by Andared by tjota by avisnocturna by Inna-Vjuzhanina by Bertuccio (To be fair, I am not sure this character is female, but looks female to me) by m0zch0ps by malverro by ReneAigner by WojciechFus by schufocus by NathanParkArt by TentaclesandTeeth by bayardwu
WOOHOOO! Loads and loads of neat goodies from @LadyRhian! And as part of today's post some other goodies from @Astafas and @Isandir! I should have posted their galleries ages ago, but I was trying to figure out how to cope with the maller size images, and then I kind of lost their stuff in the chaos that was my Woman Warriors folder. I did a BIG sort out yesterday and refound them both.
I don't believe my eyes! A "Legend of Cryptids" artwork with a properly dressed/armored female character? No skimpy clothing? No bikini tops and insanely short skirts? THAT's unheard of!
Some more for you: by PfenixArtwork by Andared by Hellstern also by Hellstern by GorillaMachine by NazNemati by 6kart by Sellenin by Peterg666666 by IcedWingsArt by rafater
@LadyRhian another great set. I found that amazing pic by rafater (the last one, with the skeleton wings) on someones tumblr yesterday ... and I just couldn't decide if that was armor, or part of her own body. I left it to one side to look at again today, and I've decided most of it is armor, but some of the bits on her legs and arms seem to be part of her actual skin. Whicherver way its an awesome pic, in both senses of the word awesome!
ok I can get that fantasy has boob cups. it is a way of differentiating gender, even though irl it would be a bad thing. what i find ridiculous here is that they needed nipple molds on the things. seriously? i just don't know what the artist was thinking, deciding the armor needed that. otherwise, I still like a lot of the stuff here, but there are just sometimes stuff so wrong with even the pics you think should be here.
Art by Marek Okon aka OmeN2501 ~ Part II
Art by Marek Okon aka OmeN2501 ~ Part III
Art by Wilhelm Behr aka mashmiro
Art by Nurzhan Bekkaliev
Art by Yekaterina Bourykina
Art by Mario Anger
Art by Astafas
Art by Isandir
Art by David North
Art by Sergio Gomez aka nathanielpilgrim
Art by Seb Mckinnon
Art by Chris Rallis
Art by Mark Smylie ~ Part I
Art by Mark Smylie ~ Part II
Art by Simon Newport
Art by Yuan Cui aka Guesscui
Art by Anthony Kang
Art by Molly Gur ~ Part I
Art by Molly Gur ~ Part II
Art by Molly Gur ~ Part III
Art by Molly Gur ~ Part I
THAT's unheard of!
Art by Victor A. Minguez ~ Part I
Art by Victor A. Minguez ~ Part II
Art by BooSooHoo