editing the world map for areas

in BGII:EE Mods
im trying to make a new item on the world map to link into future areas. My experience is little whenusing dltcep. i want to load a small area, indoors, and add it to the new place on the map. i looked over the tutorial that is floating aorund but got lost at the beggining. it was asking for bitmaps and i dont create my own... anyways iot was confusing, sory to that author. want to do the basics and the grow from there... using it for bg2ee. thanks all
Edit | Area | Load Area | select your area
General | Edit Wed | (Overlay section) Extract
Save as BMP
so how do i create a spot to put on the world map and how cani connect that to an area and then
or connect to an exisisting city feature. just tryinga simple indoors