Why do you love Baldurs Gate?

This question is just to here to help excite you all, as we count down to EE, personally I love the immersion it gives you, in my head I play the game out like a book, but as such when the party get hammered and die, I have to bend my head and think of a way they some how survived and then reload the save game.
You have the power to change the world. You get items that have significance. The music is a thing of wonder. I love Baldur's Gate, and I will be continuing to play it on-and-off until I die.
Today I play it because Dragon age sucked (I've not tried two though I hear even worse things), Skyrim was very immersive but its quests and ending were terrible, and basically other than the Witcher I've been unimpressed with the RPG genre. Especially the successor games to the BG series (including IWD2 which I hated despite liking IWD1 a lot).
-that s why
I'll admit, I had hoped to retire BG with one of the new RPG series that Bioware and others have made. DA:O was good, DA2 was crap so that series wasn't going to work. ME and ME2 were amazing, then ME3 came along and was such a rushed mess with the worst ending I've ever seen that I couldn't use that series. The Witcher and Witcher 2 are both excellent, but I don't really see the replay value quite the same as BG. Skyrim annoys me because of the terrible combat, bad physics, and the fact that nothing you do seems to have any impact on the world or anyone in it (you become the archmage and no one seems to notice, for example). Also, I would have liked another KOTOR game, I actually thought the first 2 were pretty good, but instead we got an MMO.
The short version is, no other game series has managed to match the simple elegance of the BG series, and the way things seem to be going I'm starting to wonder if they ever will.
The beautiful artwork, excellent music and voice acting, accomplished writing, sublime ruleset and vast length of the game(s) dont hurt either.
Good enough?
For me, Mainly the Atmosphere that I have never encountered in any other game. The wilderness exploration along with awesome music, towns, taverns, middle age style - all of this properties got me hooked.
And of course - replayability. I dont know how many games have the replayability of Baldurs Gate, most of the games once I finish them I uninstall and never touch them again.
where choices matter and actions have consequences.
Nervously poking around all of every map to find encounters of every description while
being entertained by well written companions.
It`s easy to feel the love that went into making this fantastic game.
They were able to take what was in my mind and added stunning visuals, gameplay mechanics with spells, voice overs, sound, humour, memorable characters, exploration, and different combinations of how to complete quests, or gave you the option to not complete side quests at all.
The game didn't hold your hand and force you to follow each door, waypoint, quest (eg. Diablo 3) but you could do nearly any quest in any order you wanted. You could stick to the main story line or decide to go off and do something else. You also had good and evil options as well. I believe it's one of those games that will be a milestone in gaming history.
You most likely had Xzar and Montaron and then picked up Khalid and Jaheira, who usually end up fighting ;-)
It's Xzar who shouts "Let the rivers run red!"