter modeled after the Arthurian hero, and a TN Blademaster I have in mind. However, as my time has become more limited, my current priority is a more or less novelized account of events on the Sword Coast centered around Eznoe, a LG Half-Elven Lorekeeper of Oghma/Mage. I haven't made much progress the last week but I still hope to finish and publish a Prologue or Chapter 1 this week or the next.
@lolien, first of all Sampariy is a male, a short one for sure, being a Halfling and all, but still a male.
Sorry @Blackraven, for some reason i thought him female from the beginning. Now, that i read the poll options once more, i don't know why (my wicked mind). Nevermind, entertain us with what you like, and when you have time!
I like the skald dwarven general idea. I love the Charname who commands the troops, and knows that he is too valuable to risk in direct combat, tempted as he is to directly engage the enemy along with his followers.
I'm also dying to know what this dwarven skald general would do with the Five Flagons playhouse in the bridge district of Amn.
I want to read about the baudy adventures of Trixy the busty.. I mean Buxom serving wench from the Candlekeep Inn who believes she was caught up in the events of the Bhaalspawn prophecy "by mistake" and "Accidentally" (at lease she thinks it is accidental) got swept away in place of the actual Charname (who she actually is, but doesn't know it). Make her a half-elf Bard who's weapon of choice is a frying pan (Standard Mace) and who goes about telling anyone and everyone that the "Real" charname is actually drunk and passed out in the stalls at the back of the Inn and "Not her", and that he still owes her money for "Services".
Have her travel around with Khalid, who is constantly scamming on her behind Jaheira's back, and Minsc who thinks of her as a "Little sister" and Coran who's seriously enamored of her, plus obviously Jaheira and Daynheir.
Oh, and she can show how clean an elven arse is, just to show how clean the Inn actually 'Should be".
Words like yours make me want to keep focusing on the 'tales' i.e. RP aspects, and not just technical/metagamed no-reload playthroughs (which can be very insightful btw).
If I may add, don't slack on the technical/metagamed aspect though!
I love the refreshing tales, and also the neat little strategies and techniques that I might not have ever thought about. Any SCS playthroughs will always be insightful
Otherwise thanks for reminding me
However, as my time has become more limited, my current priority is a more or less novelized account of events on the Sword Coast centered around Eznoe, a LG Half-Elven Lorekeeper of Oghma/Mage. I haven't made much progress the last week but I still hope to finish and publish a Prologue or Chapter 1 this week or the next.
my wicked mind). Nevermind, entertain us with what you like, and when you have time!I'm also dying to know what this dwarven skald general would do with the Five Flagons playhouse in the bridge district of Amn.
Have her travel around with Khalid, who is constantly scamming on her behind Jaheira's back, and Minsc who thinks of her as a "Little sister" and Coran who's seriously enamored of her, plus obviously Jaheira and Daynheir.
Oh, and she can show how clean an elven arse is, just to show how clean the Inn actually 'Should be".