Most pathetic way of leveling up. Hmm...not sure. I can't remember a level I didn't feel like I had earned somehow, unless we count SetCurrentXP use (but I used that to test certain high level abilities and never saved the game so I'm not sure if it counts). I suppose the cheesiest leveling I've done was probably hunting wyverns and bandits for money. In Pevdale, you get jumped by about 2 bandits per party member (so about a dozen bandits at a time), which isn't horrible XP and great cash. Likewise, wyverns are like 1400 XP a kill and drop wyvern heads to bounty.
After repeated fatalities involving the endless hordes of Nashkel kobolds, I formulated a plan that would rid me of the horrors of low level combat forever(i.e. constant missing and one hit KOs).
The plan?
To start a new game with a nigh invulnerable tank (Dwarf Fighter, 18/52 STR, 17 DEX, 19 CON), drag him all over the world slaying every monster in his path. I would cease only after he had reached 6th level.
Needless to say, careful strategizing and tremendous cheese followed. I pulled every trick in the book: from stealing recruitable NPC items (wand of missiles, invisibility potions, ammo etc.) to slaying helpless bears, and even exploiting the game's poor AI; I was ruthless.
When all was said and done, I had a warrior capable of single handedly slaying every enemy up to those in the bandit camp.
I felt rather silly afterwards, but I'll never forget the fond memories I acquired during the process.
Using BGTutu I would just rest in the Ankheg area north of Friendly Arm Inn. Turn on "Rest Until Healed" and you would be always end up in a fight with an Ankheg for easy XP. You could then repeat this until you were level 10.
Which you would need because some awful bug in the earlier version would cause all the fire arrow shooting Kobolds in Nashkel to have a THAC0 of zero for some god awful reason.
the first time i played though bg 2. and got to the midflayer lair. I had no idea on how to beat them.. i ended up summoning large skeletons, and i think it was arieal servents(spell?) and sending them though the fog of war..looking at the rolling text to see if they were dead, if not i would sleep and re summon... i had a really had time reading the spells at the time. ; )
The plan?
To start a new game with a nigh invulnerable tank (Dwarf Fighter, 18/52 STR, 17 DEX, 19 CON), drag him all over the world slaying every monster in his path. I would cease only after he had reached 6th level.
Needless to say, careful strategizing and tremendous cheese followed. I pulled every trick in the book: from stealing recruitable NPC items (wand of missiles, invisibility potions, ammo etc.) to slaying helpless bears, and even exploiting the game's poor AI; I was ruthless.
When all was said and done, I had a warrior capable of single handedly slaying every enemy up to those in the bandit camp.
I felt rather silly afterwards, but I'll never forget the fond memories I acquired during the process.
Which you would need because some awful bug in the earlier version would cause all the fire arrow shooting Kobolds in Nashkel to have a THAC0 of zero for some god awful reason.
Damn you! Beat me to it
i had a really had time reading the spells at the time. ; )