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The RIng of Princes +1 and the Protector +1 Amulet Don't Seem to Want to be Friends


Just purchased the Protector +1 Amulet from one of the Carnival tents with the idea of giving it to Minsc (seeing as he gets hits a bit too much for my liking), but when I try to put it in the amulet slot I get a message saying something to the effect that it can't be equipped due to other magical equipment I may be carrying. After messing around with my inventory, apparently I can't have a Ring of Princes +1 and this amulet equipped at the same time for some unknown reason. Is this a bug or is there some legitimate reason for this? Thanks.


  • Carl_LCarl_L Member Posts: 41
    Ok... thanks... Seems kinda arbitrary, but the game is the game and that's cool...
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    Yeah, I know, it sucks. Later though, you'd be able to stack 4 +3 items, and that would be cheesy, so I guess they just cracked down on magic armor class. You can wear bracers and gauntlets though.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    Yeah that pesky 2da file that stops you from stacking magical items. Always a way around it though...
  • FrecheFreche Member Posts: 473
    I always exclude the armor from that rule. So that I can wear any armor together with one additional +# protection item.
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