@ChildofBhaal599 Actually I thought this image was a parody! The silly boob plate with nipples has such tiny wee boobs, and the arms and torso are so skinny it's just ridiculous. But it's ridiculous in kind of the opposite direction to the way all the cliched hour glass shaped, huge boobed armored women are ridiculous. It made me laugh.
@kiwidoc That's Sarah Kerrigan, from StarCraft. She is/was a human who is/was kidnapped by the Zerg and turned into their Queen of Blades through Genetic manipulation. She's mainly based on Medusa, apparently.
I don't believe my eyes! A "Legend of Cryptids" artwork with a properly dressed/armored female character? No skimpy clothing? No bikini tops and insanely short skirts? THAT's unheard of!
Yes, but the horse looks entirely too sane to be realistic, so they have a way to go yet ...
@Southpaw I had a trawl through every LoC artowrk on the net, and my gods and godesses there were acres of uncovered female flesh, but I did manage to find a few with poperly protective armor. One set was for a small girl - I think they didn't dare present a preteen as a sex dolly!
@The_Potty_1 I'm not sure the horse is all that sane. It'e eye seems to be rolling, and I think it's going to kick the hell out of anything that moves ... even its rider if it could only reach her!
@Elrandir while wading through pixiv last month I found images of females wearing school uniforms, with preteenage faces and poses (carrying a stuffed toy, knees together, sucking thumbs ... that sort of thing - BUT these were up the skirt crotch shots, and the little girls had ginormous tits hanging out all over the place. That isn't just offensive, it's sick. And that's coming from someone who's treated abuse victims for decades, and also assessed perpetrators of abuse.
When tracking down the artist's galleries I found out that this pic wasn't actually by elDrow. He or she is one of those irritating people who post others art on their own deviant gallery. Even if they say so in the caption it's still confusing - it needs to be in the name!
@LadyRhian Can you please spoilerize or do something to make images to load on-demand ? Not everyone has an internet connection that works with telepathy you know. You have another thread dominated , what was its name , some images-thread again , and it was like a scroll-down nightmare to just to comment on a picture that you've liked , or something.
Casts "Try to Understand Me Like I'm The Lord of the Time , Whilse I'm Just a Regular Straight-Up Engineer Guy" on Rhian
@LadyRhian Oh your... It's great you picked up the least necessary detail and twisted in such ways to make my post look invalid. I kinda am used to having this type of fun. Though I was not joking even.
Okay. Let's see if @kiwidoc got me. Post-script , I don't look to images threads much. But when I open them. Hell.... Just images popping up , while you struggle down to even write ARRRGHH!!!
I just thought I would say Dragon Age Inquisition did really well with female armor designs for a fantasy game. Here are 2 of the armors Cassandra has been using throughout the game for me so far
warden armor + warden helm
inquisition armor + grey marches helm
there are no boob cups, and in fact has a metal plate over that area. i guess the DA universe knows they need to protect the chest region. if you saw from the side they didn't go overboard on the curves of the body either, as IRL they would just be strapped down anyway so there is no need for those cups ever. most of the difference between the genders seems to be that the female one looks lighter than the bulky male ones. this is a huge difference from what I remember in DAO where, if I recall, the female heavy armor has those stupid nipples on the cups that I complained about earlier, though that could be a problem with the blockier meshes of the time making it look like it. overall, I like the armor designs a lot, and I am glad a fantasy game took a more realistic look at what armor should be like.
@old_jolly2 I am not the only one posting pictures in this thread, but it is @Kiwidoc's thread, so I will let her tell me if she feels I am taking over. That's all I said, and all I meant. And I get the same effect on my own computer as the pictures load- on the other hand, I have a cable modem, which is pretty fast, so unless I accidentally click elsewhere, I get the effect of the background vibrating while the pictures not in the bottom/last post load. But if I click in the text box, I lose sight of it as the page scrolls up to the loading pictures- which I can ameliorate by typing (unless the pictures haven't finished loading yet, in which case it is screen chaos, going back and forth between what I am typing and the pictures trying to load. I think that this is going to be true no matter what picture thread you are in. It's unfortunately endemic to picture threads with lots of pictures. I did try posting thumbnails for a while- I got complaints about that as well.
I'm not sure what you are saying about my post invalidating yours. I am thinking that this is @kiwidoc's thread, so she should get to decide if I am "dominating" her thread. (because she should be the arbiter of that, as long as I (or anyone else) is abiding by the site rules.)
Art by Ben Lo ~ Part I
Art by Jana Schirmer
Art by Andrew G. Wong aka agwong
Art by Allen Douglas
Art by Yee-Ling Chung aka syncmax
Art by Eben de Waal
Art by Alberto Dal Largo
Art by Erih Pazanin
Art by Eric Deschamps ~ Part I
Art by Eric Deschamps ~ Part II
@The_Potty_1 I'm not sure the horse is all that sane. It'e eye seems to be rolling, and I think it's going to kick the hell out of anything that moves ... even its rider if it could only reach her!
Art by Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai ~ Part I
Art by Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai ~ Part I
Art by Alexandr Pascenko ~ Part I
Art by Alexandr Pascenko ~ Part II
Art by Alexandr Pascenko ~ Part III
All by Alexandr Pascenko aloneLine art by Alexandr Pascenko
Colour by Johannes Voss
Art by Alexandr Pascenko ~ Part IV
@LadyRhian. Once again, many thanks for the set.
THIS PIC IS ACTUALLY BY Stacey Reilander AKA Morgalahan
When tracking down the artist's galleries I found out that this pic wasn't actually by elDrow. He or she is one of those irritating people who post others art on their own deviant gallery. Even if they say so in the caption it's still confusing - it needs to be in the name!
http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/323/5/3/garundi_female_by_nemanja_s-d86xsmx.jpg> by Nemanja-S
Casts "Try to Understand Me Like I'm The Lord of the Time , Whilse I'm Just a Regular Straight-Up Engineer Guy" on Rhian
Okay. Let's see if @kiwidoc got me. Post-script , I don't look to images threads much. But when I open them. Hell.... Just images popping up , while you struggle down to even write ARRRGHH!!!
warden armor + warden helm
inquisition armor + grey marches helm
there are no boob cups, and in fact has a metal plate over that area. i guess the DA universe knows they need to protect the chest region. if you saw from the side they didn't go overboard on the curves of the body either, as IRL they would just be strapped down anyway so there is no need for those cups ever. most of the difference between the genders seems to be that the female one looks lighter than the bulky male ones. this is a huge difference from what I remember in DAO where, if I recall, the female heavy armor has those stupid nipples on the cups that I complained about earlier, though that could be a problem with the blockier meshes of the time making it look like it. overall, I like the armor designs a lot, and I am glad a fantasy game took a more realistic look at what armor should be like.
I'm not sure what you are saying about my post invalidating yours. I am thinking that this is @kiwidoc's thread, so she should get to decide if I am "dominating" her thread. (because she should be the arbiter of that, as long as I (or anyone else) is abiding by the site rules.)