Black Pits 2 Multiplayer Problems

Hey everyone,
Awhile back (around when the game was released) me and a friend decided to play Black Pits 2 multiplayer. We had really enjoyed Black Pits 1 in BGEE in multiplayer mode and were very much looking forward to playing through Black Pits 2. However, when we started our game and created our characters, we ran into some pretty terrible bugs:
- Once the intro sequence played out and the party was transported to the arena, the only character that was able to be controlled was the party leader. The other 5 party members were trapped in some kind of blue force-field that prevented them from moving or being interacted with on any level. At first, we thought this was just a story thing so we played where I was controlling the party leader through the beginning story until the first battle: Lo and behold our characters are transferred into the battle arena and again the only that is able to be controlled is the party leader. Everyone else is still stuck in their respective force-fields. Once the party leader inevitably dies (since he is the only one fighting) a reload then deletes all of the characters except for the party leader.
Needless to say; our first experience was terrible and we had spent hours building our party only to have them not be controllable and then deleted for no apparent reason. We decided to wait for some time to pass to see if these problems were fixed.
Fast forward to today: We are ready to give it another try but I really want to make SURE that these problems have been dealt with. My friend and I really do not have the time to spend building an awesome party only to find that the game is still unplayable in multiplayer mode.
A few things of note:
1.) We made sure we were running the same version.
2.) Both of us had no issues playing the game single player
3.) He has the steam version, mine is using the standalone launcher. Not sure if this was causing the issues?
Does anybody know if these problems have been fixed? I really want to give this another go with my friend, but just really do not want to have to deal with all of these problems again.
Awhile back (around when the game was released) me and a friend decided to play Black Pits 2 multiplayer. We had really enjoyed Black Pits 1 in BGEE in multiplayer mode and were very much looking forward to playing through Black Pits 2. However, when we started our game and created our characters, we ran into some pretty terrible bugs:
- Once the intro sequence played out and the party was transported to the arena, the only character that was able to be controlled was the party leader. The other 5 party members were trapped in some kind of blue force-field that prevented them from moving or being interacted with on any level. At first, we thought this was just a story thing so we played where I was controlling the party leader through the beginning story until the first battle: Lo and behold our characters are transferred into the battle arena and again the only that is able to be controlled is the party leader. Everyone else is still stuck in their respective force-fields. Once the party leader inevitably dies (since he is the only one fighting) a reload then deletes all of the characters except for the party leader.
Needless to say; our first experience was terrible and we had spent hours building our party only to have them not be controllable and then deleted for no apparent reason. We decided to wait for some time to pass to see if these problems were fixed.
Fast forward to today: We are ready to give it another try but I really want to make SURE that these problems have been dealt with. My friend and I really do not have the time to spend building an awesome party only to find that the game is still unplayable in multiplayer mode.
A few things of note:
1.) We made sure we were running the same version.
2.) Both of us had no issues playing the game single player
3.) He has the steam version, mine is using the standalone launcher. Not sure if this was causing the issues?
Does anybody know if these problems have been fixed? I really want to give this another go with my friend, but just really do not want to have to deal with all of these problems again.
There has only been 1 patch released shortly after launch and don't think that had much that affected multiplayer or Black Pits II.
You could try the host controlling the entire party and once each combat starts transfer control back to the client(s). Might need to transfer control back at the end of each battle too.