The RIng of Princes +1 and the Protector +1 Amulet Don't Seem to Want to be Friends

Just purchased the Protector +1 Amulet from one of the Carnival tents with the idea of giving it to Minsc (seeing as he gets hits a bit too much for my liking), but when I try to put it in the amulet slot I get a message saying something to the effect that it can't be equipped due to other magical equipment I may be carrying. After messing around with my inventory, apparently I can't have a Ring of Princes +1 and this amulet equipped at the same time for some unknown reason. Is this a bug or is there some legitimate reason for this? Thanks.
Just purchased the Protector +1 Amulet from one of the Carnival tents with the idea of giving it to Minsc (seeing as he gets hits a bit too much for my liking), but when I try to put it in the amulet slot I get a message saying something to the effect that it can't be equipped due to other magical equipment I may be carrying. After messing around with my inventory, apparently I can't have a Ring of Princes +1 and this amulet equipped at the same time for some unknown reason. Is this a bug or is there some legitimate reason for this? Thanks.
There is a mod to eliminate this restriction. It's part of BG2 Tweaks.
In BG1 the best combo for protection is a non magical full plate+ring of protection+2. Base ac is -1 and you get+2 to all saves.
Incidentally, Ankheg plate has become much more useful in BGEE