watcher's keep not on map

hello everyone!
I've just started a new run at BGIIEE with a sorcerer. up until now I've only ever played martial and divine characters and never had this issue, so I was pretty surprised when the location didn't appear on my map right of the bat...
does anyone now if: this is normal/I missed a trigger to unlock the location/it's a bug?
possible solutions?
thanks in advance!
I've just started a new run at BGIIEE with a sorcerer. up until now I've only ever played martial and divine characters and never had this issue, so I was pretty surprised when the location didn't appear on my map right of the bat...
does anyone now if: this is normal/I missed a trigger to unlock the location/it's a bug?
possible solutions?
thanks in advance!
Also I think its only an issue in SoA, not in ToB, so you can always do watchers keep later (but I could be wrong about that).
@elminster thank you, I guess I'll change plan and hope the keep shows up after Hell
'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',
just after the line "INSERT INTO options ROWS"
You then use ctrl + space to activate the console in-game.