Pathetic ways of leveling up

What's the most pathetic way you have ever gained enough experience to go up a level? My paladin once did it by talking to Noober, which felt slightly less than heroic. I can't see the bards composing many ballads about that one.
Is this the most unspectacular way for your character to advance or does anyone know of something even less momentous?
Is this the most unspectacular way for your character to advance or does anyone know of something even less momentous?
Hurray for contrived explanations!
I would consider it worse than loading and saving after battles. You can only get XP from a battle once (assuming you don't find a bug or something) but you can keep getting it from that machine if you're willing to spend all day clicking it over and over again.
I just used Gatekeeper and ShadowKeeper to create the people I "Wanted" rather than waste time re-rolling or using the much simpler and cleaner
I don't know, the character creation process feels hollow to me if I resort to a editor (with the only exception being applying the attribute bonuses from BG1 if I'm just feeling like going through SoA).
Sure, rerolling is pointless but its there as part of the game.
And its a bit fullfilling when you get a WIZARD close to the 100s.
Maybe I should try to challenge myself a bit more.
I can understand that if you aren't a person who has a particular character already created in your mind, or have played in Pen and Paper....My Role Playing started in 1980, and it was pre-CRPG Pen and Paper, as such I have a ton of characters already generated that I would like to play again.....being able to recreate them exactly down to special resistances and owned items is where it is at for me. Obviously I make allowances for what their stats are or were at level 1.
Well Unless you can get them stuck in a door then just sit back and cloudkill them all day long.