Kensai Survival BG1

I am planning a BGT run through with one of my favorite classes a Kensai Druid. It was the first character I finished BG2 with many years ago and want to try it again. Problem is that I want to do a BGT run through and have no clue how to survive BG1 with a Kensai. No ranged weapons and no armor . . .
Tips? Advice?
Tips? Advice?
don't skimp on potions
also if u have a long weapon don't forget you can stand him behind the front line fighters and still hit stuff whilst being out of range of you opponents
If you're running a party you would do well to stay in the back until you've got a decent number of hitpoints.
Daggers are a druid weapon, right? Dagger of venom is beastly, and in BG2 you can get the early returning dagger, so this imo isnt a bad idea. You can just put 2 pip in dagger and take something else after... that said, in ToB I assume you will rely on Elemental Forms, right? So you dont need to worry about weapons anymore... but I have heard shapeshifted weapons are usually 1 handed, and benefit from single weapon style, but I never verified this personally, so feel free to double check!
Also like others have said with the Shield Amulet active you'll have the same AC as a fighter with +1 plate mail on (not counting how different AC types are treated with plate mail armor of course).
i.e. even with the best armor [e.g. mage casts Spirit Armor on you] you will still take twice as much damage (via critical hits).
Monks suffer the same handicap.
I got a pretty decent roll:
I'll use tomes to get a couple required stats up before dualing. I wasn't sure on DEX and CON. I need AC and HP with the Kensai. I figure get full HP dice rolls was better from the beginning. I was originally thinking 17 and 17. What you guys do?
2** QS and 2** two handed start. The idea is kind of a sword saint nature monk. Though not having throwing daggers may be too tough in BG1.
Edit: Also, I never start with less than 18 on a fighter because the jump to 19 is MASSIVE.
@shylaman NOTE! You must have 15 strength to allow a fighter to dual class, and MUST have 17 charisma and 17 wisdom to dual to Druid! If possible, I would take an 18 in dex probably, its a key stat you wont be boosting easily. Dont go below 16 cons with a kensai unless you know the game very well. Intelligence must be your dump stat I suspect, and it will be low. Dont worry, this is only an issue in BG2. Kensai to druid is very stat intensive!
General early advice since you use staves: try to get the staff for sale in Ulgoth's Beard as soon as reasonable. Do not stand still with your PC after he attacks an big, hardhitting enemy, like a bear, ogre, or ogre mage. Enemies that look like human/dwarf warriors and have names often hit harder too, so let an npc get their attention. Staves have reach, so use it. I still prefer daggers, but you arent screwed by any means, staff is easily next best for a to be druid. If you find the game too hard, and changing tactics/lowering difficulty isnt enough, consider restarting or editing your stats to get an 18/xx strength score, and 18 dex/cons
Unless, like I said, I am mistaken.
The only thing I might have changed (assuming this is not a solo playthrough) is reduced intelligence to 8 and then increase dexterity. Broadly speaking I think dexterity would prove more useful, at least as long as you have no plans to have that character use any wands. Plus for the few encounters in bg2 where having more intelligence could prove useful there are many potions available to do that.
There are good scimitars in the sequel too, so it flows pretty nicely.
@elminster I heard that sws boosts shapeshifted natural weapons, is this true?
You can dual at 13 and still hit druid level 28 (at 7,750,000xp). That should be more than fine because Druids hit their spell cap at 25.
Playing a BGT run through, I don't know if I want to wait until 9. That is probably the whole BG1 part of the trilogy.
So, how are you planning to use your character? If its not going to shapeshift later into elemental form, the level you dual isnt as important. But if you plan on melee combat shifted later, I know I would wait for 9. I'd also take sws once or twice. Running a casterbased druid is fine too, and you can use those decent druid staff options effectively.
Dualing at 9 will be stronger.